
What in your opinion is tunneling and when is tunneling okay to you and when it isn't?

I've seen survivors unhook somebody right in front of the killer and the killer downs them again then chases after the unhooker and the person downed says the killer is tunneling, to me that's not tunneling but I just want to see other people's definition of tunneling



  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2021

    Tunneling and Camping on the Hook is part of the Game. Survivors got some Anti tunnel/camping Perks and mechanics to prevent that from being successfully used by a Killer.

    There is BT, DS and some other (kinda non meta) perks which can help. You can also fake the u hook, take a hit and then unhook the Survivor. A better Version of that is take a hit and try to bait the Killer away from the Hook, so other Survivors can safely unhook.

    In most cases (if you have at least 2 Friends with you), there is little to no chance for the Killer to make hook Camping work, if you are prepared for that scenario.

    If its a Basement Bubba or a Oneshot killer:

    Rush Gens and escape ASAP, there is not much you can do about it and chances are high you will get downed too. Good swfs let their mate die and move on to the next match.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193
    edited July 2021

    These days I'll only tunnel if a survivor teabags at a pallet or does the clicky click with the flashlight - because that tells me they want my attention and/or believe they are significantly better than I am. They've thrown down the gauntlet, and I assume they are prepared to face the consequences. Otherwise, I'll try to chase as many people as I can. If I down the same person that just came off the hook, I'll slug them so their friends can pick them up, and I'll go chase someone else. I'll even dropped chases when I realize it's the person fresh off the hook.

    I'm not playing this game to get off on 4ks or "wins" so tunneling doesn't appeal to me as a "strategy to win". I just want to have some fun chasing, hooking, and killing survivors when I play killer - or being chased, dodging, and escaping as a survivor. I don't feel like there is a challenge in downing a survivor fresh off the hook - even with BT or DS.

    EDIT: Sorry, OP, to answer your original question. Tunneling, IMO, is when you ignore everyone else to go specifically after one survivor because you're trying to get them out of the game as fast as possible. If they are unhooked in front of you, that means the person who did the unhooking is also vulnerable. So unless you were aiming for the other person and accidentally hit them, it could be considered tunneling. However, if you dont rehook them again right away, I don't think it qualifies as tunneling.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    It's a result of; failure to hide, failure to escape chase, failure of teammate's timing, failure to escape again, and finally failure to prepare load outs despite this being a concern.

    I'm not gonna blame the player, who's only objective is to kill me, for doing it quick and effectively.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Tunneling is fine whenever the player thinks it is to their advantage. Sure, it sucks as a survivor, I hate it when I get tunneled, but the truth is, it is more of a problem with my lack of ability than it is with the killer. No one wants to admit this, but only bad or entitled players complain about tunneling.

    Majority of people say that the chase and interacting with the killer is the most fun part, so naturally, tunneling shouldn't be an issue. The problem arises when people think that the killer should give them a chance to regroup, though they'd never do the same for the killer. Rather than taking responsibility for their or their teammates incapability, they usually resort to attacking the killer player for not playing in a way that they want them to play.

    Also, it is mandatory to tunnel every little turd who does their best to tank a hit with Borrowed Time when it is obvious the killer is going for the unhooker.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    70% of the time a suvivor thinks they're "Tunneled" it's just them being the weakest link. Bad looper, gets caught in the open, etc. Sometimes you get tunneled for the opposite reason though. If you loop a killer long enough, they might actually become angry enough to focus you down.

    Proxy camping is an effective tactic on the smaller maps, but hard-camping is just an L almost every time. Especially if an M1 camps, they can lose 3 gens and still not kill the survivor because of Borrowed Time.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952

    Tunneling okay

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    Basically as long as the survivor has done something that would have de activated DS, they're fair game. That's how I see it. If you try to progress the game state, you are not being tunneled.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2021

    Tunneling to me is when the Killer waits for the unhook nearby, does not go for the unhooker at all, and just tunnels down one survivor over and over until he's out of the game.

    There have been times when I have thrown myself in front of the Killer, trying to take hits to get him off a freshly unhooked team mate. I'm not doing it as a strategy, I'm doing it because I feel bad for the player not getting a chance to do a damn thing. It sucks to leave a match, depip, never touch a generator etc because the Killer wants EZ 4k. Unfortunately, it seems every other Killer is doing this now (or maybe always was like this) and that's why we all must run the same perks: BT, DS, etc

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    There is very little a survivor can do, even with the perks, if the killer wants to tunnel someone out of the game. And yeah, they're going to lose all five gens doing it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck that killers choose to ruin games like that for those people literally all the time.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    I don't really care that much about tunnelling unless its strictly malicious. If you stun a killer once, and he focuses you the entire game (including proxy camping the hook so he can instantly chase you once you're off it) then it becomes problematic. Killers unintentionally tunnel pretty often, sometimes survivors are just unlucky or out of position. But when a killer does it JUST because they hate you, and is trying to do whatever they can to make sure you don't have fun? Thats extremely problematic and unhealthy for the game. Same thing as facecamping your first down and things like that, stuff done strictly to ruin another players experience is not good for game health.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    Agreed. I had a game yesterday where a guy was downed then unhooked by me safely, soon after they got downed again and unhooked by a teammate immediately (literally immediately) and then downed instantly. I ran over and got the killer to hit me, and then down me, in the hope he would pick me up and he still picked the other guy up. During this whole time, the teammates hadn't done a single gen. We both disconnected - screw that killer and screw our 'teammate', I'm not staying in a boring game with trash.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Tunnelling is part of the game and your Survivor friends need to come up with better rescue tactics.

  • bluedusef
    bluedusef Member Posts: 288

    Theres always been tunneling and offcourse its not fun, but for some reason yesterday when i played, there was tunneling alot. the first survivor hooked got tunneled straight outta the game.

    so okay, if they are gonna hard tunnel, lets just get these gens done asap right? well the killer has NOED in the end and gets more kills off it. i never got chased all game, they would just ignore. this happened 2 times in a row when i first signed on and then happend a few more times later on.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Tunneling shows a lack of skill from the killer. It's unnecessary. Of course, most people here mistake not tunneling with being nice.

    If the survivors make an unsafe unhook in your face, then by all means punish it. Personally, I like to give survivors a chance to get away from the hook. That's it. After that point, if I stumble across you again, you're getting slugged.

    From a personal standpoint, I would much rather be slugged than tunneled out of the game. Tunneling may very well be part of the game, but that doesn't mean people have to be happy about it.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Genrushing shows a lack of skill from Survivors. It's unnecessary.

    Tunneling is the same thing as Survivors focusing on nearly-completed gens; it's doing whatever gets the Survivor or Killer closer to their goal (popping gens or killing Survivors, respectively). This BS about 'tunneling/camping/slugging means Killers have no skill' needs to STOP. It's just an attempt at peer pressure to control how Killers play.

    On top of that; it's wrong. They all have their places, and tunneling a Survivor is no different than a Survivor going back to the 80% completed gen; it's the smart move to do your objective as quickly as possible. But for some reason, Survivors have got it in their heads that Killers being efficient is somehow bad because 'we get removed from the game! 😱' so they act like Killers should be forced to not kill them until they have had 'enough fun', as if there's a fun quota Killers need to meet before they can do their goal.

    I know you said they have their places, so this rant is not directed solely at you, but I did want to respond to the whole 'lack of skill' you said, because that's getting old to see on these forums. It's just people trying to shame their opponent into playing the way they want.

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  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    "No one wants to admit this, but only bad or entitled players complain about tunneling"- That isn't true, at all. What if my teammate unhooks me near the killer (without BT) and he goes straight for me again? Nothing I can really do. My teammate shouldn't have unhooked me, but I'm still getting tunneled for it. This happens a lot in solo.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    It's unfair to expect a coordinated strategy from Solo Q survivors. We have no ability to communicate.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    People who consistently tunnel and face camp should be banned from the game.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    That isn't a problem with tunneling. It's a problem with bad teammates. Why should the killer be punished for making the best decision in that situation?

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  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    To me tunneling is if killer comes straight back to hook and goes chase injured one even then when he sees them both and does it two times while refusing to go chase someone else. Bad unhooks goes for survivors but killer chasing only one survivor until their dead is tunneling

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    While tunneling is tunneling no matter what the reason.

    There are points where it is massively beneficial for you to tunnel somebody is it annoying for the survivor in question to ask but but if you're trying to win in your trying to win.

    Now when you go complete tunnel Vision for five gens and end up losing because of it that's on you for being a moron.

    Regardless of your reason play how you want to play while I don't look down on tunneling I am going to look down on you for meeting a stupid play

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Oh yes, because people should be banned for...using legitimate strats? No, no, that's not 'Survivor main' whiny enough.

    Ah! Killers should be banned for making Survivors unhappy! THAT'S what you were going for!

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited July 2021

    When did I say the killer should get punished? I said I couldn't do much in that situation and not all survivors that complain about getting tunneled are bad.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    Facecamping and tunneling are “legit” strategies at 5 gens? Weird all that does is lose the game for killer. It’s almost as if the best strategy as killer is to force pressure on gens and not spend the entire game pressuring 1/4 of the team. Also I play both sides, I actually prefer killer, and even if I’m having a rough game I don’t resort to tunnel/camp strategies because I played poorly and/or the survivors played extremely well and the game should play out as such.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I said 'legitimate' not 'good'.

    Also; no one cares if you don't camp or tunnel, or if you pat Survivors on the heads and give them lollipops. How you play is not how everyone has to play. Fregging sick of seeing people go 'I'm a Killer and I don't camp!' as if that means every Killer player in the world should do what they do just reeks of massive ego.

    You don't camp or tunnel; good for you. They are still tools in a Killer's belt that he can use to get kills. How you play is not how everyone plays, and also should not be forced on everyone else.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Then you're complaining about the wrong thing. Don't complain about tunneling, instead, complain about bad teammates performing unsafe unhooks.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited July 2021

    I still got tunneled, so I'm gonna complain. It's not like the killer had to go after me. Why not punish the jerks instead of just ignoring them?

    Edit" I can understand near the end of the game, but tunnel someone at the beginning? That is just not necessary and you should be punishing the unhooker.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    It was the best choice. Why shouldn't he go for you? Complaining about tunneling is asking the devs to some way nerf it, which punishes the killer. Why not ask for a perk to where if a survivor does an unsafe rescue, you get healed instantly and your rescuer loses a health state.

    It isn't a jerk move to make the best play.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited July 2021

    I still consider it a jerk move. Especially at the beginning of the game. Why not punish the un hooker instead of rewarding him? This is exactly what I do when I play killer. You can usually down the unhooker pretty quick instead of punishing the survivor that didn't do anything and just got screwed. I'm not asking the devs to nerf things like that, but I don't have to like it either.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Thankfully, that is only your opinion and not a fact. No, you don't have to like tunneling, but trying to insult the killer and disparage them for making the best decision for the situation reeks of entitlement. Just because you make certain decisions doesn't mean others who don't play the same as you are bad or as you call them, jerks. Some people like to play competitively, and as such, will punish survivors for mistakes.

    Why down the unhooker when they can down someone who is already down a hook state? To spare your feelings? Do you walk up to a gen that is 80% done and think to yourself, oh, the killer is clearly struggling due to the large size of the map, let me leave this gen alone and go work on one that has zero progress? No, you don't. It's the same thing.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    It's still being a jerk. Don't act like you know what I do. I will often times let the killer kill me if he's having a bad game. I try and not make the game miserable for other players.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Listen to this wisdom. This person gets it. This is the truth no one wants to admit.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Tunneling shows a lack of skill, and yes Genrushing does too. Genrushing is boring, and tunneling is boring. Both are unnecessary. Not tunneling doesn't mean being nice. I really only have an issue with off-hook tunneling, where you can be rescued with BT and the killer will tunnel you for a good 30 - 60+ seconds just because.

    Genrushing and tunneling are core problems, so no amount of balancing will fix them. Peer pressuring killers, and survivors, into playing this less like an esport is the only way and can only be good for the game.

    Don't misunderstand; the game needs to be fun for both killers and survivors. Tunneling causes Genrushing, and Genrushing causes Tunneling; neither of which is fun for either side. It just results in very boring and unengaging gameplay becoming standard practice.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Tunneling is when the killer ignores the people unhooking - downs and hooks the rescued survivor all while ignoring any other survivors in their sight.

    I don't tunnel - feels scummy to me and I don't need it to get a 3/4k.

    With that being said - some people think they need to tunnel or enjoy ruining the match for others - which is their prerogative.

    I am VERY RARELY actually tunneled in the game - when I am - I just hang in as long as possible through looping/struggling to allow my teammates more gen time. I do laugh when the match ends and the killer only gets 1-2 kills due to tunneling.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    I'd like to distinguish between intentional and unintentional tunneling.

    The latter might be due to the killer simply not having found an attractive different target (if any) And at least wants to get a hook for the time up e has spent. That could feel like tunneling for the pursued, but might not be it.

    The former is going on purpose for a perceived "weak link" in the survivor team. Or someone who somehow has annoyed the killer. Which is tactically sound and legitimate.

    Though it might feel like bullying, seeing at how inconsistent the matchmaking quite often is. Then you feel double shafted. For not only being thrown into a match where you yourself feel underpowered, and then additionally becoming tunneled out of it. Adding insult to injury, so to say.

  • RodrigoL
    RodrigoL Member Posts: 50

    But the point is to kill, why can't I eliminate one by one instead of trying to put one, than chase another and so on ...

    I personaly don't this if is still 5 gens at game, but if surv took 1 or more gens before first hook, I'll do like Jason :) aim, lock, and kill haha

  • RodrigoL
    RodrigoL Member Posts: 50

    Wish I have more matches with ppl like you, cus I suck as a Killer ( rank 13/14 ) and I'm always mocked, flash lighning and teabags haha, Some surv dont even let me hit them once ... I really don't mind, but when is the other way around, I always let ppl escape when they play more awful then me hahaha

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    the problem is, there are many situations where you can't do anything because you got hooked in a deadzone or stuff like that. Of course you can say "killers wanna win, it's just the rational decision and not their fault" but then it's a game balance problem. It's a very cheap playstyle that often gets rewarded. I think a lot of the game balance was getting hold together by killers playing "fair" and not hard tunneling every match and pre-nerf DS being very common. Now that DS is gone more or less, killer gameplay has gotten much easier if you don't care about a good, exciting game and just wanna win for your ego (by securing the win early).

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited July 2021

    That's what I'm trying to say. If it's the beginning of the game, then I consider it a jerk thing to do... especially if it's not the survivors fault they got farmed. The killer should punish the unhooker (even slug the unhooked guy if you want). It's usually pretty easy to get them. I just don't get why people reward that type of behavior. It's usually best to get multiple hooks on different survivors anyways. It's not against the rules so you guys can play however you want. This is just how I feel about it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited July 2021

    I honestly don't get why people do stuff like that to others. The only thing you can do is try to ignore it. I'm sure you'll get better! 😉

  • Generic
    Generic Member Posts: 48

    This sums up the state of the game. DS/BT should be basekit. Also most survivor perks should have a requirement for them to become active. Including most Exhaustion perks.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    I wouldn't mind those being basekit, but I would like for DS to work twice (after both unhooks) at the very least.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    This video is classic tunneling.

    Start is at 1:17. This Trickster tunnels the Bill ridiculously. The Meg is doing everything in her power to get him to switch to her as a target, yet the Killer tries to hit Bill around the Meg and doesn't pay attention to anyone or anything else in the game until Bill is dead.


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