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Devs don't care about console

We just have to come to terms that the devs just don't give a damn. Console has been a ######### show from start to present. The control layout overlapping with other buttons to cause players to do actions they had no intention of doing solely because they can not change any commands. They release this game on a console that runs at 30fps. The loading screen is unlimited. That there is my biggest damn gripe. Like, the devs can't even make the loading screen a fixed fps to help players even load the damn game. The overheating issue is solely based on the inability of the devs to plan accordingly to all platforms. They only test the game on pc. Even when the update is supposed to be for console. Like how tf are you getting any data that it will actually help. Oh and this newest update causing console players to actually be unable to play at night because matchmaking takes too long. I've been playing with my gf (ps4) and myself (pc) and it is unplayable after peak hours. Even if we solo queue it just takes too long. And now its just happening in the match itself. I truly dislike these devs. And I truly love this game. And all I want is for you to listen to your players. Like why can't we see the results of the survey polls? Why don't we have a real say about the future of this game? I mean sure we get a q/a dev stream but that is just a bunch of people asking general questions. It is not up to debate anything this game has in the future.

I honestly have my own major gripe against the head qa dev. Like genuinely please fire him. This game will be better because of it. Like how do you leave the decision of the future of this game to a man that barely even plays this game and takes no consideration of the players. Or how he is telling us about all this data they have collected throughout all the games and it is basically meaningless. ( meaning that the data is too corrupted to be reputable (too many variables from dcs,farming, and etc.)) to get viable statistics. Yet there's someone on reddit that can compile the data of over 400 games no problem. I do understand that he is using a program and the other is just playing and taking results but did no one at bhvr think to do that???? Like TRY! And to all those who say this is too critical: Remember this is my entertainment, I paid money to be entertained and a good bit of it too with all the stupid cosmetics which is the best part of this game anymore. I should not have my entertainment ruined because the devs won't care. Fix this game so everyone can play.

And yes I do believe there are truly simple hotfixes that will make this game more playble on console. The biggest one is console edition menus. Only on console at a fixed fps. I don't know how feasible a video quality menu could be added but low res on ps4 would also help a ton.

I don't know. I know its angry. I just don't want to stop having to play my game.

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  • Member Posts: 16

    Thank you for the advice on the control. It will be so nice to not throw pallets when I am trying to heal. Also good to know the forums have strict cursing policy on a rated m game. I am not buying any more content. Not because I don't want to. But if I go to the store too long the console overheats. Soo that's a great way to stop myself.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    At this point it's blatantly clear

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    They could at least go through the process to have cross-progression approved. That are plenty of other games that do it, no problem. I can't imagine why progress from Xbox Live for console doesn't carry over to Xbox Live for PC. That's one of the main features of having an Xbox Live account, your progress in any game is saved and playable on any device that can access Xbox Live.

  • Member Posts: 16

    I made a thread early and a mod straight said they have not discussed it in awhile. And has no plans to do so. So we're kinda screwed there. Though it would be neat to type in your player ID in the store and it gives you your profile. Log on to any device and play.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    They be like "alright here you go 50k bp" buy urself two brown medkits oh and fuc* console"

  • Member Posts: 16

    Mate I have my ps4 inside a minifridge. And yes I do still hear the jet engine inside of it. I also have a whole routine to make sure the ps4 will actually play the game too.

  • Member Posts: 348

    i play on ps4 of the first generation, and i don't have all these problems

  • Member Posts: 393

    The best thing that we can do as console players is just not buy anything. I am not spending any money on the game anymore, though I will keep playing it when it is playable. I am not a big cosmetics person, so I never bought those anyway but no more licensed dlc's either until the devs show they both care about console and are capable of fixing the issues in their game (cause 1 of these things has to be the issue).

  • Member Posts: 16

    Man must be nice. I also pretty thoroughly clean my ps4 aswell. It just can not play this game.

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