What makes your favorite/main killer's gameplay unique?

This is less about objective 'what killer is stronger' and more 'what makes them enjoyable?'
For me Nurse gameplay is top tier in this game, unmatched by anything. It's exhilarating calculating the perfect blink to catch up to a survivor, or 180 spin around after going through a wall and nailing the predication. I also love how verticality is not a hinderance, but a challenge for her. I can't get the same satisfaction of landing in front of a window jump before the survivor even lands with any other power, except maybe Hag.
So what makes you find joy in your favorite killer?
Chaining hits is so satisfying, also doing almost anything Survivor can in a chase is a cherry on top.
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One running into my entire web of traps as hag
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Clown’s mix of strategic and mechanical skill is very fun
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Freddy's teleport power. I really loving it so much. BBQ gives me info and i am just teleporting to this gen.
Also i loved Old Freddy too. Get them to Dream World, hit once and leave them for another survivor. And you can see all auras everywhere. :3 It was also fun.
This is reason i am Freddy main for years.
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With Mikey he has so many play styles you can do with him. There's scream for Myers, vaulter master Myers, jump scare Myers, very low terror radius Myers, tombstone Myers etc.
Mikey comes in so many flavors. I love him for it.
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I used to main Myers before and reason for that was that I really enjoy the idea of a killer you can't just disrespect while in his LOS without getting punished. With Michael, you feed him evil and make him stronger, that always felt really nice, like a actul dangerous killer, that teabagging in my face will cost you soon.
Deathslinger takes that idea and expands it ten times. Thanks to Redeemer, nobody can stay in your LOS while also not beiing in instant danger of getting shot and very likely downed. You just have to make distance and get away, the closer you are, the easier it is for sliner to aim at you and reel you towards him. He's one of the most dangerous killers to be close to next to nurse and spirit. Also, his gameplay just clicks with me unlike nurse and spirit.
Everything about him from his art design, fluency of his gameplay to the massive satisfaction from getting cool or diffucult shots, I love it all.
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As doc I love being able to shock a survivor and trap them between me and a pallet they can't vault. Being able to turn a loop into a death sentence is so nice. Also shocking a gen that's close to completion and stopping any progress for long enough for me to get to it to kick it. Plus his aoe attack is so nice for keeping track of where survivors are without having to waste a perk on it.
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Zombies. It's nice to have some backup instead of being all alone. kinda wish I could do more with them though
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Nothing. Not anymore.
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But seriously I just enjoy Demo's lunge. Hitting his shred around a corner you didn't expect to is immensely satisfying.
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When Freddy's rework was announced I was so excited for his teleport. I thought it would be a lot more free though instead of heavily restricted by a long cooldown. Like you could've teleported mid-chase to a gen so survivors would have to be map aware of them. Discount Nurse I guess lol.
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Way back in the day I had a game of sniper Doc and I 3 gen from the center of the map to 3 extremely spread out gens and kept it up for like 15 minutes lmao. Most fun I've ever had as Doctor. The survivors HATED me for it though.
Oof. I feel you fam.
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pinball man
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I love Wraith because with his buffs he feels like a proper predator. He can move swiftly from target to target taking his prey off guard.
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As someone who mained and loved Old Freddy, the current situation is not good for me.
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Hhh I jump between a few, so I'll list stuff from my top 3.
I'll be the first to admit that she's extremely unfair to verse. (I've been saying it since before the Prayer Beads rework, where gen grab Spirits were the norm). But I do really enjoy getting hits off with the phase without being able to see the Survivors and by only going off of sound. It's a really interesting idea, but it's definitely also way too easy to pull off currently.
Man, is there anything not to love about him? Cages and Moris make his gameplay loop super smooth while also being unique, and the PoD is extremely satisfying to land, while also not feeling disgustingly strong. (Though, I think he definitely could use an add-on pass, like a lot of Killers...)
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Nurse because she's so ridiculously deep from a mechanics standpoint. It's impossible to be perfect with her. I'll sit there and do hours of 1v1s with her just to fine-tune my tracking and blink mechanics/blink logic.
I love that you have to constantly make reads on the opponent as the game goes. She gets more and more complicated against higher level competition. There's a lot of information to process in very small windows against super exerienced players who go against high level Nurses every other day. Which way is their head turned, what are this survivor's tendencies, what tile are they approaching, what are the adjacent tiles, etc.
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No Gen defend Trapper. Using all End game perks build.
After 5 Gen done, its when the game truly started.
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He rings a bell and his Power doesn't have a ######### cooldown.
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I love figuring out how a survivor plays and getting good enough to confidently predict where they're going and getting those juicy hits. Also feels good to process all that information and make a decision before the blink window runs out.
As a Nurse main who misses not having a cooldown,