General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 429

My OP was closed because I wasn't apparently wanting a discussion...

So here is a repost, WANTING A DISCUSSION.

I believe the new faces ruin some of the cosemtics. The cosmetics weren't changed, but the faces were and some of the cosemtics don't fit the new faces. I would appreciate a cosemtic exchange or just auric cells as a option for a limited. However it doesn't end the world if I don't get one at all.

What do you think of the faces? Do you like new David? Do you like new Feng? Any cosmetics ruined for you?

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  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Which survivor is your main now? Because Claudette and Quentyn both got changes.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I hate changes but sadly i love game. This is why i am still playing.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I love what DBD once was. I hate what it currently is.

    However, the Blood Hunt starts tomorrow. If I decide to hop in, I will probably keep playing as Quentin. He is my favorite survivor anyway.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    They made her look so weird. So lucky that most of the time I can't see her face anyways :(

  • Member Posts: 227

    They ruined my main Claudette. She's hideous. I've played her for almost 3 years. I have so many cosmetics for her.

    I also don't like how they changed Kate. I used to have such a cute look with Kate. I think I even bought her hairdo that I thought made her look the best. She looks totally different now. Why? But at least she's not hideous, like Claudette. I can't even play Claudette anymore. I've switched to Meg, because Meg looks a bit better.

    I think Dwight looks horrible as well. The one that was a huge improvement is Jake. I used to struggle with finding a cosmetic to make Jake look good. I finally got one a few months ago and now it's not really needed. He looks so much better with many of his different heads.

    I also think that Nea looks a bit better, no problem there. If only, they hadn't changed my Claudette... I can't with her anymore. Even her new mannerisms in the lobby are awful.

  • Member Posts: 278

    Dwight with the pink glasses are something from my nightmare. My boyfriend said it looks like if Mr. Potato Head got a human body

  • Member Posts: 43

    A Jane main here

    Honestly I feel that Jane's face should be reworked and/or revert back to old Jane (old Jane looked so perfect to me)..I still can't believe that she no longer has that iconic smile,currently she looks so mean..even when you equipped an item on her in the lobby,she'll have a blank face and doesn't blink at all until you un-equipped the item,even when she gets hooked her facial expression looks very off.

    ..I just hope that the devs are working on fixing our survivor's faces again that we like to play/main with.

    Hope you guys have a good day

  • Member Posts: 138

    Me after seeing Jill's face:

    Kill me...

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Claudette main. She is pretty much the only survivor I play. I think she looks great ^^

    Idk if change is scary and that is why people see the new models as 'ugly' but I don't think they look that bad.

    That being said I wish people could toggle which version they wanted. Then everybody happy!

  • Member Posts: 16

    They should honestly keep Claudette, Laurie, Quentin, and Jake and revert the rest. I hate what they did to Feng's hairs like her ponytail and her face.

  • Member Posts: 989

    To keep up with your discussion, I'd say the facemeat all looks great. Feng looks kinda funny and Claudette's mouth is slightly agape, but she looks good.

    Quentens looking like an anime boy without the beanie. Adam looks much more discerning and teacher-like.

    Jake has changed dramatically, and it looks like Tapp is much cleaner looking. Meg still looks like a pill, which is exactly how she should look and we already knew she deserves to be killed in every cinematic possible.

    Also, Feng looks funny.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Ruined KATE. And they ruined her Waterfront Massacre hair. Ty BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2021

    I think some of the face animations have ruined any possible chance of people appreciating the new reworked models.

    On Dwight, I am not sure if the old 3d Model was just made for that particular animation, but on the new Dwight, his eyes aren't as big so they look very off in comparison.

    Also I am not sure why most survivors have this mouth open animation that also adds to making them look off.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Exactly how I feel, I don't like using Dweet anymore because I feel that he lost his personality, same goes for Jake and Quentin.

    Fun fact: if you equip the Jake binnie the one that was on like the 1st or 2nd tome, I forgot which one it was, the hair clips out and you can see one of the fake- est hairs I've seen in my entire life.

  • Member Posts: 128

    It's a mixed bag, i love laurie, quentin, nea, dwight and jake. They really need to soften megs expression, she looks so angry. I think Claudette looks slightly worse and more masculine. Jeff needs thicker eyebrows too.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Now I literally have no one to play. I will have to stick with not-Quentin forever.

  • Member Posts: 882

    My main has always been Dwight and most of his cosmetics now are hit or miss for me. For example any cosmetics that have glasses on him make him look super weird. The hair rework for him look great, but those glasses do not mesh well anymore!

    For the most part, I like them, but some are definitely a mixed bag for sure.

    I know BHVR reworked some of the cosmetics like David's jeans, but left the others untouched. Are they going to go back and rework the rest?

  • Member Posts: 723

    Lol you’re trippin, the old models were terrible especially Quentins.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    They did change cosmetics, unfortunately. That's what bothers me the most, is that they gave us a rundown on how faces would be changing for a long while now, but they surprise us with the cosmetic changes without allowing us to voice our feedback prior to them being implemented.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    Claudette used to have this cosmetic with golden makeup before the update but the makeup is now gone,it's my only complaint.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Feng and Dwight look awful, Meg looks really angry, and Kate looks slightly off. And I'm probably the only one, But I liked Nea's old look better. Other than that, the reworks are fine.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    No one here is "trippin", buddy. I have my opinions. What looked "terrible for you, was perfect for me.

  • Member Posts: 429

    Some characters were very bad and I mained, Feng and David because they looked better than most...NOW THEY ARE NEXT TO KATE IN MESSED UP FACES😐. David literally goes cross-eyed.

  • Member Posts: 890

    I mean this respectfully, but do you think your opinions might be tinted with nostalgia a bit? Because old Quentin didn’t have personality, he was just hideous lol.

  • Member Posts: 607

    Feng looks way better but Kate looks worse

  • Member Posts: 638

    I main Jake and Yui. Both of them looked great before and they still look great now.

    That’s all that really matters to me. Although, I do miss Jake’s old model sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Feng looks terrible!! Looks like an angry man. She used to look so cute it’s made me so mad

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Christ, this is like the "new animations screwed over old animations" debate all over again.

    1. No, a cosmetic isnt neccesarily ruined, more than likely, you're used to the old faces.
    2. in the cases that a cosmetic IS ruined, it's just a matter of time for them to address it.
    3. Your purchased goods are non-refundable. So they wouldnt give you auric cells or a cosmetic exchange just because you dont like a cosmetic right now. Why would they? You had reasons to purchase a cosmetic, your cosmetic is getting adjusted for free after you purchased it. You do not have to pay to get your cosmetics reworked if needed.
  • Member Posts: 429

    I didn't mind them being reworked, but they changed many of the faces drastically and made them worse.

    ADJUSTED is terrible term to use because I never asked for a Feng, Kate, or David to be fixed. They were fine before. My reasons for purchasing cosemtics was because they looked good on the character BEFORE. Now they don't.

    Give me the old face as an option even. David objectively is far worse, along with Kate. Not to mention they changed facial hair itself and not the cosemtics individually. That's my main issue.


  • Member Posts: 429

    Jake and Yui look good...they didn't need a change, but Sheriff Jake is a shmexy man indeed.

    I just think changing characters like David, Kate, and Feng for the worse isn't fair. They didn't need it either and look worse now.

    It's not even Nostalgia either because I think most of the faces look good to fineish. It's ok to not like the faces and it's ok to like them. Being dismissive of the issue is frustrating, because those same people will always defend the game even when console was and still can be unplayable.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    1.3 is actually a very small number compared to the community as a whole.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Sorry, I couldn't ask the entire community at once? It's certainly not an insignificant amount of feedback. The post is also less than a day old. All of my DBD friends who play Kate also hate her rework. It's anecdotal but worth mentioning. But I guess the rework scowling 40 year-old Kate looks better to you in that image?

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited July 2021

    They ruined Kate's face. It makes me sad :(

    I like the others, except for David. They nerfed his body into the ground :(

  • Member Posts: 40

    I won't give up on Kate. As someone who started playing DBD when the Curtain Call chapter came out, Kate is special for me when it comes to DBD. They need to improve her.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I'm pretty much neutral on most of the faces, but some of them do look different and I don't understand enough about art to know why. I really wish we could find someone who draws portraits professionally to analyze the before and after and diagnose why the characters look different in the updated version and what could be changed to make them look more similar to the originals.

    This isn't a demand to change them more -- I'm willing to accept them as they are. I just think it would be interesting to understand what about them looks so different.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    In a lot of cases, they made the faces longer. The longer the face, the older the characters look. Lengthening philtrums, accentuating nasolabial folds, making female chins more masculine, thinning their lips, they did so much wrong it's baffling.

    Faces are measured in millimeters, so changes that are very slight have a huuuuge impact on appearance. You don't have to change much to make a face look nearly unrecognizable.

  • Member Posts: 582

    I just wish they gave us the option to choose between the old/new versions. I don’t like how they force us to use the new faces and expect us to just get used to it and shut up.

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