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how would you buff myers?

he’s been underperforming a bit, one of the reasons is honestly because ghostface is a better myers then…myers.

so how would you buff him? personally i would either lessen the amount of evil he can stalk to get his Evil Within III.

my other option would be to make his stalk like ghost face meaning that he can stalk anyone without having their stalk run out (meaning they stay a white outline and don’t go to a rose outline or a red outline)

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  • Member Posts: 837

    I disagree. Meyers can keep up with the pack in my experience, especially with the strength of his addons.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    He is fine as he is.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Increase movement speed by 110% in Tier-1 and stalking speed slightly in base kit, make him immune to detection perks, in Tier 2 give him a special ability and make stalking unlimited as GF and Tier 3, more speed of movement, faster and more lethal breaking pallets and being stunned.

  • Member Posts: 628

    I hope they don't touch him as I can see any buffs to his basekit meaning that the most fun add ons in the game get nerfed or removed. I can't see a world where bhvr looks at Myers and leaves Tombstone, Tuft and Mirror as they are,

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Make him move faster when out of LOS of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2021

    well i would say that Myers and ghost face are pretty equal being pretty weak but that's besides the point.

    A lot of people talk about having no stalk limit, and yes I could see that working he could just farm that one afk Dwight or 1 really oblivious survivor. I still don't know weather this would be a good idea or not but it has its flaws.

    I think that Myers was built for a completely different, slower game when he was created. My idea is make his beginning game in tier 1 faster so they dont pop 2 gens while your getting out of tier 1. Say give him faster movement or make it faster to get out of tier 1. Hell I don't even know if tier 1 is even necessary some times.

    Another thing is make it so when you stalk two survivors at once you get stalk for both, i see no reason why you don't get it other than maybe not being able to program it at the time.

    I'm not a balance expert so I don't quite know what i would do to fix him but i feel that he does need some changes to fit with the modern game. I also don't think is one of the worst killers at the moment like a lot of people say.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2021

    Micheal Myers

    Evil Within l

    Gain the Undetectable Status Effect, moving at 4.6m/s with a normal lunge range. Once a survivor is damaged by any means, automatically go to Evil Within ll.

    Evil Within ll

    Same effects as Evil Within l, but you lose the Undetectable Status Effect.

    Gain the ability the stalk ability, which allows you to mark survivors after stalking them for a short while. Having at least two survivors stalked will allow you, at your will, to progress to Evil Within lll.

    Evil Within lll

    Same effects as Evil Within l, but you lose the Undetectable Status Effect and gain a 5% haste effect.

    Gain the ability to enter predictor mode.

    Predictor Mode

    Usable after being out of the survivor's line of sight for a few seconds.

    While in predictor mode:

    • You cannot interact with anything
    • Cannot attack survivors nor grab them
    • Gain a tremendous speed bonus
    • Become Undetectable
    • Completely invisible
    • Unlocks the Ambush Ability

    Ambush Ability

    Usable after being out of the survivor's line of sight for a few seconds.

    Lose all effects of being in Predictor Mode, but all survivors within 24 meters are exposed for 45 seconds.

    Once a survivor is put into the dying state by any means, regress back to Evil Within ll.

  • Member Posts: 7,172

    GF is one of the most add on dependent killers in the game.

  • Member Posts: 62

    Can stalk multiple survivors and can lunge in tier 1

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited August 2021

    He shouldn't lose his powers just because he stalks. No other killers just lose their powers because they used them too much so why does he?

    If someone is AFK, the game is pretty much shot anyway but I suppose if that is THAT big of a concern to people, make it so that Mikey can only stalk one person for so long before having to stalk someone else (so as I stalk one survivor, the other three survivors "recharge" the ability to be stalked).

    If people are also that concerned as well about Tombstone/Piece, then I suppose you could have the hard stalker limits like he's currently set to built into the add-on but if they're using Tombstone/Piece, they've probably already murdered the person they sucked all the stalker juice out of anyway...

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Shirtless cosmetic

    That is all.....

  • Member Posts: 8,604

    Myers is really outdated. People can point to stats, but I defy anyone to explain to me why he isn't weak from a mechanical perspective. I know what his stats are. What is it about Myers' kit that makes him strong? Outside of his ultra rares and most survivors being sub-optimal, nothing.

    He has negligible chase utility, and a small TR only goes so far. His tier 3 output is completely dependent on survivor skill. He will not get downs with any regularity against high level players at safe tiles. He doesn't have the chase utility to do it. And if he loads up on chase perks, he can be gen slammed because he has no built in game delay.

    I think to start, remove the stalking cap. If a survivor feeds him, so be it. Maybe up his speed in tier 3 from 117 to 120. Increase stalking movement speed slightly.

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021
    • The stalk rate don't change depending the distance

    this way it takes 5 seconds to tier up independent of the distance of the survivor

    • Survivors can be stalked infinitely

    just remove entirely the outdated "juice" mechanic

    • Tier 3 terror radius increased to 40m
    • Rework the Vanity Mirror, Tombstone Piece, Glass Fragment, Boyfriend's Memo and all faster Stalking Movement Speed Add-ons
    • Takes 2,5 seconds to get to Tier 2 (instead of 5)
  • Member Posts: 8,901

    The TR allows for alot of sneaky hits while the faster vault speeds of T2 and T3 and the lunge range of T3 allows for hits that wouldve otherwise been wiffs. He might not look as flashy as other killers, but cranking up stats like that can still let him do alot. Those basic "M1 killer" mindgames are gonna be hit bread and butter, but the stat boost is gonna make him way more dangerous than a trapless trapper.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited August 2021

    Additions are in bold!

    The Shape


    Activating Evil Within allows The Shape to see his prey clearly and build up more evil power by stalking them:

    Evil Within I:
    • Grants the Undetectable Status Effect.
    • Slightly decreased Movement speed. (4.4 m/s)
    • Slightly decreased Lunge range. (Boyfriend's Memo base-kit)
    • Moderately increases Evil Gain rate when stalking (exclusive to Tier 1)
    • Regular Vaulting speed.
    Evil Within II:
    • Reduced Terror Radius.
    • Regular Movement speed.
    • Regular Lunge range.
    • Slightly increased Vaulting speed.
    • Slightly increased Break action speed.
    Evil Within III:
    • Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect.
    • Lasts for 60 seconds, after which The Shape regresses to Evil Within II.
    • Regular Terror Radius.
    • Regular Movement speed.
    • Slightly increased Lunge range.
    • Moderately increased Vaulting speed.
    • Moderately increased Break action speed.

    Press and hold the Power button to stalk all visible Survivors. Stalking Survivors builds up your progress through Evil Within Tiers. If there are more survivors being stalked at once, the rate of evil gained is increased for each survivor. (Multistalk is back!)

    SPECIAL ABILITY: Generate Evil

    Press the Active Ability button to select this mode. Holding the Power button on a visible survivor generates more evil in a Survivor, allowing for more stalking (This works for multiple survivors at once).

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I wouldn't really, I'd keep him as is.

    If anything maybe make tier one walk a lil quicker so there isn't that complete lack of pressure while you rank up.

    But the whole manner in which Myers plays is very thematic and probably one of the best designed killers there is in terms of capturing the feel of the franchise.

    I just hope if they do revisit him they don't add a bunch of cooldowns and tells that end up pushing him into the generic loop play that eventually every killer seems to be horseshoed into.

    Varied and interesting killers with a wide range of powers make the game fun. The less generically predictable they are the better.

  • Member Posts: 179

    simply make j myers memorial and hair bow basekit. It is insane how high these two addons can carry him. They take him from a low tier to a credible threat to an organized team. Obviously then rework the addons. But I genuinely think that's all he needs.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I dunno, the fact that I got tombstoned out of a game in less than two minutes two days ago still feels pretty strong to me.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I feel your pain. I did two gens and rescued three people who went down like flies and kept feeding him, only for me to get tombstoned out first.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Make him handsome

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    The bare minimum is:

    1. Make his stalking to be the same no matter the distance. Stalking is something that is supposed to be made while you are hidden, so why is it more effective if you're almost kissing the survivor?
    2. Remove the stalking cap. Oni can be fed his power infinitely through a single survivor, and Blood Fury is miles better than anything Myers can do.
    3. T1 is now 110% speed.
    4. 20% faster pallet breaking speed and pallet stun reduction at T3.

    These are things that do not require that much effort imo, but in my opinion he could have some sort of rework in which he's able to change between tiers. You start the match in T2 and once you fill all of your stalk you can choose to stay 60 seconds in either T3 or T1.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    So... for a lot of the Killers out there, once you know who it is, you probably already have a decent idea of what their gameplan is. Wraith is probably going to hit and run. Legion is going to try to chain Frenzy hits. Oni is probably rocking Infectious Fright and going to try to chain insta downs. Trapper and Hag are going to turn an area of the map into a minefield. Huntress probably is rocking what would be way too many aura perks for any other Killer. Ghostface is going to try to surprise you with death. You get the picture.

    Myers isn't like that. The man basically has 3 different powers he can build towards and multiple different potential play styles even within those 3 powers. Is it scratched mirror? Is it surprise death with or without Tombstone Piece? Is it fast Tier 3 Snowball? Is it StBFL machine gun Tier 2? Is it double iri where he doesn't do anything until he murders everyone? Is it some kind of wonky hybrid of any of the above? You don't know but you kinda need to figure it out ASAP otherwise he may just wreck you with whatever specialization he went with.

    The problem Myers mostly has is that he is countered by long lines of sight. A lot of his upsides have to do with being stealthy but he's not invisible. Heck he can't even crouch to hide behind shorter stuff. That makes him quite map dependent.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Give him Bloodlust in tier 1. Allow him to switch between Tier 1 and 2, so they can be used strategically. That's what Myers should look like.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I am surprised that only 2 ideas here talk about the multi-stalk. That was a really nice feature, removed a long time ago for no reason at all.

    It should be brought back.

  • Member Posts: 402

    I hate to say it but... We need shirtless myers... But for real bringing back his multi-stalk would already be something

  • Member Posts: 488

    Only buff he needs is the bedsheet skin. :D

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    That would make indoor scratch mirror OP.

    For me, hes suffer of range stalk & takes too much time to get out of Tier1. But keep stalking rate the same at all range would help both.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Myers can't stalk in Evil Within l, and Evil Within ll is just the same old Scratch Mirror.

    Don't see anything wrong.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
  • Member Posts: 3,304

    He really is built like how he behaves in the movies. Slow build up, patience, murder. He's accurate atleast.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I'm not great with numbers, just ideas, but you can't stalk survivors until you're in Evil Within ll only.

    Here's my idea again in case you need to read it over again, I'll let you figure out what it should do. With a power rework comes with an entire add-on pass because some add-ons won't work with the new power.


    Evil Within l

    Gain the Undetectable Status Effect, moving at 4.6m/s with a normal lunge range. Once a survivor is damaged by any means, automatically go to Evil Within ll.

    Evil Within ll

    Same effects as Evil Within l, but you lose the Undetectable Status Effect.

    Gain the ability the stalk ability, which allows you to mark survivors after stalking them for a short while. Having at least two survivors stalked will allow you, at your will, to progress to Evil Within lll.

    Evil Within lll

    Same effects as Evil Within l, but you lose the Undetectable Status Effect and gain a 5% haste effect.

    Gain the ability to enter predictor mode.

    Predictor Mode

    Usable after being out of the survivor's line of sight for a few seconds.

    While in predictor mode:

    • You cannot interact with anything
    • Cannot attack survivors nor grab them
    • Gain a tremendous speed bonus
    • Become Undetectable
    • Completely invisible
    • Unlocks the Ambush Ability

    Ambush Ability

    Usable after being out of the survivor's line of sight for a few seconds.

    Lose all effects of being in Predictor Mode, but all survivors within 24 meters are exposed for 45 seconds.

    Once a survivor is put into the dying state by any means, regress back to Evil Within ll.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Not running out of stalk from a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Uhm no. Scratched Mirror and Infinite Tier 3 Myers do NOT need a buff. Being able to always be found and always be a one-shot is extremely powerful as is.

  • Member Posts: 1,205

    I think that Myers at this point doesn't make sense anymore and needs a full rework, not just some buffs. He is the weakest killer in the game and his kit just feels outdated.

    His tier 1 doesn't make sense existing and is just a slowdown for an already weak killer.

    His tier 3 is simply underwhelming for it to be considered "the peak of his power".

    He is outclassed in every way by the other stealthy stalker, Ghostface.

    There is a limited amount of stalk he can get in a single game, which means he can only get to tier 3 only a couple of times in the game.

    The game basically forces him to slug since his tier 3 doesn't stop decaying when he picks up a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 104

    then nerf scratched mirror and infinite tier 3….🥴

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