poor killer

I find myself playing with 3 companions of rank 20, I am of rank 4 against bubba of rank 1. already this is strange! 5 cakes on offer! we are close and we leave in 4 to make a generator. bubba arrives and takes out 3 in one shot, then starts chasing me leaving them on the ground. he chases me for a while, then I decide to stop, bow to him and put the healing kit on the ground. because? because there are 5 cakes. he turns on the chainsaw and throws me to the ground, and lets the mouse go ... we all bleed to the ground! the result was that the scores ranged from 2000 bp to 8000 bp. dear killer ... either you are stupid or you are just frustrated. P.S. for all those who will now say that I am angry, I say that I have simply waited for the end of the game to start a new one. I'm not angry, I'm just wondering what some people are up to!
You must be frustrated at the very least since his actions caused you to come to the forums to post this.
It isn't stupidity or frustration for a killer to not want to farm or earn a lot of blood points, especially with how easy it is for killers to earn them with BBQ. It's just some killers play to win and a 4k in their eyes is a win, not blood point amount.
I will say if he intentionally left you all to bleed out, then that was a little toxic.
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Technically Killers dont have to farm, because they can gain alot of BP even though the game can end extremely fast.
4 Chainsaw hit: 3400BP
4 caught: 800 BP
4 hooks: 2000 BP
4 entity summon: 800 BP
4 sacrificed: 800 BP
Summon entity when they go to 2nd hook stage: 7800, with BBQ can double to more than 15000 BP for a 2min game.
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If you think I'm frustrated, I'm telling you you're wrong! in fact I'm saying it was toxic ... the fact that I wasted 5 cakes leaving everyone on the ground to bleed, it has nothing to do with 4k ... it only made 4 people bleed! I shared on the forum to get opinions and understand how the dbd community thinks.
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so you confirm that leaving the mouse and letting the 4 survivors bleed to the ground is very stupid, if not toxic! in addition to having wasted 5 cakes!
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BP caps for Survs and Killers are the same.
BP's power struggle is a issue for both sides, unlike what you claim. They should of nerfed the grind a while ago.
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I say you're frustrated because you not only took the time to come to the forums but are insulting the killer by calling them stupid when they didn't do anything stupid. Usually, when someone resorts to insults, it means they're frustrated/upset/angry at whoever they're insulting.
Yes, letting 4 people bleed to death can be considered toxic, but it isn't stupid. Nor is it stupid to not care about the cakes that the killers opponents have wasted, since not everyone plays for blood points.
This killer doesn't represent the community, everyone thinks differently and plays for different reasons/objectives. Some players like to play basement chest protector Bubba, others like to play boop the snoot Piggy and then you have the more common 4k at all costs killers and the less common 12 hook the survivors and the even less common tunnel and mori asap killers.
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I know both side have 32.000 cap
What I mean is Killer can earn BP more easily while Survivor earn too little (especially objective & survival). They just need to bump Gen BP more because Survivors cant do more than 2 Gen in a match.
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Killer didn't do anything wrong or stupid. You made a plea for mercy/farming and the killer preferred a 4k.
Seems some Survivors are getting a bad habit of believing an item offering to the killer deserve killer mercy in kind.
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Leaving 4 survivors on the ground gives 1000 BP...which is why some killer do it and only hook for sacrifices BP. But I dont know why they should do that when a single chainsaw hit give 850 BP.
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Why would a rank 1 Bubba get 3 rank 20s is the bigger question. I get people play for different reasons and all that, but the matchmaking seems to be the REAL issue here. More of the same poop I guess.
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I despise people who dont play gor BP as well. But nothing you can do about it. Some people have thousands hours and they dont need BP anymore
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Which is still only a third of most normal games with 20-25k BP plus bbq IF one manages to obtain 4 stacks against decent survivor
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Machmaking has been an issue for like ages. Even back in 2017/18 it was anything but stellar. Considering how little it has improved since then... go figure...
Post edited by DuneT on0 -
The Killer is not your friend and has no obligation to play the way you want.
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Completely relies on the survivors, they control the game, not the killer. If they don't want you to get emblems, they can force that. Well, unless you are a god nurse.
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You are trolling, rank 1 vs three rank 20 is pretty impossible even with a broken matchmaking like this
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If Killer afk. Survivor get Objectives, Boldness from a totem and 5000 Survival from escaping.
If Killer is bad. Similar thing happens.
If Killer camp. Nothing on both side.
If Killer tunnel. Tunneled gets 8000 Boldness (if they actually hold that long) and the other do 2 Gen then escape.
Altruism earned from Killer hitting survivors so others can heal. But also can be denied if they camp or tunnel.
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True. He is a KILLER he isn't here to play or to have fun times, This is not a game it a job and the job must be done.
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You can't fix stupid. I'm talking about the killer in this case.
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Another thought... load up unbreakable, if possible, when burning your cakes. That can be your safety, in case it turns into a slugfest.
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altruism earned from Killer hitting survivors so others can heal.
For the sake of argument, lets say I give you this (To which this is flawed too). This by itself would not be much BP.
But also can be denied if they camp or tunnel.
No they can't, if killer camps or tunnels then all they have to do is gen rush and you lost instantly unless you are playing a strong killer.
As said before, if you are not playing some of the strongest killers such as, Blight, Nurse, Spirit almost all if not all plays you do have counter play.
Your points are unusually weak, your only logical rebuttal is "Most survs don't play good enough to understand what to do in the majority of these situations due to the less competitive player base in this game, or at least they might not understand all of the counter play to X killer that you may or may not play".
To that, I would completely agree, but also point out my original point was about the BP base rates and what survivors can do.
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Im not tried to, just lead to a misunderstanding.
In short, survivors BP needed to bump up. Especially Gen point and survival. Thats it.
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I somewhat agree to that point. If you mean to add more tries for BP, rather then increasing they're cap.