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Ok I change my mind, bring back the dc penalties.



  • TroyXX
    TroyXX Member Posts: 69
  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    It's actually a perfect comparison. I used a more extreme example to highlight what you were doing, minimizing. Regardless of the gravity of the commitment, the same logic still applies.

    And no, the option is there for exceptions. Sometimes something comes up and you do need to leave for a valid reason, that's why the option is there; that's also why the initial DC penalty is so miniscule. The fact that people use it improperly is what is selfish and why the penalty timer can get so high.

    And the only "need," to DC would come from real life circumstances or game breaking bugs, neither of which should happen frequently enough to warrant a significant penalty, so it shouldn't be a problem. The reality is, the only people who care about the penalty coming back to a functioning game, are those that abuse it; which I'd bet, from my experience, are the majority of those who do DC.

    Btw, wanting to play without getting screwed over by your teammates, has nothing to do with defending BHVR.

  • TroyXX
    TroyXX Member Posts: 69

    The game has no bearing on your life so the comparison is dead.

    You don't know exactly what they're DCing for every time and basically saying is that we punish everyone because of the crime of a few.

    The game has a mountain sized list of bugs. The system shouldn't even be in place when there are so many bugs that can just cause the game to crash and punish people for something they didn't mean to do. Once BHVR actually fixes all the bugs and actually does things to better the game is when I'll fully accept them putting a penalty system in.

    BHVR creates problems, those problems causes people to DC. By you not calling out BHVR and the things they do to keep the problems going is you defending them. Tell BHVR to remove the ability to leave early and you won't be screw by your teammates. Better yet get them to introduce bots, which they already have on mobile, to take people's places so that people on both sides stop crying about DCing in general.

    The community won't push BHVR to do anything to better the game cause they are weak and can be easily bought off with shards and bps.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I've played 10 killer matches today (all as Blight), 8 of those matches there was at least 1 dc, 5 had 2 or more. They need to bring back the penalty.

  • milkybandit69
    milkybandit69 Member Posts: 64

    Please stop robbing me of my bbq stackies 😡

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
    edited July 2021

    Rock band parties back in the day🤣 and guitar hero world tour...I call dibs on drums

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    The comparison is not dead my guy, read what I said. Not only did your "pressing a few buttons," comment sidestep the entire function of pressing a few buttons, but it was a pathetic attempt at minimizing what is actually going on. My counter-example highlighted that perfectly.

    And dude, when someone gets downed by a Killer and DC's while getting picked up, then you see another DC or 2 follow, it's not hard to figure out what's going on. On top of that, when the DC penalty is removed, DC's happen significantly more than when it's on. These aren't the "crimes of a few."

    In terms of bugs/performance issues causing crashes, I'm on a PS4 Pro and haven't crashed out of a game in months, if not longer. I understand some people were having issues, thus the penalty being temporarily disabled. Now that there should be a fix, it's time for the penalty to come back.

    And the community doesn't push BHVR? Are you kidding me? Have you not seen all of the posts and videos that have been made for years calling out BHVR for the countless issues this game has? They just don't listen, and/or aren't quick enough at listening. Eventually, it's going to bite them and I think we're starting to see the beginning of that, now. These past 2 Chapters have been disasters and I can only imagine it's going to get worse. Some things definitely need to change.

    Regardless, you sound like you're grasping at any sliver of justification you can find, legitimate or not, to keep DC penalties off. And if I had to bet, you're either someone who DC's all the time yourself, or the only reason you don't is because of the penalty. If you're the former, enjoy your ban. If you're the latter, then you're proof the system works.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited July 2021

    which is why they have the penalty. they didn't want to stay in the match, they ruined the game for 3-4 other people and therefore get punished.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    See things like this happen with it on or off, if someone got mad they got downed enough to dc they will not care about a 5 minute "go make a sandwich" timer.

    Wish they could just make a system that knows if they crash or something instead so everyone is happy.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I played for several hours yesterday and I had 2 survivors DC, and 2 killers DC lol It might start evening out.

    I really, really think they should implement this. Chances are they won't, but I hope they do.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    D/C penalties desperately need to be brought back. I've had enough of people ruining the match for everyone else because they're salty they got downed first.

  • TroyXX
    TroyXX Member Posts: 69

    I'm not minimizing anything. The fact that you people cry about people DCing in a videogame so much blows the whole situation out of proportion. You people are extremely entitle when playing this game and expect people to play a certain way. It's really sad that you compare real life situations to a random match in a videogame.

    In that situation it makes sense cause they're not going to sit there and would rather just move on to the next match. It doesn't mean every other DC is like that. Really cause BHVR themselves have said they haven't seen that much higher DC rates when it was on and turned off.

    Well there are still reports of it not being fixed on older gens so they can't. Just cause you haven't had any problems doesn't mean other people have.

    If the community actually did any pushing the game could possibly be in a better state. Just cause you guys post videos or post things on their forums doesn't mean they'll do something. If anything happens BHVR just throws some bps at everyone and you all go quiet until something else happens and the cycle continues.

    How do you connect me going against the penalty systems as a person that DCs all the time? How do you support a penalty system in this game that clearly has problems with it that no one, not even the devs, will work on? I'm not sorry that I can see the obvious flaws in the game and don't try to pretend they're not there.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    I think the people DCing should take your advice and not the OP.

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Yeah, dude. Not wanting your game ruined by entitled teammates who can't handle it, and requesting an already existing DC penalty to come back, is totally blowing things out of proportion. You're clearly refusing to see the points being made by me and this thread, so I'm done. It's all been laid out pretty clearly and anyone who isn't deliberately trying not to, can understand why allowing teammates to DC willy nilly is a problem. All you need to do is play a single game with a DC to see that.

    Btw, you should stop bundling everyone who disagrees with you into a singular group and you should also stop making sweeping assumptions of people based on a single topic. I'm not a BHVR fanboy and I've not defended them. This is about players who leave games and BHVR reinstating a penalty system to prevent that. The game has enough problems, I don't need selfish, entitled players adding another.


  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I played for two hours today and had one AFK killer and two killers disconnect. It's crazy that you're having so many survivors DC when I have the opposite.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    The disconnects are for such ridiculous reasons, too. Had a wounded, no Iron Will having big brain "sneak up" on me as I was picking up a Survivor on a pallet, so I quickly flicked into a hit and that person instantly ragequit. Not to mention, that person also used a cake offering.

    I used think that the DC penalty didn't matter all that much as well, but these last few weeks definitely proved me wrong.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Just kidding, I just had my 3rd killer disconnect. I'm not sure I believe that you've had so many people DC in your games today. I don't think I've had a single game where any survivors DCed.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Play 1v3. Too many tunnels from start of the match anyway. So it has been 1v3 even with dc penalties.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Well I don't need you to believe me, I have no reason to lie about my matches lol.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,150

    Way to go full circle. First you lament people for making this outcry post against DCing and now you advise to cry to the devs which this thread is exactly for.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,150

    Blacklisting and/or blocking others without the ability to target only raegquitter would lead to a massive abuse.

    Many killer could block every (even assumed) swf survivor they want and survivor every killer that didn't play like they wanted.

    It would lead to nightmarish queue times and cherry picking.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,150

    And your totally not known or rather your comment history indicates a lack of pro killer/equality and hefty amount of only pro survivor posts.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    DCs happen literally all the time now. It’s not uncommon to have several games in a row where at least one person DCs. I just played my third match ever as Oni with no adding and one perk and someone DCd near the end of the match because I hit them one time with a standard attack.

  • kandalph
    kandalph Member Posts: 45

    I'd see people disconnecting a bunch of games to get to the lower ranks to bully new players

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    They should just add own matchmaking pool for serial disconnectors. Once you are put on the "naughty list" you can only queque with people with similar offense. Once you stop disconnecting you are matched again with normal people

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    If it works as a proper blacklist, it would mostly affect the person using it. Of course there's a lot of people that would block everyone, but their lobbies would become a lot lonelier by not being able to match with the players they've blocked or as many players that haven't blocked those same people.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    You do have a point tho it's just a game and it means nothing it's nothing that has impact on your life and if it does they have serious problem ppl take this game way way too serious and complain over eveything just for the sake of it nothing else oh alright someone dc'd? What shall I do? Ah yes that's right lemme jump to forums to create a thread about it it's really pointless at this point and if bhvr wants to bring it back they will regardless of ppl complaining and most likely it's same ppl who wrote those threads about dc for hatch well excuse me sir because I don't want to lay on ground while you're slugging for 4k and than you end up being bad guy because u dc in video game ohh too bad poor thing didn't get 4k with slugging

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    This. I frankly don't care for the reason someone disconnects. Not being psychic I simply can't know it. And I'm pretty sure NO classic penalty (even not prolonged bans) will "solve" the issue.

    What is needed is a meaningful in-game consequence. Bigger benefits for the rest of the players left holding the bag in the trial for starters. Because usually they do suffer somewhat or even the most from it.

    And a recognizable impact for the quitter would be a bonus, but there is the problem that different players care about different aspects. Some don't mind rank, some don't mind BPs, some won't even mind a temporary ban. Maybe locking out/down the character you DC'd on for 48+ hours might do the trick. So you can't play him/her for a longer period at all.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    DBD is now a 3v1 or 2v1 game with all the frequent DCs. BP for a disconnect is a JOKE. It ruins the game for the survivors.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    But then you needn't have an infinite number of blacklist entries. Limit them to 15 or 20 slots, and that's it. Not like there's only 15 or 20 ppl playing/maining e.g. Spirit, right?

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    I've been dc'ing like a maniac but it isn't like what you'd think. I've discovered quite recently, my internet is not working right. The connection is coming in and out. It's very unstable. I've elected to slim back on my play time until I can buy a new router soon but before I realized it was my internet, I'm sure it looked like rage quit to a lot of people! Coincidentally the damn thing would cut off after being downed and picked up by the killer. Or just randomly as it looks like I'm staring into the abyss. So that's why I've cut back so I'm not screwing over my team. When it works fine, I'll play and if it dips after like 2-4 hours then I'll stop because it'll probably continue being unstable until I fix the issue. I'm happy the DC penalty is off right now for this reason. I wish they'd upgrade their DC system to tell the difference between a purposeful DC or a DC due to loss of connection (like if you're playing during a storm and the power blows which sucks a lot) in which it wouldn't count as a ban but I digress.

    On the other... I'm not. So I'm kind of sounding hypocritical but yes and no I'm happy it's off. Yes because it's saving my butt from bans until I can get a fix and no because teammates... Rage... Quitting. Played a match earlier against a Hag and immediately two Dc'd and one just stood in the middle of the cornfield entirely as he gave up and let her kill him. I on the other hand opted for points so I treated like any other match. Of course I died but oh well. That's how the cookie was crumbling.

    It's amazing to me when people willingly DC at 3 gens when the team had perfect opportunity and position to win but because they got downed and one couldn't flashlight save, they dc'd.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668

    Someone told me they are back. Hope so it is about time.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Had 3 DCs in one match today.

    Luckily the killer gave me the hatch then. :P

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    These threads aren't pointless to me. Yeah ik it's just a game, but making these posts are fun bc I love interacting with people over common interests, like video games. And I play this game quite regularly, I would like to see it improve.

    I hate this argument of "the forums don't matter and nothing you says matters" while you're sitting there with 900+ posts yourself.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Making threds like this number 1959395929 are indeed pointless we saw this kind of thread millions of times in those 2 months I think everyone is fed up with same thing