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Don't be selfish & hoard cakes again please



  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    People really hoarding Gateaus because they're scared of losing? Use them as you get them and you won't have anxiety over "wasting" them.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Seriously? Another post begging for cakes...🙄

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I think it is more likely that you will abandon the game before they finally change it. So you can just use the cakes now while you still play DBD.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,950

    I've had pretty bad games today not gonna bother using them

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I literally doesn't matter when you burn them. The blood hunt has zero effect on bp offerings.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I mean, no one is required to use their cakes. I know I'm not thrilled about giving a camping, tunneling, and slugging killer double BP for playing like that. I'm sure killers feel like they don't want to reward survivors for "gen rushing" them. No one is obligated to use them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    None of us in solo queue expect anything from our randoms anyway

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    Why do you care how much BP your teammates get? Especially in a fictional video game lol. I could understand if it's your friends, but a stranger?

    I could be pissed at a teammate for playing poorly but I could give jack ######### how much BP they got, it's really not that deep.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,157

    Because I solo que for the most part and I don't want bad teammates being rewarded. Its really that simple. In the same way you ask me this question, why does someone who gets facecamped deserve a minimum of 20-25k BP? Why does that matter and why is that the deciding factor to use your cake or not?

    When I play with friends, its custom games to screw around because SWF is a joke and I don't feel like pulling that s* in a public lobby. If you want to be rewarded for being camped to death, and then ignore the bad players who actually don't deserve anything more than what they get (a depip and low amount of BP), all it really says is you want a solution for yourself while the other problem keeps happening. Why reward bad players? Whats to stop them from playing like that when they can do nothing all game and still get a decent amount?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I've abandoned the game before, no doubt I would return if I were to leave.

    Besides, it's a bit of a promise to myself, while also being a motivation in the long run. If I ever become known enough in the DBD community, there would be additional motivation for the devs to change the way survivor BP works.

    Not sure if either ever would come true before I die, but, it's worth having imo. I already have plenty BP, I dont rely on any specific perk, item or addon in the game. Heck, I've even started prestiging characters. Started in Januari(already had Meg and Cheryl p3), already finished 7 characters. Getting about 1 character p3 every month. With this rythm, I will finish killers within 2 years from now and if I want survivors too, it would take another 2,5 years.

    And that is assuming BP gainage would remain the same on both sides and the bloodcap stays the same.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    So, being in chase for 5 gens and escaping with 4 people is only worth 13k bp? When your teammates who do not get chased at all get more?

    Being hooked and facecamped so you only get 8k BP at most, even though you distracted the killer the entire game, while your teammates get 20k bp?

    Getting solo bloodpoints is not getting points for being a teammate. Getting solo bloodpoints simply means you manipulated the game in your favor.

    You're getting emblem points for gens while in chase, so why not gain BP too? You're getting emblem points for teammates being unhooked, why not BP too?

    You need a mix of shared BP pool and a solo BP pool. 2k in each catagory you can fill alone. The only way to max out is if everyone throws in 2k Bp. Meaning it's in your best interest to keep teammates alive, but also in your best interest to rush gens if your teammate is getting rushed out. That gives you the biggest chance of getting the most possible BP, while the average BP for survivors gets bumped up from 22k to 30k.

    So yeah, shared survivor BP pool. Improves the game, improves the grind and improves solo survivor all at once.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Lets easily debunk your entire argument:

    1. you need an average of 15 million BP right now to get all the perks, meaning you could need a specific perk for a build that you cannot unlock untill one of the last ones.
    2. the average BP gain for survivors is terrible
    3. even though I sat on the hook the entire game, I was the reason the killer never left the hook. I should be rewarded for that, rather than being punished for it.
    4. Being facecamped already sucks, no reason to throw more dirt in their face by giving them no BP. I was important enough for the killer to dedicate 2 whole minutes in my face, that means I earned that BP.
    5. Oh boo hoo, those 0.001% of players who sandbag compared to the 5% of players getting facecamped. Better not compensate 5% of the playerbase because who knows what the 0.001% of the playerbase might do with that bp :O
    6. killers who play like this, gain more bp than the person getting facecamped.

    Face it, the BP gain is already pretty meaningless, that selfcaring claudette wont know what to do with her BP anyway.

    And no, I've actually kept track of people playing like that. Including green and purple ranks, it's 0.23%. Most of them being green rank console players.

    Dont punish a big part of the community for the actions of a tiny percentage. Or do you want Pig's reverse beartraps to no longer trigger if you're close to a box? That would prevent a tiny percentage of pig players to prevent playing amanda's letter and last will while bodyblocking 1 box, by punishing the larger portion of pig players.

    It's simply not good game design. Besides, you can easily reduce the BP based on teamplay. It's much better to start out with a general survivor pool and then adjust accordingly, than punish players who have looped a killer for 5 generators and are facecamped on hook with only 8k bp.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    So you want to give the useless teammate on your team the points aswel?

    For not doin' a single gen or unhook the Whole game and rather just sitting in a corner?

    Flawed design already,

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I have a 4th anniversary offering, that's a relic like the old Haddonfield and Coldwind offerings.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    Don't worry, I was saving them for this. I'll be using them if I play a killer that has them.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Randoms have a habit of DCing when I bring a cake. So my cakes are being saved for when I play with friends.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,157
    edited July 2021
    1. Not my problem, take it up with BHVR.
    2. Yes its horrible. And ?
    3. No the killer never left the hook because he counted on super altruistic teammates to come and save you, resulting in a 2-4k instead of a 1k. If we dial down to the root cause of you being on hook, just don't get caught and downed. Punish the killer long enough that your entire team gets 2-3 gens done.
    4. Most killers do not face camp. Because they give up gen pressure and a good team of survivors will realize the situation and punish the killer for it. You're also again ignoring the other situation which is giving bad players BP that don't earn it.
    5. You realize good killers don't actually face camp right? You talking about the 0.001% of players who are useless and grief their team versus the 5% that get facecamped? Lol, bring some stats/evidence to those claims. There are PLENTY more useless teammates even at red/purple ranks than there are face campers. But again, you ignore the downside to your solution because it doesn't matter to you. Cry me a river.
    6. They also lose quite quickly if against a solid team of survivors because only bad ones will be super altruistic and snowball their team into defeat rather than adapting and punishing the killer. Again, bad players =/ deserving the BP.
    7. You say you have stats (0.23%, most being green ranks) but I can make up numbers too and pass them off as statements of facts pal.
    8. You still have not proposed any solution to bad players being rewarded, and the simple answer why is because you don't care if they get rewarded as long as you get yours.
    9. Your solution is flawed, you seem to only care about whats happening in your games against YOU, when you're not looking at the whole picture objectively. Your only solution benefits you/the guy being facecamped. There is no drawbacks according to you.

    Nah homie, if you aren't going to punish bad players for weak ass decisions, you're only going to incentivize them to keep playing like that because they know they'll make the 20-30k BP per match. They can do whatever they want.

  • neonblush
    neonblush Member Posts: 68

    I think a lot of people (myself included) that play on console don’t have as many cakes as usual since the game was almost unplayable during the anniversary event :( I barely got to play and stack cakes because of the horrible lag. I’ve noticed that people seemed to have been saving them for the double bloodpoint even that started today though.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Nah. I've got a few dozen spread out, but I don't intend to use them. They seem to bring out the worst in players, and I'm not interested in putting up with that. It's why I don't burn the stacks of BPS I have.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    Since you feel so entitled to other people their cakes, I'm going to burn zero and will leech off others their cakes.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    It is good that you have plans.

    I am a bit skeptical about the part of becoming famous to give motivation to the devs. There are already famous streamers in the community, and the devs don't really care about their opinions or suggestions.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    The cake is a lie!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    It's better than not getting any points. It's not like reaching red ranks is difficult, nor will those extra 10k bp matter.

    Seriously, you really think it's better to actively punish players for playing the game properly, than it is rewarding players who just sit in a corner(who, FYI, still manage to gain 15k BP and reach red ranks?).

    It really wouldnt reward useless teammates as much as you seem to imply, while it rewards useful teammates a lot more.

    And if it bothers you that much, simply base the amount of BP you gain post game on the amount of emblems you've gained. You gain lightbringer emblems while distracting the killer, you could easily add in emblems for being on a gen while a teammate is healing. It's really not that hard to improve the design I offered, while it's impossible to improve the current design.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    1. doesnt matter, it debunks your claim.
    2. it's horrible, more horrible than my suggestion, thus, debunks your claim that my suggestion is worse.
    3. The game is designed for survivors to be downed and caught. You literally cannot expect survivors to be 0 hooked. So the fact is that you are keeping a killer away from other teammates. That should be rewarded.
    4. 40% of rank 1 killers I encounter do camp, even if it means giving up gen pressure. And no, I am not ignoring bad players being given more BP, because guess what? Bad players like that tend to survive longer because they are never near important objectives, and thus gain more BP than anyone being camped.
    5. Good killers do facecamp though. They dont facecamp when they know survivors arent good enough to consistently run gens. But if you're facing an optimal team, the best strategy is to camp, because you're very unlikely going to get more than 1 kill against an optimal team, unless you have a very strong killer like Nurse or Blight. As for evidence for my claim? What is the last time you truly had a useless teammate that earned less than 10k BP even though while never being afk the entire match? Because more than often, you're calling a teammate useless because they didnt do what you expected them to do. Which doesnt make them useless, just selfish. And guess what? Selfish survivors already earn an average of 17k BP anyway. The system I suggested would give them on average 20k BP. 3k BP more than they already do. Totally useless survivors that sit in a bush doing nothing? They cant really earn BP if they dont do anything. Besides, I never said my system was perfect, just that it was BETTER. I would be the first one to agree that it might need a better system. But when you are on the hook, in chase, on a gen, opening a chest, cleansing a totem, unhooking a teammate, healing(yes, even self-caring) or in any other way actively progressing the game, you should gain from the survivor pool. The reason why I didnt really define my system this way, is because Nurse, Wraith, Huntress, Trickster and Spirit are not always in chase even if they are chasing a survivor. And while looking for totems, you're not useless as a teammate either. So overall seen, it would be a better bonus to ignore individual activities. As truly useless survivors dont really exist anyway. Best case scenario, you can simply create a pool for survivors that can be unlocked by doing certain actions. Like, unlocking 25%(since 32k would be the total objective points, and 8k is the normal max, 25% of the max total would be 8k) of the total gathered objective points by finishing 1 generator, unlocking 25% of the total altruistic points by finishing a heal/unhooking a teammate safely, unlocking 25% of the total chase and survival points by being hooked once. It's not that hard to improve the system I suggested to only reward people who actively do things, it's impossible to improve the current system.
    6. It's not really bad survivors that are super altruistic. Heck, the only truly good survivor teams will be altruistic. Remaining injured all game has some benefits, but only when it comes to speeding up generator speed. Which, doesnt award you in any other catagory anyway.
    7. Except that I have *KEPT TRACK*. Never said the number was objective. Just that over the course of my games, I have kept track to get some statistics over a significant amount of time(I play about 60 hours per month, mainly during the weekend, the average game lasts 9 minutes, so that's about 400 games every single month, meaning about 1280 survivors faced every single month as I play killer about 80% of the time, an additional 240 survivors when I played survivor, over the past 3 months, that's over 4500 survivors, and only 0.23% of those were playing like truly useless people. Hiding in bushes all game, crouching most of the game. As for campers, well, I've faced 80 killers, I got to be first on hook about 40% of the time(I tend to run around a lot, so I get found first quite often), out of those 32 killers, 6 were facecamping and tunneling. Out of the remaining 48, there were another 5 killers (face)camping and tunneling the first person they hooked, for a total of 11. Leaving an actual statistic of 14% killers that were red rank, while camping and tunneling. Yet, I do not really count these heavily, which is why I stated 5% instead, because I have only faced 80 killers during the tracked period, which is a very small sample size and far from being an accurate representation, so I used it based on how often I remember being camped instead, which, honestly, isnt that much. I've actually been considering to create a new file where I keep track, since I didnt keep track of the anniversary event where I played survivor a lot more with friends(its a bit tough to track both sides when all my teammates are static). So yeah, that 0,23% useless survivor statistic is quite accurate. The 0.001% was a bit hyperbolic
    8. again, doesnt really matter, since the current system punishes usefull player a lot more often than useless players are being rewarded. Having a system that slightly rewards bad players more than they currently do, compared to significantly rewarding good players more, is by default a better system than the current system at play.
    9. No, I am looking at the picture objectively. You seem to be the one to keep looking at it subjectively. I notice that a player is getting punished for something they have no control over. The killer punishes himself. He has total control in the decision to camp or not. He is getting rewarded for a risky play or getting punished for a mistake. The player on the hook, however, is getting punished for the decision the killer makes. THAT is the objective view. There are drawbacks put on the survivor for no reason. I am not saying there are no drawbacks for the killer. But that is the killer's decision to make. As a survivor, you do not have a choice in any matter while on the hook, and you're actively getting punished while being on the hook.

    "Nah homie, if you aren't going to punish bad players for weak ass decisions, you're only going to incentivize them to keep playing like that because they know they'll make the 20-30k BP per match. They can do whatever they want."

    Also wrong, as if everyone plays like that, no one will earn BP at all.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    But the thing is, right now, you have a single community trying to convince the devs to improve it, while having a lot of players that are like "its fine as it is". No current content creator really has a changing view when BP would be improved, other than praise. Having a content creator with a certain reward if it ever would be changed, would make it a monumental change, even though it's something very minor.

    It's something the devs can use to brag about, it's something BHVR could use for their own benefit. That is the difference between the opinion of a famous streamer and having a community wide known moment. What benefit is there for BHVR PR if they listen to an opinion, other than just free PR for the streamer?

  • nutmilk420
    nutmilk420 Member Posts: 153

    But I like to save all my event items for the next event to confuse people, I dropped so many year 4 cakes this event an got the same ######### reaction every time some players even thought i was hacking an dc'd 100% worth the wait.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Im not rewarding my useless teammates that sit in a corner doing jack and #########.

    Seriously. do you wanna reward the people that actively Throw on your team?

    Cause lemme tell you the amount of times i get sandbagged and trolled while soloq.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    One of these days I'm finally gonna get around to using my year 3 cakes and slight/moderate map offerings

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Oh, I am fully aware. But do you know what pisses me off more than that? Them being able to get 18k BP because they farmed me, got chase points because they were seen by the killer for a second, while I only gain 6k.

    The other option with my system would see me having something closer to 16k BP, while they would get about 19k-21k.

    Seriously, at this point I am wondering if you are an American, because the logic behind it fits the American propaganda that access to free healthcare is bad, when it's globally proven to be better to have free healthcare. The only time privatized healthcare is better, is when you're part of the 1%. And I call it propaganda, because you truly rather see yourself massively suffer financially than seeing someone else benefit slightly better financially.

  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141

    They're my cakes, and if I want to hoard them I can. I worked for them. I don't have to spend them.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    What does being American have to do with not wanting to give my teammate the most amount of points?

    You're not understanding the simplest point i'm LITERALLY giving you,

    Take this for instance, Say you led a killer.. for bout 2-3 gens. Normal chase..

    But you noticed that A: Gens aren't flying that quickly.

    B: Your one teammate is urban evading around the map hunting dull totems slowly. and hiding whenever he / she hears a terror radius..

    C: Soon as said person gets into a chase. They don't look behind him and starts wasting pallets with 0 mindgame for no reason,

    D: Oop. you just hit second cause teammates didn't come unhook you. now yer death hook and decide not to play...

    Now if we had YOUR idea of putting everyone at the same amount of bp. you would get maybe...12k depending if they even touched a gen.

    whereas. you coulda had 15-18k solo for points.. Do you now understand how flawed your system still is,

    Meaning that your worst teammates can do jack and still not even give you ANY bp in that whole trial,

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I still have some last year cakes. I never bring anything, they just pile up. I have too many toxic, ridiculous matches to risk bringing anything of value. I play probably 6 games a night and if 2 are fun, I had a good night. The stats say it is not worth the risk. If I play with friends I will trot one out occasionally, but am generally sorry after I get hard tunneled out of the match.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Please don't feel entitled to other people's offerings

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Because Americans are taught that any system that benefits society as a whole, will in reality only benefit the demon lazy leeches who somehow found a loophole to be getting governmental support.

    The benefits to a shared survivor pool will benefit survivors overall more, while maybe only giving leeches a minor benefit.

    "You're not understanding the simplest point i'm LITERALLY giving you" And I am going to point out why YOU'RE not understanding it all.

    100% wrong. If I was in chase for 2-3 gens and no one came to save me, I would be getting 8k-10k points, especially if the killer ends up going for me before I even get to do anything else. If I was in chase for 2-3 gens with MY system(its not a 2-3 gen chase if they didnt pop, yknow), same scenario, I would be getting 11-13k BP.

    And if my teammates didnt do #########? Well, all the generator points would still be mine.

    Who said the BP has to be the same for everyone? Not me. Shared bloodpoint pool doesnt mean equal bloodpoints.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    100% wrong. If I was in chase for 2-3 gens and no one came to save me, I would be getting 8k-10k points, especially if the killer ends up going for me before

    Cause you'd be on a gen at the start of the game while he's chasing others around first?

    It's rng weather or not he'll find you first. and even if he doesn't and You're LAST to get said chased.

    You still get maybe. 1-2 gens done in that manner. + maybe acouple unhooks. leaving you with 15-18k points.

    Because Americans are taught that any system that benefits society as a whole, will in reality only benefit the demon lazy leeches who somehow found a loophole to be getting governmental support.

    Again.. what does that making me American have to DO with anything else. You're 1st off. assuming i'm American..

    And 2nd off. I'm Technically Canadian with a mix of Irish / Scottish / German / Spanish / French

    ...Don't assume someone is American.. #########..

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "Again.. what does that making me American have to DO with anything else. You're 1st off. assuming i'm American..

    And 2nd off. I'm Technically Canadian with a mix of Irish / Scottish / German / Spanish / French

    ...Don't assume someone is American.. [BAD WORD].."

    1. I literally explained why it matters "Americans are taught that any system that benefits society as a whole, will in reality only benefit the demon lazy leeches". That has literally been your argument prior to this
    2. I literally said I was gonna start assuming you to be American because you were acting like something that would overall be more beneficial to be an act of heresy. How often do you really see a survivor consistently urban evading? I've rarely seen it the past year. Sure, there have been times where it was more common than other times, but I'd say about 2-3% of my games would hold such a player, where in 5-10% of my games I would be tunneled hardcore. The biggest reason that percentage is higher, is because I encounter them more often and those games tend to last less than 4 minutes.

    "Cause you'd be on a gen at the start of the game while he's chasing others around first?

    It's rng weather or not he'll find you first. and even if he doesn't and You're LAST to get said chased.

    You still get maybe. 1-2 gens done in that manner. + maybe acouple unhooks. leaving you with 15-18k points."

    I also took it into consideration that I did a gen prior to the chase, which is why the upper limit was 10k. So, still wrong. You only get 1250 points from doing a solo gen, maybe about 2k points if you finish it with another survivor. And assuming 1-2 gens done with a couple of unhooks, you would still get 15-18k points, if not slightly more. The amount of BP you are personally getting depends on how much you've done+how much your team has done if you were in a position where you literally couldnt do anything else. Meaning if you're on a gen when your teammate saves someone, both you and your teammate gets some points. If you're slugged on the ground or on the hook while your teammates did gens, you'd get some points too. And yeah, if you are self-caring in the corner, getting some survival points, you would get some points from people who are doing gens at that moment, just as they would gain some survival points from you patching yourself up. Because believe it or not, self-care can be used quite efficiently.

    That means if you're urban evading to a hook, taking almost twice as long as running to the hook, you would get a lot less BP too.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587 Again. you're giving people THESE POINTS.

    because why? I'd rather them get punished..

    The nea Had Urban Iron Will Calm spirit And Spine Chill. Hid the entire match in that clip after i went down and didn't do nothin'

    While i was the ONLY survivor to loop that killer the longest. @ 5 gens btw.. mind you...

    So no. We do not want a system that rewards bad teammates that don't want to pitch in and actually be a man instead of cowardice..

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I'm saving my cakes for games that I play with friends. They're newer and need the boost, plus I can rely on them not to alter how they play or quit based on whether I bring one.

    That said, I've seen a lot of people say "I'm just going to keep all mine". That's a player's prerogative, even if I don't really understand it.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,066

    should have just made them usable during the event only so people didnt hoard.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    The fact this thread is still going about cakes even when the event and use for them have come and went....