Disconnected from the host

Mercurial Member Posts: 11

Platform - Steam.

The game randomly disconnects me from the host. Happened every day since the 1st of August, 1-2 times a day.

Game still counts it as an escape, I keep any items, points, challenge progress. I get back to the Play Survivor screen BUT I get a matchmaking ban.

It happens absolutely at random when I play either survivor or killer. In the score screen, it shows that killer has disconnected. It doesn't matter what the killer is. Happened with Blight, Wraith, Clown, and me as Demogorgon.

Before the disconnect happens, everything sorta freezes. If a player was moving at the time it happens, they keep moving forward as if they were lagging, also cannot perform any actions for a few seconds, then it disconnects me, and gives matchmaking ban.

Error message in the score screen: "You have been disconnected from the host".

Post-game chat: "CHAT OFFLINE - Match server unavailable".

My internet connection is absolutely stable, has been for years, also I bought a new decent router a few months ago.

I've been asking around, it's not an individual issue, other players too report it.

These disconnects never happened when I played with Cross-Play off.

Didn't manage to get the logs.

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