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New killer idea: The Arsonist

PaperPlateFaceMan Member Posts: 6
edited August 2021 in Creations

The Arsonist

Power: Pyromania

The Arsonist starts the trial with 4 molotovs which he can throw. He can reload them by performing a reload action (like clown). When the molotov comes into contact with the enviroment it spreads flames in a small area. If a survivor comes into contact with the fire, their ignited meter starts to fill. If the ignited meter is filled, they will lose a health state. When a survivor is no longer in contact with the flames the ignited meter pauses, but does not decrease. Survivors who are ignited can perform an action, during which their ignition meter swiftly decreases. They must stand still to preform this action. Direct hits with the coctail instantly gain a portion of the ignited meter.

The Arsonist can hold a gas canister and pour gasoline behind him on the ground, slowing himself. The gasilne can then be ignited by a molotov coctail, instantly igniting the gas. The gasoline remains on the ground until ignited.

Perks: Ignition - You gain 3 tokens at the start of the trial. Whenever you would get stunned you ignore it and consume a token. When a token is consumed you gain a 5% haste status effect for 3/4/5 seconds.

Misery spread - When you hook a survivor, all survivors altruistic speed is lowered by 20/25/30%. This effect lasts until the survivor is unhooked and lingers for 10 seconds afterwards.

Hex: Burnout - Whle the hex is active, all injured survivors suffer from a 6/8/10% Hindred status effect.

Note: This is just a concept, you are welcome to commet your thoughts.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • SaboBoy
    SaboBoy Member Posts: 32

    Maybe like this?

    Hex: Misery Spreads

    "The suffering of one leads to the suffering of them all."

    -Anytime a survivor fails or misses a skill check, generator progress regresses by 3/4/5%. Misery Spreads multiplies based on the amount of survivors on that generator. (This essentially means that one failed skill check can send a generator back by 20%, if four survivors are on it at once)

    Hex: Ignition

    "You've set the prep work. Now, it's time for the pay off."

    -Once you kick a generator, Ignition activates for 10 seconds. Any survivor that works on the generator within the 10 seconds will scream, revealing their location for 3/4/5 seconds. Ignition has a cooldown of 30 seconds


    "The entity notices your exhaustion, and rewards your effort."

    -The location of the hatch is revealed to you for 3 seconds after it opens. Once you close it, the entity will block the hatch for 5/10/15 seconds. During this time, survivors can't unlock the hatch with a key.

  • PaperPlateFaceMan
    PaperPlateFaceMan Member Posts: 6

    Also not bad ideas, althought your idea for burnout doesnt really sit with me well since it kinda seems not worth running, but thats just me.