Who is your favorite survivor?

Well, my favorite survivor is Jonathan, even though he is a skin, I see him as one more survivor, I like playing with Jonathan because I feel unique in the game.
The typical thing that tends to be Neas, Claudettes and Davids, because I always play with those survivors that nobody sees in session and I really love playing with Jonathan.
It is my favorite main survivor.
Quentin, specifically the pre-visual downgrade Quentin.
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Ace, Laurie, Kats Quentin, Jeff, Feng…
Nea will always have a special place because of No0b3 all those years back when I stumbled across him.
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I think we all know who the best survivor is.
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Cheryl. She's my favorite character from Silent Hill.
Outside of licensed characters, I'd say Feng. I like her lore and her cosmetic. (Cosmetic is important to me. The community one is awesome, I also like the Bunny, the skirt with stars, etc. I wish I had more cosmetics to play with for Cheryl.)
If there is an Ahoy Steve in my lobby, I sacrifice myself for him to live. Other cosmetics? It depends if he answers positively to my attempts to seduce him. (I don't know, each time I play Cheryl, I'm figuring out a love story between them.)
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Pre-model update it was Ace, now it's Bill.
Post edited by CheeseAnton on0 -
Second favourite is Cybil.
I also class legendary skins as other characters because they are!
In the lore they are also within the entities realm, but for the sake of the game due to costs and effort they are skins.
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Meg Yui and Claire must be all tied!!!
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Before rework Kate
After rework Feng
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it used to be kate but since she now has rat face i will go with nea
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Tied between Jeff and Jane
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Yun-Jin and Lisa <3
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Lisa is my favorite licensed survivor. Kate and claudette are my favorite original ones.
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Yeah me too. He used to be in my main roster but after the rework Ashe has taken his place
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Kate. She is here for give hope for everyone. And she is strong enough to fight against any evil.
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Glad to see you've found a replacement, at least. I am not playing DBD enough to level someone else up, so every time I return to this game I will stick to not-Quentin.
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Ace and the cute girls (Cheryl, Jill, Kate, Feng and Jane)
I hope devs will fix Kate and Jill new faces oOo
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My favorite is also the best survivor (everyone else is WRONG!!!):
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See pictured
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Not when this exists
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That's horrifying.
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I would marry Kate.
Ash is my favorite though.
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Cheryl Mason is my all-time favourite, which is biased considering my adoration for "Silent Hill".
But beyond that, I have 2 non-licensed favourites: Claudette Morel, because it feels like she's on the Spectrum, as am I. So I empathise more with her (pun not intended), and Élodie Rakoto because of her intrigue into the paranormal also matches my interest in folklore.
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Kate and Cheryl <3.
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It’s Devine
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My favorite survivor is one that is on a hook.
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The one the only Jeff. No one can beart him even though IW feels mandatory because of how loud he is.
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Jeff and Steve are my favorites
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Her, without a single doubt. Can't wait on the hotfix though.
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It USED to be between Adam and Min. A combination of their appearances and their stories (Adam being just a genuinely good person and Min being easily relatable as a lone wolf gamer) made it hard for me to pick.
Now Adam stands alone at the gold (although Min still looks decent when not using her default hair, I don't think cosmetics should be taken into account in terms of rating appearance, because Claudette would be dead last if I did). Second would probably go to either Ash, Cheryl or Leon.
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Dwight! All around Dwighy.
He's got booty, has daddy written all over him, I physically and spiritually relate to his back story.
If it's not Dwight, it ain't right
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I love seeing a deathgarden mask meg when i play killer. Its rare and special, like finding a four leafed clover
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Take a wild guess
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You'll never guess mine. Not in a million years.
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God Dammit! it will take me a long time to know who your favorite survivor is.
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I love our beloved, sweet, beautiful Dweet. And I mean Dweet, THE Dwight Fairchild. Classic model. None of this horrid new model crap who is actually Dwot.
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Male is Chris
Female is a 50/50 tie between Cheryl and Claire.
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I think Nancy's super cute but i swear man you can never go wrong with the classic groovy guy.
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Jeff, he's the most relatable character to me.
Both metalheads and artists. Gimme that Leather, dude. If I had the genes, I would grow a long beard.
Both are quiet in nature, and both live in the North, (Canada & Finland).
And he stands out from the others... Like me.
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Leon and Steve
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It's a tie between Nea, Kate, and Yun-Jin.
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Felix. I’m sad I can’t prestige him again.
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my most favorite survivor to play is laurie. idk why but i enjoy her more then nea. i feel like its because the 'Halloween' series is my most favorite horror franchise and laurie is a determined, brave, and independant woman. its also weird too because i main michael aswell lmao.
though my mains are laurie, nea, yun-jin, steve, yui and leon.
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Pre model update, it was Kate. 100%.
Post model update, I don't really have a main or favorite but I play the most of: Meg, Quentin, Feng, Jill / Claire, Tapp, Elodie, Nea sometimes I play Cheryl.