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How has deathslinger not been reworked?

A ranged killer with a tiny terror radius, able to zone for free just cross your fingers and hope he misses. It's not that he's a stronger killer he's just boring to play against

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  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I don’t mind him that much when I play survivor. I play as him a good bit so it helps me counter him but his zoning is pretty stupid.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    The only changes he could probably use include better add-ons and a lullaby of some sort.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited July 2021

    The only change he need is windup time period. And if only for like 0,5-0,75 seconds, but his quickscope is simply stupid.

  • Member Posts: 214

    So he's fun to verse ? I don't care if they make him stronger just make him less ######### to play against

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I used to dislike Deathslinger a lot but I don’t really mind him as much now. I’ve played against him so often that I feel like I usually know how to play the match and I’m kind of numb to being annoyed by it. He’ll never be my favourite killer, but there are far worse ones, at least to me.

    I think the devs just don’t know what to do with him since he seems fine. He’s a fairly popular killer it seems (there are tons of them in EU west at least), and he’s not particularly unbalanced in terms of performance I don’t think. How do you “fix” a killer power that doesn’t seem immediately problematic? They could easily fix Blight by changing his FoV, and they tried fixing Spirit by nerfing Stridor, but I don’t even know what you’d do about Deathslinger to make him less disliked by survivors without gutting him or really pissing off the people who like playing him.

  • Member Posts: 176

    It’s his ADS no one likes, really easy to bait movement.

    I suspect he will be changed to have a way slower ADS, just like Pyramid Head was with his trail of torment.

  • Member Posts: 699

    im afraid there are no changes they could make to him without destroying his insane chase power which is the only thing he has

  • Member Posts: 105

    My man freddy is boring af to go against. So that means he need a change or a rework???

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    That's the ONLY thing he has going for him.

    Literally taking that away will hurt him.

    That's like nerfing hillbilly and taking away his ability to flutter his chainsaw at pallets..

    Doesn't seem fun now does it..?

  • Member Posts: 4,105
  • Member Posts: 508
  • Member Posts: 3,303

    He's rare which makes him fun for a start. I like playing against him.

  • Member Posts: 16,691

    Because it is hard to change something on him. He has really bad Map Mobility because he is a 4,4m/s-Killer and has to reload after every Shot and on the other hand he has a really oppressive Chase Power. Makes it difficult to adjust.

    IMO he should not be the stealthiest guy around. There is 0 sense why Trickster has a Lullaby and Deathslinger has 16m Terror Radius with M&A, while begin able to thoot 18m. He should have a Lullaby, some whistling or anything like that.

    Other than that, I have no real idea how to change it, because his 1v1 has to be strong, since his 1v4 is lacking.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Because his design is actually very good and requires a lot of skill to play properly and beat a good survivor team.

    He's a chase specialist, small TR hels him to get close as he has no mobility so that you can't just pre hold W vs him and actually have to engage him in chase. His ranged attack is very precise with needle hitbox and lengthy reload to give survivors time to get after each use, limiting his snowball. The zoning poses a constant threat so a survivor never feels safe, you can try to make his shots harder but can't loop him mindlessly like with M1 killer or other ones with huge activation times for their power (that also snowball harder).

    If you don't like him that's fine but his design is perfect as it is, there's nothing wrong with it. A chase focused killer with amazing consistency and high skill ceiling that also has quite a few weaknesses to compensate and give survivors breathing room.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Just remember, when beig chased by Deathslinger do the Safety Dance and everything will be ok.

  • Member Posts: 824
  • Member Posts: 4,105

    How about this: Making an unfun killer fun! That sounds much better to me.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    They probably don't know how to rework him honestly

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Idk how hasn't trapper been reworked ohh wait he has a very simple power

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I did not? I said he needs more windup time. To compensate for this nerf, increase the reeling in speed.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Fun and balanced are 2 different things. Something can be balanced perfectly (he's not "perfect" but fairly fine) and not be fun, while something can also be extremely unbalanced for better or worse and be extremely fun. Not to mention, like others said, the amount of "fun" a killer is is an opinion.

    Example: I always hear people talk about Freddy is one of the most boring killers to face, I find Freddy a thrill to go against and find him really fun to face. He's also not balanced and still very strong despite popular belief that he was "gutted." Although that probably comes from a place of relying on his 2 best slowdown add-ons, I never used add-ons when I played Freddy prior to the rework and saw close to no difference post-rework. That goes for playing as him and against him.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    what's wrong with him?

    if anything he needs a buff

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I've always been curious why he has a small TR when Trickster and Huntress have lullabies.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Idk, reeling in is one of his biggest problems. It costs a shittone of time. But i would be fine with your change aswell beside the 4.6 buff. IF they add something like that, they have to change his terror radius aswell.

    People here treat him a bit lightly, he is still a competent killer who can even 4K in tournaments (been there). He is not as weak as some say.

  • Member Posts: 2,109
    edited August 2021

    we all know "rework" means nerf

    bhvr doesn't give straight buffs anymore, there is more nerfs than buffs

  • Member Posts: 214

    Short of the stronger loops he can either shoot you or zone you and due to the small terror radius ( monitor) you cant get much of a head start. The best counter is gen rush and hope he's bad. I'm not suggesting he's op or anywhere close to that just right now I would rather stare at a wall for 5 mins than play against him. There's a few other killers I don't like but at least I find them fair

  • Member Posts: 214

    Again I don't care if he becomes nurse levels of good just how can anyone enjoy versing a good deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Exactly, odds are against you and in his favor. To beat good slinger in chase you have to have great understanding how slinger's redeemer works and when it's most likely he'll go for a shot and also a perfect execution of that understanding. That is debatably, one of the hardest to perform counterplays in DBD (that is also very risky) so it's natural that most survivors see it as not having one and insted call it RNG or killer just sucking.

    And that's also why he's just fine, a killer that solely focues on chase dominance shouldn't be easy to beat in chase. On the contrary, when you play enough slinger and you eventually get to face a survivors who really knows what he's doing, it's night & day difference compared to someone who just loops him like he was basic M1 killer or mindlessly wiggle to hope it works.

    I get the frusrations people have with his power but just look at him. He wasn't touched at all since his release, meaning devs either don't have a clue how to adress him or he's just fine and they consider him well balanced. Both are just as likely imo.

  • Member Posts: 11,534






    These were all reworks that are buffs

  • Member Posts: 479

    Deathslinger is in a pretty great spot honestly. His perks are pretty bad, his addons are mostly crap and no gen pressure but his chase potentional is amazing. It all kinda balances out in a weird way. Is he annoying to face against? Yeah but you could say that with at least half the killer roster in this game. He's just too much fun when playing him because NOBODY can deny how satisfying it is when you land a shot through weird angles or long distances, that's pretty much the whole appeal behind him. He's an old cowboy dude with a bum leg that waddles around and shoots you right in the stomach at the drop of a hat and I wouldn't want it any other way.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I'm sorry, but a killer being boring to play against isn't a valid enough reason to nerf them. On top of that there's just no way to nerf his kit with how horrible he already is.

    He's a 110 killer therefore he's weak in the 1v4 and very prone to getting gen rushed, his 1v1 depends on how good the player is with him and he can't snowball.

    You can't nerf him without making him worse.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited August 2021

    Capt. Capslock, you good? The fun of the majority (those who dislike Slinger) matters more then the fun of the minority (those who enjoy him). So yes, in that case, my fun matters more then the killers / those survivors who like him... simply because i am within the majority on that case. If i would be one of only a few with this opinion, i had to deal with it, but its not the case.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Pig is the highest winrate killer with an average kill-rate of 4, outperforming Spirit in every category

    I can make things up on the spot too

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    He's in a great place. I really enjoy facing him while playing survivor. Like the fact that it comes down to personal awareness over default warnings. Make the mistake of lingering in areas without cover and entering his line of sight is completely on you.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    clown got his add-ons nerfed.

    freddy got nerfed including his add-ons

    they will probably nerf wraith soon

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Fun to verse is subjective.

    I find him fun to verse. I like that you have to play different then normal.

    Just because a couple of people are loud about not finding him fun doesn't mean he needs to change

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I agree deathslinger needs a change, alot of addons are unused so itd be nice if there was a few tweaks.

    If you want him nerfed, no. Hes fine, you're probably a player in a higher rank when you shouldn't be or you expect to 1v1 the whole game. None of this is meant in a mean way but ranks mean nothing and the games a 1v4 so chases cant go on forever

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