So is the Wraith

Gonna get nerfed then or are we gonna have a killer than can run around like lightning and then unclock to hit a survivor in seconds?
Wait for it...We will have the killers in soon saying how he is C tier
Bing bong bing bong
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He is C tier
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I'd say B tier.
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Nerf wraith
Buff spirit
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Itโs just so funny how a weak killer gets buffed and everyone protests that the killer is too strong because they obliterated them lmao.
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Awareness and perks, wraith is more enjoyable to face since his changes
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B+ tier.
He is strong, but not at the level of Hill Billy, Nurse, Blight and Spirit.
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The only things that I think needs changed are:
Some of his add-ons, things like aura reading on Wraith are too strong now.
His crazy lunge after uncloaking, this doesn't need removed or anything, just toned down.
Other than that though, he's fine IMO.
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On a real note his addons should be changed other than the bell one because bing bong bing bong
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Is Wraith the new Billy?
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Look around, have a plan.
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Bing Bong.
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He doesn't need aura reading add-ons any more though, those add-ons were designed for a time when cloaking hardly affected your movement speed. Now that his cloaked movement speed is a significant help to him, he doesn't need hand fed information for nothing.
His lunge is also crazy now, it just need toned down a little bit, currently he can practically lunge half way around almost any loop.
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Heโs not even that great, once you find a way to play around his uncloaking you can even avoid his lunges at most loops, even with some of the most experienced Wraiths.
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Survivors: They should buff some of the weaker killers to give us more Killers to fight other than the top 3!
BHVR buffs Wraith
Survivors: Wait, no!
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He's like, the most average killer in the game. He's the lowest of the B tier in my opinion, majority of the killers are better than him because he's looped like a regular M1 killer in decent loops. Just rework his "All-Seeing" - Blood.
Crazy that people still think the big guy is OP.
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He's still bad.
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Get Good
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Get better at the game dude. Wraith is STILL low tier M1 killer that gives too much information to survivors.
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As a Wraith main with like, 500 hours on Wraith, lemme say that if anything he needs a buff. Likely an addon rework or for his bell to be muted a bit.
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He is C tier you can loop him like any other killer. As survivor I really can't understand people complaining about Wraith of all killers.
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A lot of those players are just buttmad that they got out mindgamed by an M1 killer.
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He was C tier, now he's B tier. Leave him alone.
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Wow yeah letโs keep nerfing all killers survivors are royalty in this game how dare they feel challenged !
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Get better at the game bruh. But he's ok. Not OP and not weak. Only thing I'd change is all seeing add on. Git gud.
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Wraith is unironically a very good killer now. I'd got as far to say he's better than hillbilly. I think a lot of people underestimate him because they really dont know how often you can actually use his power in chases. He's very idiot friendly and none of his addons have any drawbacks. I can only speak for myself, but I really can't understand anyone who says that Wraith is still just average or simply not good.
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He needs to have his all seeing add-ons removed/reworked, the silent bell needs to be removed/reworked, and he needs a cool down timer for cloaking.
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Just run flashnang and perma burn him.
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Or even sprint burst counter his speed lunge with your own
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No get better
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He's strong but does not need to be nerfed.
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Your name matches what I'm feeling after reading that statement
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Just do gens