Overcharge and huntress lullaby should enact the yellow glyphs style skillcheck.
These perks are rather underwhelming in their current state.
This would be an excellent way to buff them.
Huntress lullaby : Upon a skillcheck appearing, you are locked into a loop of 4 extra skillchecks that have no bonuses, that require being hit in order to not alert the killer - tokens increase the amount of skillchecks up to a maximum of 9 at 5 tokens. (DS/BNP size skillchecks)
Overcharge : Upon kicking a generator, the generator loses an extra 3% progress. If a survivor starts repairing the generator within 60/45s the survivor is locked into an endless skillcheck loop. there is no Generator percentage penalty for failing these skillchecks, but normal skillchecks will not appear, and failing them will alert the killer (regular skillcheck size) Only one generator can be affected by overcharge at one time. Kicking another generator whilst one is already overcharged will transfer the effect, unless a survivor is currently locked on that generator.
- Huntress lullaby becomes a valuable perk even without tokens, giving potential suprise gen notifications and or delaying a gen due to failed skillchecks.
- Overcharge becomes a very viable perk, essentially "locking a survivor on a generator" until they finish the generator or fail one of the skillchecks, at which point the killer is alerted. it can only affect the last generator kicked however, and removes the percentage penalty for failing skillchecks.
Overcharge is subject to some tweaking/balancing, but overall i think adding the yellow glyph style skillchecks into regular gameplay through perks would very much make some older skillcheck related perks viable.
Oppression needs those skill checks too
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I would agree with Overcharge.
However, Huntress's Lullaby at 5 stacks removes the sound notification you would get normally when you're about to receive a skill check. For experienced players, this would prove no problem but for those that are above rank 8+ let's say, it would be quite oppressive. Just my thought
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Oh with huntress lullaby i was meaning to completely rework it. no lack of sound. sure its the only perk in the game that does that, but its quite an unfun mechanic, and whilst unique tends to only catch people off guard who aren't paying attention to the game, rather then any players who are focusing.
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These perks are already oppressive against lower ranked players
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Your point being..? if this form of skillcheck is made more widespread, it would catch less people off guard.
the reason it being even slightly opressive at low ranks being due to people not knowing how to deal with it or being caught off guard.
these reworked versions don't gain their power through skillchecks, but by how they make you deal with them. overcharge "locking you to a gen" and huntress lullaby potentially locking you to a generator for a while, or removing great skillcheck bonuses/catching a player off guard and forcing them to commit.
Overcharge also has the debuff of removing failed skillcheck penalties. my reworked version would legitamately turn it into more of a survellience perk.
Huntress lullaby would still be removable via hex totem, and 3 extra skillchecks one after the other isn't a very hard thing to do, its just more worth then zero skillcheck audio (which would arguably screw with lower tier survivors more)
if anything there trade off perks, because if players can simply hit skillchecks, they have no reward and the killer gets nothing. survivors can legit commit to a generator through these reworks.