How well does Behavior deal with the bugs we report?

GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

How well does Behavior handle the bugs we report on the forum?

Do you think Behavior should respond to all our reports?

And how do you think Behaviour is doing at patching the bugs we report?

My opinion:

Sometimes I feel like nobody cares.

I think Behavior should take our reports more seriously and respond to every report, regardless of what has been reported is correct or not.

How well does Behavior deal with the bugs we report? 12 votes

Behaviour should take our reports more seriously, Behavior is not doing well.
InsaneCoasterBigbubbabam270BoobaDistortedDreamApollosHex_IgnoredGamerEzraSirGandoMrOogieboogie 9 votes
Behaviour is doing ok, They should take us a bit more serious.
FallenRanger0[Deleted User][Deleted User] 3 votes
Behaviour is doing great, they take our reports very serious.


  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305
    Behaviour should take our reports more seriously, Behavior is not doing well.

    There are bugs that have been in the game for months, and in some cases literally years and still exist despite the fact that so many people experience them. Constant bugs on Nurse (M1 bug for example), issues with joining lobbies, bugged friends lists, they've all been in the game for ages now to the point where we're just used to them.

    In their defense, they do fix a fair number of issues every patch, but most of them seem to be much more minor. The really complex, ongoing bugs seem to be ones they couldn't initially find a proper fix for, and therefore just gave up and left them in the game.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052
    Behaviour should take our reports more seriously, Behavior is not doing well.

    I think the system of them acknowledging bugs is nice, but we never get any updates or follow-ups. I've been posting about a glitch with a paid cosmetic for months that they acknowledged in bug reporting, but hasn't been mentioned in any updates. I'd be happy if they at least told me what they're planning on doing about it, or what's holding it up.

    Even when it comes to feedback, it feels like they pick and choose what they want to acknowledge. They say the loudest opinions get attention, which I understand, but I also notice that that's not always the case.

    If anything, it just feels like they're disconnected from the community, despite what they said in the anniversary loading screens.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014
    Behaviour should take our reports more seriously, Behavior is not doing well.

    The "silent on the floor" bug has been reported numerous times and has been in the game for quite some time, yet it still exists. Pretty good job so far, huh?