Is anyone changing their main due to cosmetics?



  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,679

    I really, really don't like what they did to Kate's teeth, but other than that I'm okay with it. I don't like the Feng update at all. I rotate mostly between Feng, Kate, and Claud as my mains and I've also not liked playing them as much since the update. At least Nea was a vast improvement. I played her for the first time in years because of it.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Nah, I actually really like how a lot of the Survivor updates went, and I normally cycle through a few mains anyway. (With my absolute main one being Jake, who had a great update.)

    Tbh the issue I have with some of the new Survivors faces just come from the animations. Like I don't care for how Claudette has that really odd sliver of white for her teeth, or how Ace's grin looks so odd, or how Kate looks fed up with everything. I think a few of those facial animations need to be changed up a bit to better suit the style of the newer models.

    Though, tbh, I think they're the only three that really got done dirty in that regard- I love everyone else's face up.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    edited August 2021

    I honestly think I'm becoming a Bill main, and I have been enjoying playing more Jeff recently. I think I only played Ace twice since his model rework, and I am thinking about switching to Bill for good.

    EDIT: It happened, I changed to Bill because I hated Ace's, no, "Spade" (I refuse to call that thing in the game Ace, that's Spade now), remodel so much. I might change back if Spade gets readjusted to feel more like Ace (like giving him a good smug) but for right now I'm a Bill main.

    Post edited by CheeseAnton on
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ok that’s a reasonable statement. Not investing much time in the whole back story of characters here so maybe a more light hearted persona was appropriate.

    That said even a happy go lucky person would look rather grim if trapped in the fog with the kind of monsters that lurk in it.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    If you look at the texture of the face was completely flat. The original base model looked like she’d been hit with a frying pan.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I’m a product of the 80’s I’ve watched a lot of things change for the worse for a long time.

    A realisation that you can’t stop things changing is part of growing up.

    I have plenty of fond memories of favourite toys that are now lost forever. I cherish those memories but I don’t mourn the loss because well, it’s a toy.

    Kate is still in the game and you can still play it. It’s not the end of the world.

    If you feel it is then that’s bordering on an unhealthy level of obsession with a cartoon character.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Leon mains rise up

  • MrOogieboogie
    MrOogieboogie Member Posts: 71

    Yeah I am so glad I spent millions of blood points to main Jill, getting her maxed prestiged, being very excited for her release...and she looked pretty perfect, and NOW, she looks like a baby that's in the middle of taking a #########....SERIOUSLY...######### devs...

    Debating who to main now...

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,594

    Jill is confirmed by the devs to be bugged so she should be getting fixed

  • MrOogieboogie
    MrOogieboogie Member Posts: 71

    Oh really? That's a relief lol...I thought it strange as she wasn't even on the block to BE changed.....and my god....her face right COULDN'T have possibly passed by the devs with a thumbs up. Then again...look at OG Quentin and Nea. Hmmm

    ANYWAY, that is good to hear!

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,594

    still hoping they do another pass on Claire. At least they fixed her zombie eyes...

  • MrOogieboogie
    MrOogieboogie Member Posts: 71

    Yeah Claire looks BETTER now, but could still use some tweaks to look more like...well Claire...this isn't a Lori situation where they need permission to use someone's real features XD

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Claudette is such a cutie or was. I haven't looked at her since the update tbh I don't think, not up close. But yeah I rock the no glasses curls she had in her silver dress outfit and her school suit hairs. So I'm prob in the same boat.

    Ooof that sucks. What Kate head changed that went sour?

    The ponytails have been ugly. I think the one black lipstick head has better hair now but they took away the eyeshadow?

    All of Kate's other hairs are still the same other than . . . the Pigtails? But I like the change on those. But I like a mini-bang.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305


  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Moved to Yun-Jin and Nea :)

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Speak for yourself I haven't touched Kate since the rework lol

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    I already mained Kate,Yui,P3 cheryl,Meg.

    Meg looks awesome now. I don’t like what they did to kate face tho, i have to agree with everyone on that.

    On a side note i’ve now purchased 3 cosmetics for Nea and i’m getting all my perks on her, she looks good now, finally.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    I'm not playing Claudette anymore lol. I like the nose and eye changes, but her hair and maybe something else is bothering me.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I enjoy the new models. I can see why people are upset though with cosmetics and such. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so if they don't like the model anymore all those cosmetics may seem wasted.

    They looks like more real, interesting, humans now. Not just shallow cartoon stereotypes. Claudette is my main and I love they did with her ^^ Kate is my second most played survivor and I enjoy her new look. She looks like she has more personality now ^^

  • MsGoddessLauren
    MsGoddessLauren Member Posts: 43

    I'm a Jane main,the only thing that concerns me about my girl Jane is her eyes and her make-up plus her smile is barely when you equipped an item on her,her facial animation becomes blank which she looks very angry but once you unequipped the item,she goes back to her usual facial animation..

    Also in match,especially when your survivor is hooked..once someone comes to unhook you,your survivor's facial expression/animation looks so awful and's a screenshot of what Jane looked like if you haven't seen/noticed while you be in matches. 😥😭

    Still getting use to her new look which I'm alright with but I just hope they're fixing the survivor's faces and animation.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    I play most Ace, Kate, Yui, Jill and Cheryl. The only one survived this is Cheryl so i will foucs on her. Even tho she lacks the skins sadly.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I think ppl are overreacting about it her face looks awesome still and don't we main someone because of their character and lore (back-story) not just how they look? I guess different standards

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    I agree with you on the pigtail look. I think the new one looks much better. The one you like now on Kate, is the one I was talking about. Someone posted a picture here:

    I really liked the old one. Oh well. Not as big a deal to me though, as Claudette. She was my favorite.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I've ALWAYS done this, even before the rework. My current mains are Meg, Feng, Kate, Jane, and Yun. They're all Prestige 3 and I switch depending on what outfit I want to wear at the moment.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,878

    I haven't dropped anyone -- I've added a few to the regular rotation who weren't there before. Kate was always one of my mains, and I've still been playing her. I actually like the changes they made to one of her head cosmetics, by reducing the amount of makeup. I preferred how she looked before, don't get me wrong, but she's still playable for me.

    The one thing I don't like is that there seems to be a move toward making the hair look good at Ultra and... kind of not seeming to care how it looks on Low. I've never heard of anyone playing this game on anything other than Low.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited August 2021

    I mean... Yeah. When I first played this game, I latched onto Kate as my main survivor. I found her super neat and the songbird look really fit her. But now? She looks less songbird and more.. idek what kind of bird. I was very disappointed with her rework, it's not my Kate. It just doesn't feel the same. At all. I've played her a bit to see if I could get used to it but no such luck. I also agree her cosmetics are very hit or miss. I don't know what it is but lately all her cosmetic releases have been very meh or just mega misses. I don't like the Greek one at all. I agree when someone said she looks like a housewife of New Jersey. Or Palm Beach. Not my taste.

    I'm shallow, if a survivor isn't visually appealing to me or if I'm not interested in their licensed lore I'm not interested. The remodels changed a lot in terms of my survivor choices when it went live.

    With that said, these days I mostly play / main Claire, Elodie (but only the reindeer onesie Elodie), Nancy, Meg and Quentin. Sometimes Cheryl. I used to main Kate but for now I've retired her which sucks because I spent a ton of money on her. I also used to play Dweet but since his remodel, his hair really just says no for me lol idk he looks weird. Luckily I only bought one cosmetic for him so no real loss comes out of that.

    I'm absolutely in love with Quentin and Meg's reworks though. Meg just looks so much smoother and Q's glow up? *Chefs kiss* and yes, I did play Quentin a bit before the rework but admittedly not a lot. Now? Def my fave male survivor beside Tapp & Chris. Thank God he got the glow up because it hurt me how goblinish he looked compared to his on screen counterpart. You know the survivor is a true golum when even the actor was displeased with his looks but rest assured Mr. Gallner, a golum he is no longer.

    I got off topic but tldr; yes I've changed mains and I've retired Kate because I do not like her rework. ✌️ #NotMyKate.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 438

    I'm a Felix main, but I've def picked up on Jake and Nea since their rework. I think they look much better now

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Ah yeah. I used to love the goth head. I love Tiffany from Bride of Chucky.

    It looks so poop now, partly due to her face change. Like the hair itself looks better ( can't see it in that picture ) but all her waves and curls are smoother and not fried and crispy looking. It just looks softer and more dimensional.

    But while you can see eyeshadow on the map it looks like they left her eyes bald AF at campfire. Like she needs some lashes or something.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Nea has always had the best cosmetics for an edgy goth/emo type girl. I just found her original face to be far too harsh. I don't exactly think she's pretty now but she's a lot more feminine and on certain heads she looks a lot better to me than Kate's botched rework face so... Here we go together, I guess! I'd love to see if you put together any great Nea outfit combos!

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504
    edited August 2021

    My biggest issues with Kate's rework are her puffier cheeks, her miniscule mouth, the massive bridge of her nose now. Her nose is an inverted triangle now which combined with her tiny mouth and her visible front teeth she has a very rodent-like appearance to me. I told a friend of mine she looks like Taylor Swift and a mouse cartoon character mix. 😥

    Flower in the Dark is absolutely one of her best. The head and top from it paired with her original denim shorts is a very cute look and is what I used to use the most for sure. And I'm with you on her Goddess one. I actually like the hair (probably because it covers most of her botched face) and her blue liner, but I'm reeeeally iffy on her dress. And the fact that you can't break the pieces up is a hard pass from me.

    Kate's outfits are something else for sure. Tokyo Headliner is rough. The rockabilly one has a cute top but even then there are things I want to tweak on it. She has another one, I think it's called Moonlight Rider or something, it's the one with the nose piercing and the white hair which is cute. The pants and head on it work really well with other cosmetics in my opinion.

    But now all I see when I look at the vast closet of cosmetics I have on her is wasted money because I highly, highly doubt she'll get reworked... ☹️

    Edit: Grammar fix.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Like I said in my original post beauty is very subjective and I'm genuinely so jealous of anyone who likes her rework. 😅I really wish I could relate to that because I've spent a great deal of money on Kate.

    The specifics of what I don't like are... (quoting from another post of mine) "My biggest issues with Kate's rework are her puffier cheeks, her miniscule mouth, the massive bridge of her nose now. Her nose is an inverted triangle now which combined with her tiny mouth and her visible front teeth she has a very rodent-like appearance to me. I told a friend of mine she looks like Taylor Swift and a mouse cartoon character mix. 😥"

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! I had the same head that you were talking about with Claudette, I think! It's a silver dress with some odd choices in long strips beneath? I have the gold variant from a previous Rift and I had that paired with the last Rift outfit (the yellow jacket and sweatpants) and while I've never been a Claudette main I thought she looked cute for when I needed to play as her as a challenge. When I went to check out how she looked I was... Surprised to say the least. They botched her really badly. Claudette, Kate, and Yui got the worst of it in my opinion. Some characters like David, Jake, and Nea look much better so it's a shame that it wasn't a consistent upgrade for all.

    It's so frustrating to have spent the money on the outfits. I mean $5-$10 per outfit isn't cheap if you have 3+ outfits, in my opinion. I've probably spent $60+ just on Kate in order to continue to support for the game and now it feels like... I hate to say 'wasted' because I still love the game and have no qualms with spending money on it but... Ugh.

    Zarina's noises are rough. Iron Will is a must when playing her in my opinion. I feel like new Zarina looks like she aged up 15 years and hasn't slept in just as many.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Did they remove Freddy's claw marks on his P3? If so that is an absolute travesty. I think that they could have reworked Quentin and improved him but kept the sleepy look which as you said was his whole character, but now he just looks like a very average high schooler to me.

    I'm saddened to hear that you're playing less DbD! You've been such a constant on these forums that I hope you're not leaving the community or game, I always enjoy your posts!

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    This is a fantastic point. It's not even just that I find her face really offputting to look at, it's that she doesn't look like Kate anymore. Kate is supposed to look softer and more conventionally beautiful. She's literally an international celebrity. Of all the characters to make look harder and gritty that is not the one.

    Like you said those descriptions are charitable at best. I think 'rodent-like' and 'ugly' are more fitting, but beauty is subjective.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I'm a product of the 90's so I can relate to some degree with that as well! It is sad to see things change or degrade in quality, but change is inevitable in all things. With DbD the old characters did need a graphics rework to be brought into the same quality of the newer characters. What people are upset about is that it was less of an upgrade and more of an entire rework into something different.

    I've been reading people's posts and I don't think anyone here is saying it's the end of the world. What I said (as the OP) and other people are talking about are their frustrations with having spent money on something to then feel like these changes were so drastic that they are no longer getting what they paid for. And we are talking about who we are switching to to replace the mains that feel ruined to us.

    I don't think anyone is 'obsessed' with their characters - this is a forum dedicated to this hobby and past time that people invest hundreds or thousands of hours into as well as money. I doubted anyone in this thread is having this conversation in person with strangers or rambling about this offline. This is just the place to vent these frustrations and to seek solidarity with people who also care about this game. Some attachment is to be expected! 😊

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, they did. His P3 was easily the best in the entire game, and now it is garbage. Quentin is not Quentin anymore.

    And thank you so much for your kind words, my friend. Someone liking my posts is not something that I see every day. Sadly, when it comes to the game itself I believe my time is past. Not the happiest outcome for someone who has been surviving and killing in the Fog since 2018, but if DBD will never return to be the game I once loved then I have no reason to stay.

    However, I can assure you that I will not leave the Forums, or the community.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    You're so welcome! I have always appreciated how you seem to try to bridge the gap between Killers and Survivors and are a positive, helpful, and informative source here. I'm glad to know that you're going to stay aboard the forums and while I don't wish to derail this thread too much by asking about what is removing you from the game I will say that I hope that future changes will bring you back. We've both been around for about the same amount of time so we know this game has highs and lows!

    It will get better!

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Nope, my Survivor mains and future mains to rotate I still like. My heart goes out to some of the other old guard that had reworks done that aren't to ya'lls liking anymore.

    My Survivor mains:





    Killers I still love too

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Your words warm my heart, my friend.

    And yes, hopefully it will get better eventually.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,594

    One more thing I'm annoyed about. Why did they take away the lip liner on this head? It was a really unique cosmetic and now it just looks like a generic recolor of her default hair :/

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,594

    Thanks! I hope we'll get a fix next week with the patch. If they don't respond to all the feedback now, I feel like they'll just try and sweep everything under the rug and move onto the next DLC...

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The post you have quoted was less of a comment on the thread as whole and more a reply to the quoted nutcase who had a meltdown at me for suggesting it wasn’t a big deal.

    There’s being bummed about a change you don’t like and then there’s having an unhealthy obsession with a fictional character resulting in some serious issues.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    I literally said the same thing. I literally said " Rat-face, rodent-like expression, etc "

    and I agree entirely. The Goddess outfit makes her look like a freaking Real Housewife of Orange County vacationing in Florida or something.

    It's not flattering to her body and makes her kind of look boxxy because of how squared off the cut on the sleeve is and no cinched waist. If it were an off the shoulder frilly sleeve or something it'd help a lot I think.

    and yeah want to mix the Flower in the Dark hair and sweater with the skirt from the Rockabilly set? It's actually really cute together. I had my friend try it on so I could check it out. That hair saves a lot. Because it's either her basic head in its 3 recolors or her terrible ponytails since every other head you have to match to a set.

    I personally like Tokyo Headliner. Especially because the nude lipstick detracts from her Rat-appearance a bit.

    But yeah I don't know why they don't just give her some like . . . Cottage-core stuff or something Boho. Seems really up her alley. I really wish I could be on their design team for clothes.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    My bf has changed from Kate to Jill and now to Quentin over the character reworks, but nothing is removing me from Claudie.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Not gonna lie, good skins will make me want to try that one Survivor/Killer out, instead of another one.

    Sometimes im buying Skins like the newest one from Trickster, only to figure out, that im comoletely trash with Trickster.

    But at least im looking good! 😂

  • Doctor_Grizz
    Doctor_Grizz Member Posts: 85

    The overall package is what matters to me, Lore, Personality, Default looks, Sounds, Perks and Store/Rift Cosmetics.

    Changing main because of clothes alone makes me sad, knowing the devs spent time on making the character's lore and personalities interesting only to be never played because of their looks.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I've decide to level up a survivor based off their cosmetics. I have survivors that I like in the moment but I'll always go back to Meg just because she has the best cosmetic range.