Why do survivors expect killers to be "fair" to them? And vice versa?

TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

This has always majorly bugged me regarding the "honor code" of this game and leaves me bewildered at the sheer arrogance some players show regarding it. Say for example somebody gets unhooked and you begin chasing the unhooker, and the unhooked hops in a locker right in front of your face for their DS. You eat the DS as to not deal with it later. The next time they get unhooked, you tunnel them down and kill them logically knowing that have no line of defense. Then of course they compalin in the post game chat, displaying a complete and utter ineptitude to the fact they cemented their death minutes earlier, and the killer has no obligation to ignore them simply because they were unhooked. This goes for killers as well, when 4 randos do their objective correctly and competently, you'll have killers whining in the endgame chat about being "genrushed by a SWF" and "annoying meta perks" for no other reason than to protect their glass ego. Its never "My fault" in dbd, its always "Their fault" and it bugs the hell out of me. For reference, i literally have an entire folder on my desktop to collecting salt from this game. Its that common. When did this stupid honor code arrogance begin and why does it still persist?


  • Thr_ust
    Thr_ust Member Posts: 481

    From what I can tell it’s been around about as long as this game has existed. And like you said the simple reason is people really hate accepting that them losing is their own fault.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Dont forget one big aspect aswell. Ppl love to be treated special, they think they are the center of the universe at their own anime, thats why they want to get treated like that, many ppl dislike to be forced to see how meaningless they are in the end. Thats what I have seen often and also see by myself, its normal.. its human in the end.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    A lot of survivors simply don't respect that the killer is another player.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Survivors: Whine about killers not letting survivors have fun by just playing the game and doing their objective of killing them.

    Survivors when it comes to making sure killers are also having fun: I sleep.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Yea, when I first started this game, I’d get so frustrated when I got tunneled or camped and I’d pray for the killer to have explosive diarrhea for a week. I used to get mad at them for not giving the hatch as well!

    But as I reflected upon my feelings, I realized I was being entitled, especially after I dabbled a little in killer, and now have no ill will against any killer who camps or tunnels when they have to. I think you’re right, it’s just in our nature, to get upset when we don’t get things our way.

  • JohnnyB87
    JohnnyB87 Member Posts: 96

    First...where is it written the objective is to kill the survivors? I can get a perfect game as killer with 8 hooks and no kills...the objective of the game is to get as many points as possible. Sadly, people put there own rules and objectives into the game and none are correct.

    Second, not part of quote, camping and tunneling is actually the worst two strategies for a killer. Killers who have to do either are just not good. Same with survivors gen rushing, let em, they won't pip cause like I said before it's about points. Surprisingly it's the "veterans" of this game who have lost the ideology of what the game is meant to be. If it was a kill or survive game it'd be F13, which as far as I know this isn't.

    This game is on the verge of dying, population only rises during events and dlcs, and then back to it's 20-30k players which is very low. Devs need to fix a lot of bugs, which won't happen, and players need to not be so try hard. There are NO rewards for ranks so rank means nothing as it always has but people don't get that.

    Also, the bannable offenses contradict each other. Camping, tunneling and slugging are not bannable, yet it states if you prevent a player from playing the game, which all 3 are, then it is bannable. Yes strategic camping, tunneling, and hatch slugging I get after a few gens are done, but doing any at 5 gens is just bad gameplay and needs to be addressed, but how is the question.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Because they're allowed to play how they want, but you would have the audacity to play how you want? Imagine buying a videogame & not playing it how others want you to play, the nerve.

  • charliebrown9061
    charliebrown9061 Member Posts: 73

    Because HUMANS

    You can only change yourself:

    don't give a #########

    if they complain bring your sheep into the dry and grin because you killed them (or teabagged him)

    Start next round for positive vibes 👍

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    No one is expected to play any way they don't want to. No one can dictate that. On the flip side though, people are also allowed to be frustrated at the match for whatever reason too. The general rule of thumb I try to follow is to play the way that I deem the most fair in any given situation and hope that others try to do the same, but if they don't, then I just have to deal with it.

    A lot of people play this game in the saltiest way possible and act like jerks. At times, it even dumps all over my good actions (i.e. I run off and go on death hook/get moried so my teammate can safely get hatch or gate, but they sit there and loiter so they can tbag the killer). I came off of a match just now where my teammates did the bare minimum possible to prevent the killer from camping and tunneling me the entire match (yes, it was genuine and ended with some BM hits at the end). All 4 players failed imo because one player had to suffer.

    But even though it's crappy, they all chose to play that way and there's nothing against the rules about it. The only thing you can do is give them Unsportsmanlike for the BM, and even that might not count. Instead of stopping to their level and being a jerk myself, I'd rather just play the way I enjoy playing and the way I'd like to see others play as well.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    I realized this the most when I played a few Trapper matches yesterday out of curiosity. I setup my Area of Denial, hook in that area, then get blasted for Trapping as Trapper.

    Guess I'll just throw the traps away...

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It really started a long time ago when the community was much smaller.

    And we would see the same names perhaps numerous games in a row. So, it felt cheaper then. It really isn't the same anymore.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Are you seriously saying that the objective of *THE KILLER* isn't to, you know...*KILL*? Like uhhh...what? How do you think we earn those points to begin with? Yeah sure you can cheese the system by just getting whacks and scoring high in chase and destruction points. Honestly I'd say that is more indicative on how much the gameplay of DBD sucks, with how easy it is to manipulate. Because yeah, you're right if I just get 2 whacks on the survivors and they all kill themselves on hook then I wouldn't get enough points to pip up, and I'd probably just depip as a result as well. Same for if a killer just sits in a corner and survivors just slam gens and only gens, they will depip as a result of not earning points. Again that is just proof of how trash the current system is, especially when you take in to account that literally rank means nothing in this game cus you'll run in to red rank players when you're still a potato.

    But crying about the point system aside, because that's honestly a topic for another time. You are seriously asking, where does it say that my objective as the killer is to kill? Well you really want to know where it says that? You really really want to know? IT SAYS IT IN THE DAMN GAME AND ON THEIR WEBSITE! Like holy hell dude, it's literally right in front of you in both name AND in the game tutorials.