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RIP Trapper

Last night I played a few matches with trapper and I lost most of them, only won because some people disconnected. Reminded me why I stopped playing him after rank 10. Today I watched latest video of Otzdarva avoiding some traps and it really makes me sad how Trapper has been long forgotten from BHVR, being once the mascot of the game, won "Best New Character", and now he rots in the absolute lowest tier of killers, almost next to the clown-Oh wait he actually got a buff a few months ago.

Survivors currently can step on a trap (If they're low-medium rank survivors, the best survivors or a premade will probably never step in one), free themselves, get injured, and then step on another trap, and another, and another and another trap because their feets are just inmortal, and you depend on a purple addon to finally get them in the dying state. His traps spawn in random places and it takes a good second to place one, so the moment you placed a few traps you already have 3 gens done in the background. Did I mention they're basically getting rid of all grass in every map? Your traps are visible from a mile away in the new Coldwind Farm. God helps you if one of the survivors has or finds a map in a chest because your entire trap system will be disabled in a matter of seconds. Also someone decided he was too overpowered so now you can't place traps too close to each other, or gens, or even the damn exit gates. So the last thing left for you to do is either camp a hooked survivor or carry the controversial perk NoOneEscapesDeath and hopefully you'll get 1-2 kills and a bunch of big words in the post game chat (and sometimes in your steam profile too).

People have asked for a long time to give him a little buff, just making his brown bag part of base kit would be waaay more viable. BHVR in all of its glory decided to buff him ONE time in the last months, making the trapped survivor be a little less lucky to free themselves, and of course that was essentially useless since they can still escape in 3 tries. The only piece of real help was his physical rework, making his traps now darker (THANK YOU).

In conclusion, Trapper is INCREDIBLY outdated (ironic since the devs are more concerned about "making a nice-looking-updated-game for the new generation of consoles" instead of the actual game), he's not fun on medium-high ranks, you need the absolute meta build to have a decent chance of winning. Thinking about it, if he never existed, and today someone at BHVR says "Hey I have this concept of a new killer called The Trapper" that dude would be fired after one minute of gameplay of this killer. If BHVR ever decides to touch him again they should either give him a massive buff or delete him forever and gift 1 million BP to everyone for the inconvenience of playing him. I don't see him as a killer with a power, i see him as a derank machine and a lunge attack trainer.


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  • Member Posts: 3,089

    True tho they need to fix his trap aoe

    My mans was standing on it

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    It definitely is very bizarre that they've essentially left the game's mascot in the dust. I really want to like Trapper but it's upsetting how awful he is. Even when I'm doing really well and getting lots of successful traps, hits and downs, I still lose somewhat regularly because Trapper has absolutely no way to defend gens against even remotely efficient Survivors. Best he can hope for is to snowball (Which is impossible if the Survivors are smart and spread out). I agree that Trapper needs far, FAR more then just a bag add-on being base-kit. Whether he will ever receive a proper buff remains to be seen, although I have little hope.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    You have to sweat with Trapper. There is no casual play with him unless you don’t mind losing. Best strategy is to either find a 3 gen and trap every nook and cranny around it or bring in Iron Grasp and haul the survivors booty into the basement and never let them out. Trap the inside of the window and the two doorways to make their lives miserable.

  • Member Posts: 203

    I think the trappers mostly fine, some games do run away from you although you always got the crazy snowball potential. What i would really hate to see them do is the same thing they done to wraith which is overbuff him into EZ mode (to play) and totally unfun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 387

    He is fun to play but you do have to sweat to do well. Its a race to set traps quick, catch survivors in traps before they free themselves.

    In my opinion, I think stepping in traps injured should down you instead of giving you a choice to free out. Especially since survivors can get out easily within 10 seconds.

    His traps are fine, although it is a pain to go collect traps in awkward spots to then go to a loop and trap it which by then a gen is done, he has add ons which help alot with this. But It wouldn't hurt to give him an extra trap base kit.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    I feel like the hyperbole in this thread is outstanding. As a trapper player I rarely "lose" games, I consider a loss a 1k or 0k, and when I do it's against a map user constantly disarming or a 4 man with all meta builds and BNP. Hag got me out of purple ranks and Trapper got me to rank 1 with a merciless almost every game.

    For a build I run STBFL, Brutal, BBQ, and Pop and usually bring a bag and a setting speed add-on.

    Yeah his power is weak but as long as you always have one trap on your person you can shut down a loop or fake shutting it down. Not to mention with all of the anti loop/strong powered killers not many survivors have skill against an M1 killer anymore. I got my adepts for Trickster, Nemesis, Twins, Blight, Billy, Bubba, Slinger, Demo, and Plague without using their power more than once.

    Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to get some QoL for his power starting with a couple traps base kit and tweaking his RNG would be very welcomed.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    None of what you posted is incorrect. However one thing I feel like I should mention is that Trapper can potentially snowball way harder than any other Killer in the game. Seriously, every single armed Trap is essentially an insta down waiting to happen. As much as I'd like Trapper to get some consistency buffs and QoL buffs, he can't get too much because a consistent Trapper would bring copious amounts of death to literally everyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    One simple question for you: how do you, as a survivor, counter a trap you have not seen yet, while being chased by the trapper? Think about it.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    This is exactly why Trapper should never starts with all trap. He can 3 Gens in under 1min and the game already end right there. The way he can carry 1 trap and trap spread everywhere is meant for traps to spread out of the map.

    But the problem that he carry 1 trap makes him impossible to shift his traps to remain Gen areas (imaging you lay 2 traps near a Gen at a corner for a good play there, then 2min later that Gen done. You can not walk there 2 trips to pick up 2 traps over there).

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Those are fantastic ideas!

    I like the skill check idea a lot. His traps are a joke right now. The 'increase disarm time' add-ons are useless and should be changed to accommodate your skill check idea.

    Just gonna add some addition ideas on top of yours ^^

    - DH should not ignore traps.

    - the Dye add-ons need to be reworked. There are too many light maps now that the increased darkness does Trapper a disservice. I think they should be more camo so they get lighter on light maps and darker on dark maps.

    - if a survivor is injured and they land in a trap they should go down, or if that is too op they should have a lower chance of escape.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I feel like the go down on injured is a bit too much, since if my ideas are applied, the trap itself is already great.

    Beside, I think the Darken addon should be replaced with "the traps go 10pixel (for Yellow) / 15pixel (for Green) deeper into the ground". Double addon will make it invisible haha

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    The devs aren't going to fix trapper because they can't sell him to us as DLC. If they make a "new" character that's more money for them.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    Trapper definitely needs love, especially when he's the face of the game.

    Increase number of traps he can carry at a time. He has to waste time picking up all his traps, atleast let him carry more.

    Darken traps since new maps they're way too easy to see with the lack of ground cover.

    Add more ground cover to reworked maps and indoor maps. It prevents Trapper from being creative with his traps.

    Make traps spawn in more central location. Its ridiculous how he not only has to traverse the map to get his traps but they will spawn in corners of dead zones making them useless even if you use add on to have them open for you.

    Change escape from RNG to skill check like with reverse bear traps or snap out of it.

    Have survivors receive deep wound from escaping a trap.

  • Member Posts: 488

    Yeah, the hag has SO MANY TRAPS and they have a HUGE radius AND her power allows her to teleport in. Meanwhile trapper has just... these things.

    If you're comparing the two killers, how is hag NOT superior to trapper simply as a 'traps on the ground' killer? Sure, you can burn hag traps... but you can also disarm trapper's traps.. although he gets notified so I guess that's something.

    It feels like if you're going for the trap mechanic, trapper is WAY worse than hag. Am I wrong?

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Nah, he will get a pass, just like Clown, Bubba and Doctor, they will eventually get to Trapper. It’s taking them forever though, I guess due to their terrible jobs with The Twins and Trickster.

    He doesn’t need much though, especially not a full rework. He should start the match with 3 traps and have faster setting speed. The only other two things I can think of without making him OP is to make sure Traps spawn closer to the center of the maps and for the traps to take on a hue that is closer to the color of the ground they’re on, since nowadays grass is nonexistent and the traps stand out so much (Ormond).

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    Sometimes I wonder if reason they leave Trapper in state he's in is because they're holding out hope for Jason and plan on him being similar so want to make sure the license character is stronger than the free character.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    He has been given many quality of life changes over the years but he still needs more. Like you said he needs to be able to carry more than 1 trap without add ons. It would also be nice if he could refill his traps at lockers instead of running across the map to pick them up. The thing I think would really help him, help all M1 kills, is this early game warm up the devs talked about a year ago. Much like the end game collapse but at the start of the match before they can work on gens. That would buy him some much needed setup time without relying on perks.

    Every time I hear the Jason law suit is settled it seems to start back up again. I actually hope we never get Jason because I know BHVR isn't going to do him justice. Jason needs to be Nurse lvl(before cd's were added) if dbd wants him.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    I'd love to have him but I don't think at this point in the game they could give him a unique power or make him strong enough without some obnoxious skill cap. He'd really just be mishmash of other killers powers.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I can think of some cool powers but they would either be broken or a variant of an existing power. I thought he could like bust through walls but then they added breakable walls. Or make him turn into a mist and walk through walls(Nurses blink)

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    Breaking through walls feels more Jason than turning into a mist. If he basically ignored breakable walls/pallets, like be able to break without slowing down, then that could maybe work but survivors would hate that. Most other powers, like you said, would probably be broken or variant of one already in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,995

    I main Basement trapper…just let me get ONE in there and it’s game over. I don’t even need to camp. I just need to make sure I don’t stray too far.

  • Member Posts: 3,486

    They buffed Wraith from garbage to mediocre. Thats the very least they should be doing with Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 728

    Look at how long ti took bhvr to up Wraiths movement speed. I'm sure Trapper will get something within the next 5 years.....maybe.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    He died of pneumonia

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Use your eyes and never step in tall grass. Just tank the m1 hit and force the trapper to either abandon you allowing you to heal or be forced to chase you to a non trap zone after 20 seconds of slowly catching up.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    "Use your eyes" and "never step in tall grass". What if half of the nearest loop is in tall grass? Oh, right, "take a hit", sounds like a great advise. And then what? Just take the second one too, since the other loop is also in tall grass? And then "just take a hook", "just take a death", "just take an uninstall". Seems like trapper has quite a lot of counter play for soloQ survivors!

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    He is not that weak but OK. Lol

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Didn't he get a buff, or did a hallucinate that? I've been away from the game for a while. I know for sure that he got a buff because Small Game got a nerf that directly applies to Trapper, Hag, and Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    The only thing you can do as a survivor in that situation is avoid loops and windows where a trap might be, or risk it, and that's why I don't think Trapper is as bad as people say. Usually if I'm injured, I risk it. My Dead Hard is probably going to fail, and I'll likely be going down soon. If I vault the window or run to the pallet, there's a chance I can extend the chase. If I'm healthy, I avoid the places I think the trap could be because he is going to get a hook a lot faster if I step in a trap as opposed to hitting me twice.

    Small Game used to go off for bear traps, Hag traps, and for Freddy snares and pallets. I would avoid safe loops where totems were because it could have been a trap, and I didn't want to risk it. Now that SG has been nerfed, I always have to decide if I want to risk stepping in a trap or not use a pallet or window.

  • Member Posts: 203

    Nah , disagree, they changed wraith from being well balanced and fun to go against to braindead easy to play, only counter is to keep your eyes glued to the screen non stop, zero fun versus wraith now, dont want to see trapper go the same way

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    Well-balanced? He was one of the worst killers in the game. Most Wraiths used Windstorm anyway, and there were no complaints, but now that Windstorm is base kit suddenly he's OP and braindead? Come on.

  • Member Posts: 203

    H was was basic but with his crazy add ons he was well balanced, and its more than just windstorm being basekit, the mega lunge out of cloak, the BS true invisibility where you cant see him till its to late, with windstorm being basekit he can now get around the map incredibly fast and still run insanely strong add ons that make him that makes him OP and VERY unfun to go against, do you think all the freddy noobs switched to maining him because hes difficult to play...... please

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Have some general awareness? Trappers can't trap the whole map. They are a territorial killer, running towards completed gens for instance is a good way to know there won't be traps there. Something you should be doing anyway after getting hit

    If you do the above it stops at take the hook, cause all gens will be done. If they aren't then it wasen't trapper that beat you but your teammates.

    I'm sorry but complaining trapper of all killers having no counterplay just shows a real lack of experience.

    There is a reason people concidder him the worst killer

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