How do you play hillbilly on console?

As the title says any tips for hillbilly on console? I've tried maining him many times, but each time I just give up. I'm extremely bad with back revving, I don't know hot to curve, and I'm bad with heat management.I have gotten more 4ks with nurse and blight than billy, which goes to show I'm extremely bad with him.
Depends what console you're on? IMO he's actually a lot easier on pad than MKB but maybe that's because I learned him on pad first.
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What tends to help me is to play absolutely like a lunatic! Do chainsaw dashes through places you're unsure whether you can or not, or take unusual routes through the map to catch survivors by surprise.
In terms of revving, he's tricky and unless you've got plenty of experience I wouldn't even bother revving around loops, especially short loops.
For me, creating chaos and uncertainty as Hillbilly is the great first place to start, and with time revving it will become easier with practice. Otherwise, rev the chainsaw in an area or opportunity where the survivor isn't likely to loop; ideally herding them into such a situation.
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As someone that used to main him on PS4 - in the current state he's in, honestly, you might just want to play a different killer. I used to love playing him but he seems fairly miserable to me now
Anyways, if you do still want to play him, here would be some tips:
- That's just good for killer in general, but I'd recommend at least 70 sensitivity in your settings. Should help a bit with 360s during backrevs and M1 hits
- Curving is possible but you'll have to make sure you're doing very gradual movements with the stick. Much easier said than done, and it'll probably take more practice than M+K. I'd recommend starting curves by erring on the side of caution (turning less than you think you need to) until you get a good feel for it. It's less strategy and moreso just getting a good feel for it
- Tying in with that point, the brown "heavy clutch" add-on can help a bit with curving by allowing you to kind of slide a little bit more on surfaces
- I'd run the brown "junkyard air filter" every game, if you can. Helps to make overheat a little less annoying
- Dunno if it's just on console right now but his FOV is obnoxious. You wouldn't be crazy to run shadowborn
I think that's all I've got. Godspeed, good sir or madam