Trickster: The ultimate feast or famine killer

Now that the trickster buff has been out for a few days, im sure were all very familiar with it, and i've developed some thoughts over the dedicated hours i've put into him before his buff, and after it. I've decided to share and catalogue some of that here, so we can start a discussion on how this affects the game and what this says about killer balance.
Trickster has been majorly buffed in terms of his strengths. Tiles where he used to struggle he can now boldy stride through knowing that with skillful aim, the tile is a free down in wait. The lower knife count to down means that trickster no longer spends significant time looping around objects peppering survivors, this increase in his lethality makes him a lot more fun to play on tiles like shack.
Along with this lethality boost at tiles, trickster now massacres survivors out in the open. WIth proper aim, he can effectively take a full health survivor down in 3-4 seconds. Purely by existing, trickster pressures survivors away from open areas, an excellent passive (albeit very small) boost in your slowdown. Any survivors caught out in the open will learn this lesson the hard way.
Main event has also received some changes, being able to be held for upwards of 30 seconds before dissipating. This is excellent, as it allows trickster to potentially hold his main event through a down and hook state, and still have it avaliable for use on any survivors he sees during the remainder of its charge. The activation is also effectively instant, giving trickster a much larger window of error to line up and perform his main event. This actually allows main event to provide occasionally game changing plays, and gives trickster an interesting edge he can access on occasion.
Overall these changes provided some very enjoyable and complimentary additions to his kit that boosted his strengths, but of course like with any change in this game theres a lot of bad that came with it.
Mirroring his major increase in strength at a variety of loops, he has equally been crippled at several others. Long wall loops were already quite bad for him, but due to his large pool of knives he had a sizable margin to access a potential down. However, now with his crippled knife supply, trickster suffers immensely in these areas. Small misplays can result in him missing far too many knives, rendering him incapable of effectively downing the survivor at said loop, forcing him to either commit to being a 110% m1 killer or break off and reload. In no short words, this is not fun. The trickster will obviously be frustrated from the interaction, and the survivor is forced into a boring situation where the only aspect of the game they engage with has now broken off from them to reload.
Laceration decay. This pairs in a very ugly way with the previous point, trickster would not suffer as much at longwall loops if it were not for the very punishing laceration decay. in extended loops, passing the 10 second mark of not hitting a knife is quite common. This results in trickster needing to waste an exaggerated amount of knives just catching up on the laceration decay and knives missed. This is also incredibly unfun for the trickster player, as they are punished for playing the loop in what is essentially the best way they can. This is not fun game design, but in essence is a necessary evil to prevent tricksters significantly reduced laceration meter from getting out of hand.
Reloading. This issue seemingly only exists due to the previous two points, and causes an obscene amount of time wasted when playing the killer. Laceration decay, a lower knife count, these issues result in trickster wasting a very large amount of his knives during every match, which he must inevitably get back by reloading. This causes trickster to reload in a very large excess during every match. Even the best trickster players will feel this, theoretically the worst tricksters might get 1-2 injures from their full pool of knives. An average trickster will get 3-5, and the best could even get 7-8. However this is assuming every single knife is landed, with perfect accuracy, and you are never forced into a long wall where the laceration decay takes place. This causes the trickster to reload an upwards of 10-15 times during nearly every match, which an insane amount of time wasted and you'll really feel it.
This all adds up to a very confusing series of changes that leave a lot of participants frustrated. Tricksters feast is the fact he is now undeniably extremely oppressive in a lot of scenarios, but not in a fun way like say, nurse. Getting rapid-fire downed because you made the mistake of being in the open for half a second is not fun and engaging game play, its exceptionally frustrating for the survivor on the receiving end who didn't really do anything wrong. His famine however is one of the most frustrating parts of his new design, where he is frequently punished for simply playing the game. A good example of this is the twins, who eat a full 5 second "stun" for every down they get as victor, essentially pushing them for playing the game. Trickster also eats a lot of additive time wasting, reloading, catching up on laceration decay, traversing the map at 110% speed, etc. This creates a generally incredibly frustrating dichotomy for all players involved when trickster is put into the equation. He has intense high notes, and very harsh low notes. Survivors can often be robbed of a significant portion of their skill, and the trickster can have a lot of his agency robbed from him by unnecessary time wasting mechanics. This creates matches that very rarely result in all parties leaving happy, oftentimes just causing a state of disappointment.
The trickster changes were necessary, but as i've listed here very much went in a lot of wrong directions. Its good to see BHVR recognize weaker killers who need a buff, however as many agree these buffs feel like the wrong direction to head in. Amplyifying his frustrations and his weaknesses, while overinflating his strengths, trickster has become a runner up for one of the next most hated killers in the game. Which makes me very sad to see. Anyways, im done here. Thank you for reading my inane ramblings up to this point, i hope this gives other forum users some stuff to think about.
I was so interested in Trickster as besides Pig of course DS and Huntress are 2 that I perform very highly with. Wanted him to be in my rotation but before and after the buff I'm still left with the same problem...His accuracy on console. I have even tried just throwing one knife at a time and it still don't matter. Survivors can be within 5 meters of me and the knives still miss. Every game I play with him leaves me frustrated and wishing I was Huntress.
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In short: He's ranged Letherface but worse. Weirdly enough, I don't think Letherface gets as much hate.
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They all end up camping and there isn't much you can do to save someone.
Leatherface 2.0 indeed
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Along with this lethality boost at tiles, trickster now massacres survivors out in the open.
Ehhh no not really, remember perks still exist.
WIth proper aim, he can effectively take a full health survivor down in 3-4 seconds. Purely by existing, trickster pressures survivors away from open areas, an excellent passive (albeit very small) boost in your slowdown. Any survivors caught out in the open will learn this lesson the hard way.
Unless they have perks, if a survivor is out in the open then they most likely have perks. If they are out in the open, and don't have perks, regardless of the killer, they are likely not really thinking much, and can point out that this person plays the game with a poor quality.
I am very happy about the down from full health though, that is true.
Main event has also received some changes, being able to be held for upwards of 30 seconds before dissipating. This is excellent, as it allows trickster to potentially hold his main event through a down and hook state, and still have it avaliable for use on any survivors he sees during the remainder of its charge. The activation is also effectively instant, giving trickster a much larger window of error to line up and perform his main event. This actually allows main event to provide occasionally game changing plays, and gives trickster an interesting edge he can access on occasion.
Agreed, although one caveat is I sorta wish he could just hold it whenever he wants to use it.
Long wall loops were already quite bad for him, but due to his large pool of knives he had a sizable margin to access a potential down. However, now with his crippled knife supply, trickster suffers immensely in these areas.
Actually I disagree with this quite strongly, with his new changes downing so quick if we are being realistic they actually have not reduced the amount of knives you have by that much considering they actually do something now.
I have been able to force survs to panick simply because of the knives and even in really safe loops you can still get cheeky plays that strip health state(s) away from survs if you know what you are doing.
I mean to say, this is not a issue for the trickster, this is a issue in general for the game. The loops need a rework, but trickster doesn't fail at this because he is trickster, he fails at this because he is a normal killer and tiles normally are imbalanced.
Small misplays can result in him missing far too many knives, rendering him incapable of effectively downing the survivor at said loop, forcing him to either commit to being a 110% m1 killer or break off and reload. In no short words, this is not fun. The trickster will obviously be frustrated from the interaction, and the survivor is forced into a boring situation where the only aspect of the game they engage with has now broken off from them to reload.
To be completely fair, THIS IS NOT a trickster issue either. If you are not using any ability correct, or blunder any attack in any form, that is on the person, NOT the character in question.
Laceration decay. This pairs in a very ugly way with the previous point, trickster would not suffer as much at longwall loops if it were not for the very punishing laceration decay. in extended loops, passing the 10 second mark of not hitting a knife is quite common. This results in trickster needing to waste an exaggerated amount of knives just catching up on the laceration decay and knives missed. This is also incredibly unfun for the trickster player, as they are punished for playing the loop in what is essentially the best way they can. This is not fun game design, but in essence is a necessary evil to prevent tricksters significantly reduced laceration meter from getting out of hand.
It is quite odd that while I agreed mostly with every buff, I have so many disagreements in the cons section of your post.
I actually think the Laceration Decay reduction is much more fair and fun for both sides, it was so annoying when I would play vs trickster and have to sit there for three years waiting for the Laceration Decay meter START to go down. It ended up in old but newer trickster being able to capitalize on plays that while are not good, you couldn't have counterplay for.
This all adds up to a very confusing series of changes that leave a lot of participants frustrated. Tricksters feast is the fact he is now undeniably extremely oppressive in a lot of scenarios, but not in a fun way like say, nurse. Getting rapid-fire downed because you made the mistake of being in the open for half a second is not fun and engaging game play, its exceptionally frustrating for the survivor on the receiving end who didn't really do anything wrong. His famine however is one of the most frustrating parts of his new design, where he is frequently punished for simply playing the game. A good example of this is the twins, who eat a full 5 second "stun" for every down they get as victor, essentially pushing them for playing the game. Trickster also eats a lot of additive time wasting, reloading, catching up on laceration decay, traversing the map at 110% speed, etc. This creates a generally incredibly frustrating dichotomy for all players involved when trickster is put into the equation. He has intense high notes, and very harsh low notes. Survivors can often be robbed of a significant portion of their skill, and the trickster can have a lot of his agency robbed from him by unnecessary time wasting mechanics. This creates matches that very rarely result in all parties leaving happy, oftentimes just causing a state of disappointment.
I am very confused about how I feel about what you said here, because you mixed in things I agree with and disagree.
Firstly, I agree strongly that one of the major issues now is it will not be fun to play vs trickster AT ALL now. It already wasn't, but now it isn't even more as a survivor. The cavet being, it is actually fun to play Trickster now, while before it was just annoying on both sides.
You lose me however when you said specifically, "its exceptionally frustrating for the survivor on the receiving end who didn't really do anything wrong." after saying "Getting rapid-fire downed because you made the mistake of being in the open for half a second". If the survivor makes a mistake, then that is justification for them going down. They clearly did something wrong.
Everything else here I agree with though.
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With the 44 knives trickster feels worse on console hell the recoil before was already bad but with that and the recoil
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I gave up trying to learn him, P1'd and thrown in the bin
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It's worth noting that along with the decreased laceration meter, Cut Thru U Single and Edge of Revival Album when used together can down survivors insanely fast when aiming at their feet. This makes Trickster far too strong in my opinion, and the devs should make some changes to the interaction of these two addons, because they're not overpowered on their own.