Did they implemented the "squeezing" mechanic?

Didiez Member Posts: 51

I read a lot of discussions about the DC penalty, by some people on this forum. Most of it was people complaining about being useless, and I think it's fine, you quit knowing that you will have to wait some time to play again. But something caught my attention. As we all know, killers can block survivors, and that caused a lot of problems with holding the game hostage. To solve this problem, a long time ago, I remember the devs talking about "squeezing" in a dev stream. Basically with squeezing action, after some seconds, you could pass inside the killer, just like Myers when he's stalking. I thought that was a great idea in general because I suffered a lot from that when I was newer in the game. Did they forget that idea?

Best Answer

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    Answer ✓

    If I'm not mistaken, they implemented this for the basement stairs, so killers can't block survivors from the stairs any more.
