Freddy Buff is NOW! a main priority

Ash Member Posts: 15
It's been 6 month since Freddy got shafted by the Devs but here of a few reasonable buffs or reworks that seem would work and been very popular amongst the community and forums:

Here of the 2 that 100% Must happen in the next patch. 

1. No Interactions are allowed during the 7 seconds dream transition Only Pallets And Vaults are ALLOWED!

2. Freddy can pull survivors off any sort of interactions when NOT in dream world ex. Gens, totems, Exit gates, Instant Save Unhook (Only lockers are available to do so at the moment)

What more do you think should happen to freddy? Comment Below.

We need the Devs to see this and mention something in the Q&A stream next week

Freddy and his power should be the strongest in the game his power is iconic and shouldn't be shafted the way it is in DBD. BUFF Freddy 


  • JustQuestOz
    JustQuestOz Member Posts: 13

    Hopefully they will buff Freddy as he is unplayable after nerf

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Well they did tentatively admit they may have jumped the gun nerfing him. As for your suggestions, I think if they did implement number 2, that number 1 is redundant. Once they hear the lullaby, they won't stick around to be potentially grabbed. Rather they should just have the mechanic (if they don't already) to grab a person who is healing and throw it into the realm of suggestion 2. 
    Other than that, survivors shouldn't be able to wake themselves short of a complete gen. In the movies you always had to have a friend wake you up and this should mirror that cannon. 
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    I had a thought a while ago that everyone begins the trial in the dream world. Freddie can see their auras and they will rush to miss a skill check. This gives Freddy so much information and potentially a great start while still allowing people to have that little bit of time to escape when retransissioning into the dream world. Just a thought, I’m sure adjustments are to be made.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    That's pretty good I still think the dream transition should be shorter though

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @mintchapstick said:
    Given that he's invisible, #2 would be pretty OP.

    Not really, you can hear him
    Even if both #1 and #2 got implemented, he would still be way below nurse level. He would leave the trash-tier and become a mediocre killer next to the other ones waiting for a buff

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    @Master said:

    @mintchapstick said:
    Given that he's invisible, #2 would be pretty OP.

    Not really, you can hear him
    Even if both #1 and #2 got implemented, he would still be way below nurse level. He would leave the trash-tier and become a mediocre killer next to the other ones waiting for a buff

    Yeah, in theory. Except we all know that his sound isn't bidirectional.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @mintchapstick said:

    @Master said:

    @mintchapstick said:
    Given that he's invisible, #2 would be pretty OP.

    Not really, you can hear him
    Even if both #1 and #2 got implemented, he would still be way below nurse level. He would leave the trash-tier and become a mediocre killer next to the other ones waiting for a buff

    Yeah, in theory. Except we all know that his sound isn't bidirectional.

    And? When you hear the sound you know that he is close, if you stay at the gen and pwoer through, then thats your fault lol
    The game wasnt designed taht survivors stay at gens till the last second just to sprint burst away

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Why would you buff that hobo survivor.
    Freddy ain't a priority as much as Trapper tho.
    Trapper is waiting for some love for several years now.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    The devs said no pay to win, and not all killers function the same. Some need add ons to be viable, buff red paint brush, take off the slow. I'm a freddy main and admit he needs help but he is also an end game killer, buff paintbrush and make it so peeps arent woken up by being picked up off the floor anymore, that kills freddy. The noob assist nerfs should just be undone, and peeps fall asleep one second sooner. 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Also, how do ya'll change your profile pics, trynna get freddy as mine
  • MasochistFreddyMain
    MasochistFreddyMain Member Posts: 42
    Also, how do ya'll change your profile pics, trynna get freddy as mine
    If you are trying on the mobile version of the website you may need to switch to the full version of the website. That is what I had to do. 

  • Bayside
    Bayside Member Posts: 40

    I don't really agree with your ideas there but I do think that with a little tweaking they could work. How about this: When Freddy puts someone into the Dream Transition, he can grab them off anything and make the Dream Transition end early while also picking them up. Also, they should really make it so Survivors can't hear Freddy's loud ass noises that he makes unless they're in the Dream World. Same goes for moving grass and corn stalks. And he should probably also just have his Dream Transition timer halved so he can actually be a normal Killer a lot quicker.

  • NotBiasedAtAll
    NotBiasedAtAll Member Posts: 50

    I think failing a healing skill check should only wake you up if you're using a med kit. This makes pharmacy more sensible for Quentin to have, and doesn't make Self Care stronger than it already is. Shortening the sleep timer, and perhaps nerfing/reworking the add-ons that lower it if the timer is reduced enough, seems reasonable to me as well.

  • Ash
    Ash Member Posts: 15
    As I say for number 2 if a gen or totem is 95% completed and the survivors gets tagged by freddys power they still say on the gen or totem because they know they can complete the gen or destroy the totem before they fully fall asleep 
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @Ash said:
    It's been 6 month since Freddy got shafted by the Devs but here of a few reasonable buffs or reworks that seem would work and been very popular amongst the community and forums:

    Here of the 2 that 100% Must happen in the next patch. 

    1. No Interactions are allowed during the 7 seconds dream transition Only Pallets And Vaults are ALLOWED!

    2. Freddy can pull survivors off any sort of interactions when NOT in dream world ex. Gens, totems, Exit gates, Instant Save Unhook (Only lockers are available to do so at the moment)

    What more do you think should happen to freddy? Comment Below.

    We need the Devs to see this and mention something in the Q&A stream next week

    Freddy and his power should be the strongest in the game his power is iconic and shouldn't be shafted the way it is in DBD. BUFF Freddy 

    Freddy does not need a buff, he needs adjustments. Right now as it stands he's_ very exploitable._ Not necessarily weak, (Well weak in map pressure), but extremely and utterly exploitable. If a survivor gets down they can easily be brought back up with nearly no punishment. Gen repairs are hard to stop, so are other actions.

    I agree with your first suggestions, that's an awesome one. Making actions ill-allowed will possibly stop the exploits. That's literally all he might need. I also think they should reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and tamper with his add ons.

    I seriously can't agree with letting him pull survivors off actions. He is utterly invisible. It's not going to happen. Can the Wraith pull people off actions when cloaked? No. Simply because it would happen so much they would have to reverse it. It sucks, but you shouldn't be able to ambush people like that while completely invisible. It would even go against their whole concept of their powers.

    Remember? The Wraith is cloaked and thereby isn't interactive with the entity's world. (I think) When he's cloaked he's technically in another realm allowing him to be invisible. That's why when he uncloaks his body unravels with the entity's orange and black look.

    Same with Freddy, he's in the DREAM WORLD. it's tied to his movies that he can't attack or do no harm unless it's in a dreams. To pull someone off mid-interaction (i.e totems, gens) would simply overpower him in that aspect due to his ability to not be seen, at all.

    1. Your suggestion: Ill-allow actions during the transition. If currently performing an action (Such as cleaning, repairing, exit gates. Iffy about the unhooks because people are mad you can't camp but other than that) it will be interrupted and no longer to continue during the transition.
    2. Reduce the time the transition takes.
    3. Pull multiple survivors into the dream world at once. The fact he can't do this confuses me already but it just makes sense. If there's 3 people at a generator, he should be able to put them to sleep all at once.
  • Alther_Primus
    Alther_Primus Member Posts: 158

    I agree with #1, primarily as a form of Totem Defense and a method to get Survivors away from those that he's downed to prevent the situation where he can't pick someone up.

    For #2, I'm pretty sure that'd break him and the game. He'd be even more hated than he was on release. I admit the balance of this game is funky, especially in regards to how Freddy's been treated, but a change like that is not the way to go.

    Instead of allowing Freddy to pull people off of gens, I'd rather they remove Self-Care Wakeups so that Survivors are forced to make a choice between making their friend leave a gen to come wake them up, or go blow up a gen. Most of the methods the characters in the movies used to wake up were environmental anyways, so it wouldn't be horrifically lorebreaking and would be a solid buff for Freddy

    I also wouldn't mind if they hard-locked the Aura Reading to his Lullaby and gave him his 16-meter Terror Radius back. Red Paintbrush could be altered to re-lock it to Terror Radius if so desired, but it would really help him as he feels less like a chase killer and more like someone who's aura reading should help him set up ambushes when Survivors are vulnerable..

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    1 Falling asleep is treated as being asleep, with the exceptions of being unable to be hit and not having your aura revealed.

    Addons that affect skillcheck chances while asleep or addons that affect the action speed while asleep work as soon as survivors start to fall asleep. They are supposed to gain distance when falling asleep, not sit at a generator for 6.5 seconds, hope for a skillcheck and if they get it, fail it to restart the sleep timer (because you put them back to sleep immediately) or Sprint Burst away to safety.#

    2 No dream world vision. See

    Make the maps look like they do for all other killers, only make survivors have the black and white with the black flake things.

    3 When the exit gates are powered, Freddy leaves the dreamworld (or all survivors are put in it automatically) and he can attack people without putting them to sleep.

    Now Freddy actually has a way to defend hooks or gates.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    The buffs they're already testing for him sound pretty good to me. 4 seconds instead of 7 seconds, self-care stops waking people up, these two changes alone make Freddy a lot stronger.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Trust me, you don't want a freddy buff to be a top priority

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    Here are two ideas I currently have on the freddy situation. They are a bit wild....but bare with me.

    First idea:

    His power has always been determined to be his weakness too. So let's alter this.... Freddy is a powerful dream demon that can influence the waking world in the smallest of ways.....almost like whispering or crooning a lullaby.....being in freddy's presence causes people to get "sleepy".

    This would function like doctor's "treatment mode", except you have to press the "shock" button to release the "lullaby". It would be AOE, and would raise survivors sleepy meter. When playing the lullaby, and hit by a "wave" of drowsiness....survivors will see freddy wink in and out of the dream world.

    There will be tiers of sleepiness. Upon reaching tier 2 or 3(undecided), the survivor will be asleep and have to awake as per normal. Unable to go back on tiers unless (adrenaline, or some form of drug/caffeine add-on is given for the med-kit.)

    After a certain Tier is reached of sleepiness, "exhaustion" will cause insta-sleep.(this will help with people just getting off hooks and "sprint-bursting" away.

    Also, at the next to highest tier of sleep, falling asleep will become a problem for a survivor and will require them to spam a certain button for a length of time periodically to "keep awake". (adrenaline/caffeine add-on/item) negates by lowering your sleepiness tier.

    It's not a complete idea...but it is an interesting start I think.

    Second Idea:

    Freddy appears to focus on map control, but only half-heartily is able to accomplish this.
    I propose a little "dream magic" is in order. In real life dreams, entering or exiting a doorway, window, or mirror 9/10 times will cause the dreamer to "shift" dreams or teleport/move to another area in the same dream.

    I think it would be interesting and possibly useful for freddy to be able to use he has a ton of experience altering/controlling dreams.

    For example....let's use the lockers.(at least someone besides huntress will get a use out of Anywho, Freddy can enter a locker and exit another one via mini-map, randomness, or perhaps hag trap style(I like this one best, since you don't have to keep glancing at a small thing on the screen.)

    If a survivor is in the locker he decides to teleport too...they are instantly grabbed and he has a free hook.
    He travels via the dream world, and he is doing that via the dream locker, therefore the locker is half in the dream world at that time, allowing for grabs.

    This will help maneuverability, uncertainty, and better field control.

    Still as always, these are works in progress...let me know what you think.

  • Abraxis
    Abraxis Member Posts: 3

    I feel like number 2 would work much better and have more counterplay if after he's started putting you to sleep he can then pull you off if you continue. Quite literally pulling you forcefully into sleep.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    You know, the three states idea is wonderful. The initial buff idea of being able to pull survivors off of ANYTHING sounds too powerful... Unless you mix it with the idea of three states. Perhaps the last two states allowing Freddy to pull you off from generators and other interactions.

  • Ash
    Ash Member Posts: 15

    @The_Manlet said:
    The buffs they're already testing for him sound pretty good to me. 4 seconds instead of 7 seconds, self-care stops waking people up, these two changes alone make Freddy a lot stronger.

    I know they said their gonna change freddy in a stream about 2 months ago but where is the source about reducing his dream transition to 4 seconds I can't find it anywhere

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @245_Trioxin said:

    @azazer said:
    Other than that, survivors shouldn't be able to wake themselves short of a complete gen. In the movies you always had to have a friend wake you up and this should mirror that cannon. 

    This is 100% false. There are numerous times in the series where characters injured themselves in order to wake up. Nancy Thompson burning her arm on a hot pipe in the first film is just one example that proves your statement wrong.

    This is where YOU are wrong, kiddo. The Nightmare is from the 2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street, so the events of the other ANoES movies are irrelevant.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    After Freddy maybe Hag and Wraith?
  • Jackard
    Jackard Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2018
    Instead of pulling people off and carrying them away, what about kicking the survivor like a pallet to interrupt with a short stun to prevent exploits like chain healing while falling asleep? 

    Edit: the stun wouldn't prohibit movement, just actions like healing etc...
  • 245_Trioxin
    245_Trioxin Member Posts: 171

    @Acromio said:

    @245_Trioxin said:

    @azazer said:
    Other than that, survivors shouldn't be able to wake themselves short of a complete gen. In the movies you always had to have a friend wake you up and this should mirror that cannon. 

    This is 100% false. There are numerous times in the series where characters injured themselves in order to wake up. Nancy Thompson burning her arm on a hot pipe in the first film is just one example that proves your statement wrong.

    This is where YOU are wrong, kiddo. The Nightmare is from the 2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street, so the events of the other ANoES movies are irrelevant.

    First off, don't call me kiddo. I'm probably old enough to be your father. Two, please re-read the statement I replied to:

    "In the movies you always had to have a friend wake you up and this should mirror that cannon."

    Oh look! That says MOVIES. So, I was not wrong, based on the statement I was replying to. It doesn't matter if the Freddy in the game is based on a garbage remake. The statement was based on the canon of the film series, as a whole, and they were wrong.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I like the idea of Freddy being able to pull a Survivor off of things even if they aren't in the Dreamworld. It might be a bit OP though. Maybe a change would be:

    If the Survivor is at full health, Freddy yanks them off and causes them to become injured.
    If they are Injured, Freddy yanks them off and downs them.
    Freddy can put players in the downed state into the Dreamworld - if this isn't already the case.
    This will provide some counterplay, the most obvious being gtfo before he gets there, but isn't too overpowering.

    Remove the failed skillchecks pulling you out of the Dreamworld and instead put in specific items (hot water pipes, some fires, anything that might cause pain, maybe a cup of coffee?) that must be used instead. Another player can of course do it for you with the wakeup action, but it would make him a lot stronger if the Survivors had to find something to do this for them solo. Add in a couple skillchecks perhaps to make the interaction a bit more difficult.

  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    I like playing as Freddy but usually do poorly, largely due to the dream transition. If someone on a hook after gates are open then you can be guaranteed they'll escape if unhooked and you'll struggle to get them in the dream world and downed before they make it to the exit. And never even mind trying to stop someone unhook, work on a generator etc. The transition needs to be much shorter.

    Or maybe have the dream transition work as an AoE around Freddy so when he's within a certain distance (his terror radius say) you fall into the dream world after a few seconds. Even keep the same effect of flashes of Freddy being visible during the transition. It would allow Freddy that little bit of extra pressure as rather than having to individually target survivors then wait for them to transition, once within his terror radius hes having an effect on them while approaching and would stop the free gens and saves etc. Yes, certain perk combos could be used to make his terror radius a lot bigger, but give him a smaller terror radius like the Hag so it doesn't get too out of hand. Remove the ability to wake yourself up with self care but make it so that when hit by Freddy, the survivor 'wakes up' and the dream transition begins again before he can get another hit. Also keep the ability to see survivors in the dream world outside terror radius but I think this would be a good way to alter the transition specifically.

    It would stay canon too as through the films, characters don't realise they've fallen asleep. They'll be awake and in the middle of doing something only to suddenly be in the dream world doing the same thing. I think having the dreamworld transition as an AoE of his terror radius would be great. Flashes of Freddy and his laugh playing periodically as the transition effect occurs as he gets closer and closer, the lullaby getting louder. Then suddenly you're in the dream world, still working on a gen or whatever but without being stopped.

    It would also free up his power to allow for something else, maybe the ability to alter the dream world version of the map. Maybe add in fake pallets, some gens that aren't actually gens, have fake survivors walking around randomly in the distant mist that fade as they get nearer, general mind game bullshittery. He could keep the same targetter as his current power, but it can only hit transitioned survivors and then after a few seconds things start getting weird for them in the dream world.

    Just an idea for Freddy :chuffed:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I am so glad that I decided not to buy him in the first week

  • Nergana
    Nergana Member Posts: 6

    Literally just commenting on old posts related to Freddy in an attempt to garner attention for him.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Mringasa said:

    I like the idea of Freddy being able to pull a Survivor off of things even if they aren't in the Dreamworld. It might be a bit OP though. Maybe a change would be:

    If the Survivor is at full health, Freddy yanks them off and causes them to become injured.
    If they are Injured, Freddy yanks them off and downs them.
    Freddy can put players in the downed state into the Dreamworld - if this isn't already the case.
    This will provide some counterplay, the most obvious being gtfo before he gets there, but isn't too overpowering.

    Remove the failed skillchecks pulling you out of the Dreamworld and instead put in specific items (hot water pipes, some fires, anything that might cause pain, maybe a cup of coffee?) that must be used instead. Another player can of course do it for you with the wakeup action, but it would make him a lot stronger if the Survivors had to find something to do this for them solo. Add in a couple skillchecks perhaps to make the interaction a bit more difficult.

    Freddy doing harm like that is op, I main freddy and saying this. You can't see where he is and not even wraith can gen snatch while invisible, or pig. Nothing in stealth should gen snatch.
  • NotBiasedAtAll
    NotBiasedAtAll Member Posts: 50

    Why would you stay on the gen when you hear his lullaby anyway?

  • Ash
    Ash Member Posts: 15

    Why would you stay on the gen when you hear his lullaby anyway?

    Because survivors know they can finish a near completed gen before they fully fall asleep they power through it and not care about being tagged by dream transition
  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Survivors do not feel threatened by Freddy at all, and there's many ways the devs could remedy this. I posted a giant list of suggestions in one of the Freddy buff threads, and I believe a lot of those alterations would make him at least mid - upper mid tier.

    If Freddy could pull survivors off of objectives while invisible, this could also add to his threat level and would solve the "lol, just finish the gen and SB away" problem. People would hear the lullaby and make a choice: risk getting yanked off an objective to finish it, or book it out of there. Done, survivor successfully threatened.

  • CodyWolf321
    CodyWolf321 Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2018

    If anyone would like to see my changes to Freddy please follow this link I made a mistake and put it in balance feedback screw it I'll put it here in this comment
    So for a Freddy rework I was think of TWO Different ways you can rework Freddy
    1. Make The dream transition shorter to 3.5 seconds but make his dream world penalty stack the more times you sleep a survivor the harder it is for them to wake up to a totally of 3 time and make the penalty go from 1 sleep=50% then 2 sleeps=60% and 3 sleeps=70% and each time the survivor fails a skill check it take them out of one stack of dream world but to counter the fact that you sleep one survivor a multiple of three times you have to wait double or triple the amount of time you sleep them for. As a example you sleep a meg twice and then she starts to run away you would have to wait 7 seconds to hit her or if you got all three stacks on her you would have to wait 10.5 seconds to hit her and the wake up action would only remove 2 stacks of the dream transition if you had one person to wake you up the more people wake you the faster and more stacks are removed from the survivor that is woke up. Now for perks that wake you up adrenaline would wake a survivor up and remove all the stacks but the survivor will not get a free sprint if said survivor has all three stacks of sleep. On the change to self care that the devs are thinking about doing is something that I would keep because even in the newer movie pain did not get someone out of freddy's dream world and that ended in the character in the movie dying and for those who like freddy because of his aura reading or hate him because of his aura reading I give something to both of you at 1 sleep no aura reading, at 2 the same aura reading he has now, but at 3 sleeps limitless aura reading as in no matter where you are freddy will know where you are even if your in his terror radius.
    2. Make freddy Doctor 2.0 meaning if your in his terror radius you able to be hurt by freddy and his debuffs still apply when in his terror radius but when out of his terror radius no debuffs are applied to you and also the longer your in freddy's tr the stronger the debuff for the survivor gets, it stars at 50% then goes to 60% and maxes at 70% also the longer the survivor is out of the tr of freddy after being in his tr the debuff will go away.
    Just a quick note I'm open to feedback

  • Timebomb0800
    Timebomb0800 Member Posts: 80

    @Master said:

    @mintchapstick said:
    Given that he's invisible, #2 would be pretty OP.

    Not really, you can hear him
    Even if both #1 and #2 got implemented, he would still be way below nurse level. He would leave the trash-tier and become a mediocre killer next to the other ones waiting for a buff

    Would be OP with the ultra rare paint brush addon and level 3 monitor and abuse (would literally have no terror radius) because he would be able to pull every survivor off gens insta downing/grabbing them because they'd have no idea he was right on top of them

  • ClementineS4
    ClementineS4 Member Posts: 17

    2 is totally broken but tbh I’m a survivor main and I can’t help but notice that Freddy can’t seem to catch a break from trolling survivors that are way out of his skill set, if they want to buff him to make him better they should at least remove his huge lunge then.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    2 is totally broken but tbh I’m a survivor main and I can’t help but notice that Freddy can’t seem to catch a break from trolling survivors that are way out of his skill set, if they want to buff him to make him better they should at least remove his huge lunge then.

    His normal lunge? Lol
  • Ash
    Ash Member Posts: 15

    2 is totally broken but tbh I’m a survivor main and I can’t help but notice that Freddy can’t seem to catch a break from trolling survivors that are way out of his skill set, if they want to buff him to make him better they should at least remove his huge lunge then.

    The devs said themselves all lunges are the same due to a character being smaller and if the wasn't true and he did have a lunge wouldn't it be because he has the smallest weapon in the game with the doctor having the biggest with a long baton
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited August 2018
    I disagree with most of what is suggested here. If I could pick one and only one buff for Freddy, it would be enhancing his vision. He's practically unable to see beyond 15-20 meters, and if survs got the funny idea to thicken the Mist, he is pretty much completely effin blind.
    He's never gonna be a top tier killer nor do I think he should be, but he offers a very unique game style, much different from other killers. I relish the diversity of DbD; it would be nice to make him at least somewhat viable.

    EDIT: I just found a suggestion which would be sweet too: INCREASE skill check success zones greatly (an effect possibly modifiable with addons). That would be a necessary but not unbalancing change - survivors would still have a chance to wake up on their own, but not "for free".
    Post edited by George_Soros on
  • Tiktai
    Tiktai Member Posts: 8
    I think a small Freddy buff that could help is like how shock works for doctor, not the AOE part but the action interrupting part. Shorten transition time but add a delay till sleep has an effect so that you have to skillfully time a sleep to interrupt a survivor action while still instigating a transition into sleep.