Why do people complain about Blight?

Blight is the most perfect Killer in this game. He is strong, but counterable. He has mobility, he has lethality, he has everything a strong killer needs, but like I said, he can be countered
Because that's just like, your opinion.
People are free to dislike him and his playstyle as with everything in DBD.
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Because... Opinions exist?
And people have different ones?
Crazy thought, I know.
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The Blight hate doesn’t necessarily come from the design of the killer, it mainly comes from the fact that so many Blights run the same exact build, Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, Pop. I can understand that coming from someone that plays both sides but enjoys killer a bit more.
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People don't like that they run the same Ruindying + Tinkerer, with a side of BBQ or PGTW, which is fairly reasonable tbh.
I like Blight though, he's a very balanced killer.
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Very boring killer
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I have his Adept, but that must of been a lucky game: I am useless with him and his bouncing about.
Saying that, I do find him one of the most enjoyable killers to play against.
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Two things
- Ruin + Undying + Tinkerer, the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, followed by either BBQ / Pop / Devour Hope.
- Blight has no perk variety, mainly because 99% of his downs are coming from his lethal rush, so perks that involve around needing a basic attack to activate them are not good on him, except for Devour, which catches the survivor off-guard & due to how fast Blight can get downs, he can achieve 5 stacks in no time.
- On top of this, why run other builds when u can play the game on easy mode. Not to mention Blight is an S-Tier Killer & running this build on him can be highly oppressive & unfun.
- Tinkerer allows him to literally jump from one side of the map to the other to stop gen from popping. Why it's most effective on Blight? He's a movement killer, he can dodge obstacles, he can maneuver around them, etc... Not to mention when tinkerer is active, his screams in a lethal rush are silent, you'll only hear him bump into things or when he's on top of you.
- Ruin + Undying is a fantastic combo on him, yet again. Why? He's a movement-type killer, he can jump from one side to the other. Tinkerer activates, blight rushes to the gen, pushes the survivor off the gen & ruin regresses the gen at 200% speed. That 20-30 second chase? Goodbye 40%+ gen progress. A good blight can end a chase in mere seconds and allow him to rush again to another victim.
- BBQ is usually the most common perk, down a guy, rush to another, keep the pressure going, etc.
Blight has hands down, the most number of techs. Looking at a guide on YT whilst you're learning Blight will instantly show how many maneuvers, techs & tactics Blight has. 10x better than learning them on your own.
- The Hug Tech - Blight bumps into an object, whilst he's sliding forward from the bump he can slide around the entire obstacle. You can bump into the shack for example, wait till you're touching the shack, look down & then do a lethal rush, You can literally slide around the entire shack, no other killer can do this kind of thing
- Shoulder Flick Tech - Whilst in a lethal rush, going towards a survivor while they're trying to move left or right, wait till you practically touching them & abuse blight's immense hitbox to hit the survivor. You can pull some extremely nasty hits, to a point you can hit the survivor behind you. You can't escape this, you can't dodge it, you can't do anything. However, this requires some decent reaction time.
- J flick / Z Flick - One variation, to another. You can flick your mouse into a direction, then flick again to do a 90* turn, up to a 180* turn. However, you can do it way easier if you're on PC. Bind your E & Q to look left & right, press them, then flick your mouse in one direction to do a flick. This is hard to do, and it's down to muscle memory & once you get it down, you'll become quite deadly.
Listen, I can go on for ages listing down all the techs & stuff Blight can pull off, so I'm just gonna link you a YT video to show you those. I don't own Blight but I'm aware of those things & know how to pull them off if I decide to buy Blight. I'm a Billy main and Blight would feel like seconds nature to me, just like Oni. I learned these things because as a survivor you're supposed to learn & adapt to them whenever you're facing against experienced Blight Players. I say that, but they sometimes they can truly piss me off as it leaves me with no counterplay. To some things, you just can't really react to or avoid.
Don't forget that Blight is one of the hardest killers to master, if not the hardest. Unlike blight, Nurse has a lack of techs & her power nullifies some of the game's core mechanics, such as walls, obstacles, etc... etc...
Here's the video in question:
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People typically don't like killers who are good.
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In my opinion it comes down to two things. The lack of build variety and Blights tend to be sweaty. I've noticed alot of the Blights I face are very big on tunneling.
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That makes sense, thank you for explaining it
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I definitly like playing and versing Blight, but i dislike some of his addons. The Alchemist Ring and Double Rush speed addons are broken af.
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Because J-flicks and other unintented BS is unfair against console players.
Console survivors can't dodge it and console killers cannot do it because controller.
Console players are second class to BHVR.
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To me, Blight is both a very fun killer to play as and against and he's a strong killer, so I agree in most aspects that he can be considered a "perfect killer."
Pleasantly surprised too, I remember in his PTB he was a little of a mess and no one knew if he was actually good or not.
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People complain about everything.
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I personally think he is well balanced. I mean I personally suck with him and have no idea how to play him. But not terribly interested in his play style. More of a Freddy, Huntress, and pig mains myself.
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they complain because they want him nerfed.
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Because there are several extremely small maps that allow non-mobile killers like Trapper to be relevant, but that same small map becomes oppressive when you have a killer that can go from one side of the map to the other in a few seconds.
Survivors are screwed on small maps against mobile killers like Blight. Non-Mobile killers also can't have all of the map sizes reduced because it totally unbalances killers like Blight.
So Blight is bad for both Killers and Survivors. (Nurse, Wraith and Billy have the exact same problem)
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I think it boils down to oppressive Killers and builds. Blights all seem to run the same build which is an oppressive Meta build.
I don't know the statistics but, I would assume a majority of games are against solo survivors, the weakest link in the game. Know it all Killers with meta builds slice through like hot butter, it gets old.
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The only Blight complaints I see are that a lot of players only see his strongest build which is; Ruin, Undying, BBQ, Tinkerer. Survivors want variety on Blight but he lacks majorly with perk synergy. Since most of your hits will be an M2 it cuts the perks that make sense on him down by a massive amount. Survivors bring their best perks every game, so I dont see how we can't expect a killer to do the same for whatever killer they are playing as. As for Blight himself, I think he is mostly liked. Not a very common killer and with his high skill cap the odds of running into an insane blight is slim. To me, he is the best killer they have ever made as far as being fun to play and rewarding to put time into learning. As survivor, he is also my favorite killer to go against because the chases are very interactive.
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He's fun, but some of the hits he gets on you feel mega bs
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I still haven't played against a Blight that can Flick, which most probably is a good thing lol
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because he is not fun to go against especially when everyone runs the same stupid build with his dumb ring addon or double speed addons, and sometimes even worse compound 33 and ring. is just dumb. they all play the same and i never seen a blight that is not sweating his ass like if were playing for money or something, also his techs are sometimes unfair getting undeserved hits.
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People complain about Doctor and Pig dude. Some people will always complain about whatever thing.
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What, how and why
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Because every Blight plays exactly the same way with exactly the same perks
I've actually never seen an off-meta Blight to my recollection, they always run as many of the meta perks as they own
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Because he can chase well and get around the map that's about it
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Hes right I personally dont like doc I'm good In chase but i find more fun trying to avoid the killer like when the game was released but doc sorta negates any stealth
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Pig RnG is why they complain. That's really the only complaint. Doctor Idk why he can be boring to go against, but he has counter.
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Blight has ways to flick on console.
And the best way to not get hit by a blight doing his fancy ######### is to stop being predictable. When blight goes for one of these fancy techs he commits to doing them. So just move away from where he thinks you are going to be.
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I never heard anyone complaining about blight. He’s a fun killer to play & go against.
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One thing that I find annoying is how diehard Blight mains are always looking for ways to bypass Blight's restrictions. Other than that though, I love playing against Blight.