Hex Undying / Haunt Ground glitch?

So I was playing with my friends yesterday and I realized the killer had undying. I told my friend who found a hex totem they had undying its safe to cleanse. Boom. Haunted. What? Found another hex totem. Well it can't be haunted. Boom. Haunted.
What the #########? Happened to us twice yesterday.
Undying can replace Haunted
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So they can have haunted twice?
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Yep. The match starts with 2 Haunted + 1 Undying. If Undying is cleansed, no one is exposed. If Haunted is cleansed, the remaining lit Haunted remains, the Haunted hex is transferred to Undying, and everyone is exposed.
When cleansing the first totem under those circumstances 2 out of 3 times the killer gets 2 activations.
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Why is this a thing?
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Undying triggers HG 1st time, and then activates a 2nd time when you go do. To counter it you'd want to do both HG within seconds of each other.
I run Hex: Devour Hope/Hex: Haunted Ground/Hex: Undying/BBQ. Its as fun as it sounds lol. They either end up undying first and end up with a 66% chance of clearing HG, or they do HG while undying is still up. Start hiding and/or start getting DH stacks. They start panicking and then cleanse HG again. Then I start to mori them lol
Most likely my build with cakes during bloodhunt. I don't want to screw them over too much with my all seeing blood wraith build lol
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Before Undying nerf it was worse. The killer could get 3 activations in a match.
IMO, check for other hexes like Ruin by touching gens and cleanse the Hex when the killer is chasing an injured target. An exception might be Spirits, they tend to run Haunted a lot.
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You found Haunted Grounds, then Undying respawned the totem on itself, and then you triggered Haunted Grounds again.
Undying isnt just a totem that is the first one to be cleansed, you still trigger all the effects that come with cleansing the hex totem.
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wasnt it 4 activations in a match?
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Yes, this is how undying works.
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It was only 3 because Undying still had to be up back then for it to switch.
So because haunted grounds already took up 2 totems and Undying took up 1 for a total of 3 there would only be two other dull totems that haunted grounds could jump to.
It was definitely fun especially if you got all 3 activations. I had one match where it activated three times all while I was chasing the same Laurie when she was at full health each time.
I messaged her afterwards just saying you must really hate your teammates and they responded with you have no idea
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This is priceless...this will be my new wraith build🤣
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Its been months since I tell everyone we can Haunted twice, but no ones believe me..
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I mean, I had one game where we had 2 haunted ground triggers already, meaning Undying was obviously not cleansed.
I was on the hook, just got in second stage. My friend had BT, he could have easily unhooked me, tank a hit and then rush to the exit.
But in comes Adam, who notices a burning totem in the corner of his eyes, and decides to cleanse it, knowing fully well that it had a 2/3rd chance of being Haunted.
Guess who died on his first hook that round?
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There is no way to cleanse undying only so no one isn't exposed, this is how it works.
3 hex totems, 2 haunted + 1 undying. First totem which survivors cleanse is haunted activating it but undying transfers to that totem swapping that haunted to the place where undying was.
Same with every other hex perks. First totem is always the other than undying but undying switches that place to there where undying was previously deactivating undying.
There isn't way to cleanse just undying.
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There was 100% chance it to be haunted if there is haunted + undying.
Is that perk really that confusing?
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@Torsti56 According to the official Wiki the hex transfer only happens when another hex totem is destroyed:
When another Perk's Hex Totem is cleansed, its Hex is transferred to the Hex: Undying Totem, including any accumulated Tokens, disabling Hex: Undying instead.
We can do some rounds to check
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I think you’ve misunderstood. HG is proc’ing twice per match, which shouldn’t be occurring since the Undying changes.
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I can proc once or twice depending if the first totem cleansed was Undying or Haunted respectively. I want to test in a few matches. Want to help?
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You can destroy undying before haunted. I had it happen the other day running a build with haunted undying. You have a 66% percent chance of popping haunted though.
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And that already says it, if you have ruin + undying. Hex totem they cleanse is ruin but ruin transfers to undying hex disabling undying.
If you have haunted + undying. First hex totem is 100% haunted, no matter which one of these 3 hex totems they cleanse but it still transfers to another totem disabling undying again.
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Never happened to me. I run haunted and undying on my Doctor and everytime first hex activates haunted and disables undying. I've had 50+ games as him and never been situation where they cleanse just undying.
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Had both effects in 2 games RN. will post the recording in a few mins
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@Torsti56 Got both interactions here.
@TheClownIsKing Both should be happening, depending on which totem is cleansed first.
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Nice video. Shows the concept very well.
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Works perfectly on Hag where everyone thinks you got Devour Hope :)
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I thought this was a common knowledge. Especially since Undying is out for almost a year.
Guess everyone only knows Ruin/Undying
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Thanks :D
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What would be the point of that? Do you guys think the wiki people didn't test that stuff themselves?
HG and HU interact exactly how the wiki says they do.
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Not really. The wiki has some quite outdated info sometimes. If you go to the Trivia section of the Hex: Haunted Grounds article found in this link, the author lists the interaction with pre-nerf Undying as if it is current content. The exact same question was posed here, with no official confirmation as that section of the wiki was unkept, meaning someone should go there and update it.
Those obscure interactions are easily overviewed by the community and despite their best efforts, the wiki is not a complete source of truth. Check the video I posted with the current outcomes in the post above.
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Before you judge the wiki, you should really read things more carefully. I just had a look at that trivia bit and the wiki clearly mentions that that was with the "first iteration of Hex: Undying", hence why it's listed as a secondary bullet point and AFTER it is explained what it currently does. If people don't understand that first iteration means that there's a new one that works differently, then it's their problem.
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@Alionis Jesus Christ, I am not judging the wiki. And it was edited right now, probably sparked by this very discussion.
Just look at the history of the link, it says it transfers to a dull totem:
Link: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hex:_Haunted_Ground?diff=105355&oldid=100105
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I notified the wiki guardians to adjust the text, but the essence of how the two interact remains the same: if survivors cleanse HG, you get two uses out of it. If they cleanse HU, you only get one use out of it.
The old triple-use case was clearly marked as a past interaction that is no longer used.
You could argue that yes, the text wasn't as precise as it could be, but what it described still had the same result as the updated text. IMO, that doesn't make the wiki an unreliable source.
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I notified the wiki guardians to adjust the text, but the essence of how the two interact remains the same: if survivors cleanse HG, you get two uses out of it. If they cleanse HU, you only get one use out of it.
That is the exact description that I posted in text and video.
You could argue that yes, the text wasn't as precise as it could be, but what it described still had the same result as the updated text. IMO, that doesn't make the wiki an unreliable source.
Your statement "wiki is reliable" and mine "the wiki is not a complete source of truth" are not mutually exclusive. The one counter-example I gave doesn't prove the wiki is unreliable but instead that despite the community effort, some hidden corners have not been updated.
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You didnt read it fully. How can Haunted Grounds trigger 3 times? It cant. Was there a time when it did? Yes. Use that information to realize I am talking about back BEFORE Undying was nerfed.