

New Chapter Idea. (Please don't laugh at me.)

Member Posts: 837

"Practice makes Perfect, but what happens when perfection becomes something darker, something bloodier... Obsession? For the residents of a quaint little village in England, perfection and obsession go hand in hand.

After a tragic suicide drove the village's Sheriff to insanity, the community soon followed, swallowed by greed and perfectionism. Its most prominent residents banded together to form the Neighborhood Watch Association. Through the power of teamwork, they orchestrated elaborate murders, posing them as outlandish accidents with the end goal of purifying their town, and solidifying its status as 'Best Village'... that is, until a hotshot Sergeant from the Met ruined their plans..."

The new chapter is....


The new Killers are the Perfectionists

Difficulty: Easy

An informative killer, who's power allows them to keep tabs on careless survivors. Their personal perks, Hex: The Greater Good, Accidents Happen, and Crusty Jugglers allow them to track down sloppy survivors, spread out side objectives, and benefit from lengthy chases.

Weapon: Axe

Power: Neighborhood Watch

There is one Killer and three seperate spies. The spies have no terror radius, and are programmed to stalk survivors from a distance. Every sixty seconds, the Spies will take turns informing the Killer of nearby survivors in intervals of 30 seconds, marking their auras for 3 seconds. Survivors can blind spies with flashlights. Blinded spies will leave the area in a panic and restart their patrol.

Holding the active ability button will force all three Spies to report in, and the resulting auras are extended to 6 seconds. After this, all spies will reset patrols and Neighborhood Watch will go into the cooldown state for 120 seconds.


Hex: The Greater Good

You understand that blood and death can be turned to serve the greater good.

When hooking a survivor, gain a token for a maximum of five. For each token held, any other token hex will have one token removed from the corresponding totem and transferred to a random dull totem. If no other token hexes are equipped, this perk instead awards a stacking bloodpoint bonus of 25% in the Sacrifice category.

Accidents Happen

Years of practice have honed your skills as a framing artist, and you have learned to utilize these skills to spread misfortune to enemies of perfection.

Survivors who fail a skillcheck of any kind while outside your terror radius will have their auras revealed to you for 4 seconds.

"So you're telling me... this WASN'T an accident?"

Crusty Jugglers

The bafoonery of common hoodlums around you fills you with divine fury. Every time a tier of bloodlust is gained, you gain a token. You can hold a maximum of 2.

Vaulting while in possesion of tokens expends one token and allows the Killer to vault twice as fast. Vaulted windows are then blocked to the killer for 10 seconds.

The New Survivor is Nicholas Angel

Difficulty: Intermediate

A daring and altruistic survivor. His personal perks, Shortcut, Can't Switch Off, and Conspiracy reward an aggressive, team defending playstyle, as well as give him an edge against the unknown.



After cleansing a totem, gain a token for a maximum of five. Blocked windows can be used once per consumed token.

-Can't Switch Off

While being chased by the killer, each tier of bloodlust gained will add a token for a maximum of three. For every token, gain a 

- 25% increase in Bloodpoints earned in the boldness category. Furthermore, you can take one more protection hit than normal.

A second protection hit will apply the Deep Wounds status effect instead.


Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ability. Every time the killer enters the Undetectable state, you will see their outline for 5 seconds. Anytime you enter an Undetectable Killer's would-be terror radius, you will recieve an audio warning.

Be truthful. What do you guys think?


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