You don't need 3+ slowdowns on Blight

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Blight is like one of the top tier killers to play (if you play him well) and he is super fast and can down quickly. He is rly fun to go againts and I love playing him but... the ammout of people running 3+ slowdowns (Pop + Ruin + Tinkerer + Corrupted OR switch Ruin + Undying + etc.) is just overhelming. Also that build is super boring to face and don't make you any good if you win with whole build focused on slowdown.

Note: I don't complain about running any slowdown perk, that's 100% fine. I am talking about running 3+ perks oriented about slowing down or tracking gens, etc. And before you ask: I play blight a lot and I don't run these days not even a single slowdown perk and I can still perform many times well without needing them.

Edit - Seems like I have to make something clear here: I am NOT saying you can't play these builds, I am saying you DON'T NEED them to win since Blight is allready very powerfull.



  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    I am not saying you can't play it, I am saying you don't need these builds to win (which what I think most of these people want running these super heavy meta builds). You can do fine as well without them since Blight is like top 3 killer.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,104
    edited July 2021

    I guess it is a subconscious child like type of psychological attempt to control or Reform behaviour.

    Like we all said at some point as kids "You can only win using X or you are so bad at whatever when you always have to use Y" just to make them not using any of those to make it easier for us via peer pressure.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I suck with blight (console). If I ever use him he needs all his the slowdown he can get because I really suck.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    I am not saying you CAN'T play them lol, chill guys. I am saying you DON'T NEED them to win since blight is allready so powerfull base-kit.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,104
    edited July 2021

    The thing is this topic about all blights "always" and killer in general too often running the same gen slowdown perks combined with the peer pressure notion of that being a sign of being "trash at the game" even when winning popped up several times in the last few days.

    Edit: Here the psychological conditioning part of your original post:

    "Also that build is super boring to face and don't make you any good if you win with whole build focused on slowdown."

  • treefiddyoh
    treefiddyoh Member Posts: 36

    What are you talking about? You killers bitched so much about them they got nerfed to the ground. People are literally running Lithe now...

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    this part:  that being a sign of being "trash at the game" = is totaly wrong. Can you please show me where in the post or somewhere else I ever said or thought such thing? This is not my mind not even slightly. I am not gona call someone trash killer running a full meta perks.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459
    edited July 2021

    Some of you guys seriously think I am witch hunting or thinking "wow garbage killers get gut" like come on. Stop think that every post is about saying some side is bad or better and "get gut", etc. Thanks.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,104

    You didn't explicitly say "trash" but some of the other previously popped up threads I mentioned did. You only did a soft version of that in the part I quoted.

    " Don't make you any good if you win with whole build focused on slowdown"

    Coupled with the usual "it's boring" argument before that.

    And why does that make people not "any good" when they give up any form of tracking or chase aiding perks and focus on the length of the trial to take off the stressful time limit edge?

    You could say the same about survivor running multiple second chance perks with the obligatory added exhaustion perk or say the same about the use of swf with or without comms.

    This whole argument of saying using X makes you bad/trash/not good is simply the conscious/subconscious attempt to get people to act in a certain way.

    I don't think you are ACTIVELY doing any of that but can't speak yourself free of not doing it to certain subtext degree.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    Yes, you can say it about Survivors as well. I hate for example Dead Hard and I see it every single game more than once. Do I call the Survivor trash? No.

    I do think it is more easy to run meta perks, that's why they are called like that since you are running the best things possible to win. By saying "boring and don't make you any better" is just you might then rely on these perks and not perform as well without them. They do make it easier for you because they make the game much longer than without them. That' a fact. Same goes for Survivor perks as well.

    My point was that with him you can perform well and not need to rely on these perks. That's it. Survivors can win too if they work well together without need of meta perks as well I would say.

    Anyway, I am not gona trash talk anyone for playing something and "get gut" or something.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    You don't need to tell other players what to run or why they shouldn't run things they might enjoy.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Yeah but its more about how you wrote it. You basically implied that a player who wins with a build focused on slowdown isn't any good.

    Re-read what wrote and you'll see that your point is very poorly conveyed if it wasn't your intent to imply that.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,796

    I'm honestly not the best at blight so I run atleast 2

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    That's okay. I am not talking about that. Anyway, play what you want.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,026

    If a killer's power is good enough for chases, it typically means they end up dedicating less perk slots for chase perks. This is why you dont typically see enduring or anything like that on Nurse. From there, you tack on a perk or 2 for tracking with the leftover slots going to...slowdown. If your seeing people with that many slowdown perks, could just be an indicator that they dont need additional perk help to find and down survivors.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited July 2021

    Survivors used to abuse running perks back in the days (e.g. Sprint Burst + Balanced Landing with non-shared cooldown). This was utterly broken and unfair for killers. The consequence was the introduction of exhaustion mechanics few months later to kill this kind of build.

    Nowadays, killers are abusing the gen slowdowns with absurd stack of perks (e.g. Ruin+Undying+Pop) in public matches, even against bunches of 4 solo players. At this point, this is an autopilot victory.

    Besides, this current situation prevents the buff of alternative slowdown perks such as Surge (too weak, not consistent at the moment).

    I do feel that Devs are aware of this critical issue and will implement something similar to prevent these utterly broken builds in the next months.

    There are lots of ways to do it: point-based builds, perk-class restrictions, ... but something will be done, just praise in the meantime :)

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    People can use whatever perks they like just like survivors come stacked with a full loadout of second chance perks when they don't need them either.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    A different style of play? Yeah, a style that makes the game as unfair in your favor as possible.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,640

    But why shouldn't I take the most optimal build? Why should I handicap myself by running inferior perks? To flex? To prove something?

  • [Deleted User]

    Where is it written that you can't use them? On the rulebook?

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459
  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459
    edited July 2021

    I play Blight the most of all Killers and I on avarage play more Killer than Survivor these weeks but sure, "crying Survivor" lol. Again you didn't read the full post I assume. It's in the note written.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    for killer meta is slowdonw perks. pop ruin ci undyng. on pub bbq for farm bloodpoonts. other perks are bad or make survivor gen for tu gen rushing. ej: killer with strong anti loop build force to early drop pallets an rush gen because u cant make time looping. slowdonw perk need nerf or some kind of balance and buff another perks. for survivor meta is bt ds anti tunnel perks 1 exe perk (hd , sb) iron will umbrecable. survivor have more options an lest pression, and some builds are strong on very sitstional on map and killer

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    What other builds would you suggest then.

    Personally i think Dark Devotion is a ton of fun on blight. Hysteria is pretty fun too

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    You dont need any perks on Blight. You dont need any perks on anyone, killer or survivor.

  • [Deleted User]

    My question still isn't answered.

    And by the way I didn't reply to that wall of text, I replied to the title, which is everything in my opinion, the other I would summarise it with "You can but you can't", note and edit included.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,459

    Anything rly. For example I hear that enduring and spirit fury is pretty fun.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Ruin is best when you can constantly harrass gens to force survivors away. Blight is one of the best at that. Same for tinkerer. Undying caps it off and gives you cross map aura reading on top.

    Pop and corrupt are kinda meh, but his best perks are his best perks for a reason.

    (Also as you are not using as many basic attacks with blights a good number of perks are useless on him)

  • buzzaman
    buzzaman Member Posts: 119

    Every Killer needs slowdown if you play against a very efficient team, thats just how dbd balance works, but I agree, in most games you wont need any if you play well, but that goes for most killers in this game.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Just because I don't NEED to run slowdown doesn't mean I shouldn't. Why should I run lesser perks that won't help me as much? To prove something to random people in an online game?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    You dont need any perks to beat bad survivors, but if you face good survivors then damn right I want a good build to handle it. I want to have fun, being dominated by a good team to have them BM you isn't fun at all.

    TINKERER IS NOT A SLOWDOWN! It's an info perk, it doesnt affect gen speed at all. It's not a gen regression perk.

    Like both sides they will run perks they like or what helps them. Some games I dont NEED DS, other games I do. But I will always run it because not having it when I needed it are far less fun than the games I have but dont need. Play how you want, let other play how they want.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I wish they'd buff other killer perks to give killers more reason to choose alternative perks. Surge for instance is one of the worst anti-gen perks in the game due to its unreasonable cooldown (meanwhile Pop has none of that) and the fact that survivors usually will lead you to areas where no gens are being worked on. I can count the number of instances where I got off Surge's effect on a SINGLE hand after all this time.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    You don’t need DS, Unbreakable, Deadhard on survivor.

    I find it very boring, and it doesn’t mean you’re good.

    Hope this fake analogy proves my point.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 567

    oh please .... play red ranks then say that when survivors run rings around any killer almost lol .... or purple or on the way to that

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I've just spoken to all the blights their going to start perking responsibly factoring in their power moving forwards.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    trust me most people on this forum need 4 slowdowns and they still don't get any kills

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Lol yes i do need slowdown with blight. I'm happy that you are very good with him and don't need them but i'm mediocre at best, so unless i get better and for some reason i want to stop running them i'll keep them.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,002

    Let them play how they wanna play

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,104

    Sorry but you bring the example of sb and bl being made to share a common cool down aka exhaustion so only one at a given time is usable and then talk about ruin/pop (i will leave undying out since it does NOTHING to gens itself outside of increasing ruins lifetime) and say that the later is still broken?

    Ruin and pop already have the same mechanic as exhaustion perks. Pop can't be used as long as ruin is up similar to only one exhaustion perk being used before the cooldown.

    And to the autopilot argument, neither perk does anything itself without the killer either A) applying pressure at multiple gens or B)going out of their way to make use of the, otherwise without the perk useless, kicking of gens, instead of for example directly going for the next chase.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,253
    edited August 2021

    I don't care how many hours I put in blight im not taking off my 3 slowdowns and bbq, because I am an absolute magnet for blight bugs, the slightest thing that can go wrong will go wrong, and instead of having to be rougher on the survivor team for it ill just bring perks that give adequate time to make up for the games bs, ive seen it all and feel their effects constantly

    Missed attacks because the attack doesn't have a hitbox, can be inside of the survivor but the attack just doesn't land or have a survivor cornered and still can't hit them with a rush attack because the game decided you don't get a hitbox on your attack

    Missed attacks because of a frame perfect input at the start or end of a lethal rush that makes you do a regular lunge that you can't really prepare for

    Tokens not recharging for no reason for ~6 seconds

    Until recently unable to use power until you m1 (eventually learned a way to force it)

    Random fatiguing without even rushing

    Bad collision

    Rush instantly bumping instead of going where I want because I played too fast

    Attack that has auto aim that removes all momentum to correct onto the survivor but it just doesn't hit the survivor and gives me nothing

    The fact that the power is dependent on the servers so I can't play blight above 60 ping because of lost time having to wait between bumping and rushing again and even if I can manage it, it still feels like im playing the dark souls 2 version of blight

    Unless blight suddenly becomes not a bug riddled mess or becomes less server dependent im just going to bring my slowdowns

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Survivors don't need 4 meta perks to win, but they still run them.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    People run those builds to help them have a better chance to beat top tier survivor teams. And blight doesnt really need detection perks or chase perks. So besides Shadowborn for the nice feeling FOV you are extremely likely to see Lethal Pursuer, Corrupt, Pop, Ruin, Undying, and BBQ as well. Good perks that give you more time against the teams you need the extra time with. Why would anyone put on perks that dont really do much? Can we stop making weekly posts on "Blights run strong build, whine and complain" and you keep saying Blight doesnt need the META regression perks. What a pointless statement. Survivors dont need any perks at all and can mop the floor with 97% of killers through positioning and good teamwork. Just as Blight can win with good rushes and decisions. But perks in both cases help a lot. There's a reason most good loopers bring dead hard. They dont need dead hard it just helps solidify what they are good at doing. People need to accept that killers and survivors are going to run whatever perks they want and if they want to win they will bring META.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    My example still is relevant because I am talking about strong perks that are problematic when stacked.

    It was utterly broken to use 2+ speed-boost perks on survivor side to have easy and long chases. Devs fixed it some months later.

    It is also broken, at least in public matches (do not care at all about the "comp" side or KYF), to stack too many slowdown perks (notably the strongest ones) to easily extend matches that should never last 15+ min. Besides, BPs gain per minute is ridiculous after long time.

    I am pretty sure the devs will do something similar to kill the stacked slowdown builds in future patches.

    Let's wait & see oOo

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Plenty of teams out there that can make all those slowdown perks feels useless. Besides that slowing gens doesn't win the game, downing Survivors does.

    Your right that they aren't always necessary, but a great safety net when toying with Survivors especially if you don't want a chill play style to be turned against you.