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Are the legion the most evil?

Jackard Member Posts: 47
Other than the clown that got rewarded with Maurice the horse, are the legion the most evil killers in the game? All other killers have visible torture to convince them to work for the entity (excluding licensed killers) and yet none of the legion seem to have this.


  • Jackard
    Jackard Member Posts: 47
    ^^^ lol
    @AnthonyC2014 I'm only counting original killers
  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Jackard said:
    Other than the clown that got rewarded with Maurice the horse, are the legion the most evil killers in the game? All other killers have visible torture to convince them to work for the entity (excluding licensed killers) and yet none of the legion seem to have this.

    Spirit is from her lore, so that means her wounds are not from the entity, hillbilly is not from the entity, wraith is okay, legion is 4 different killers and they did not know what happened

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    With the exception of Susie, this seems like a valid argument. Susie didn't seem to want to get into killing at first, but she became evil fast, but I would say that Michael is still holding the title of most evil, right behind him I would say Legion, Freddy, or Pig.

    I wouldn't call Amanda evil. Somewhat mental unhinged but not evil
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    The thing with Spirit and Freddy is that they are not fueled by being evil, its vengance.

    Clown is still the most evil one out of everyone. He has an entire modus operandi. Even his description states how he let go of Benedict Baker because he prefers his victims to be unaware of his presence.

    The way I see Legion, or Frank more like, is an early Clown. Not fully evil just yet, but eventually he will.

    Myers, honestly, he may be evil, but he just kills. He gets no satisfaction out of it, I think? Clown does, he is a sadist.
  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    The's Shape's ability is literally called Evil Within.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    I doubt the legion is evil. Its teen teen angst with boredom and peer pressure. If threy were truly evil theyd have a higher killcount before getting recruited.

    Their leader could be different but the others are just sheep compared to the rest of the killers.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    Definitely still the clown in terms of original killers. The legion never intended to kill someone in their lore. Clown literally kills for fun.
  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Freddy regardless of the version is definitely evil, he was guilty of his crimes when he was alive (its just the context of those crimes changed per/post 2010) I still consider Freddy the most evil out of the lot. Clown fits the bill too. The Doctor is very much a evil person.

    Meyers is kinda like a force of nature or and animal imho. Evil yes, but I don't think he is a sadist.

    Leatherface and Billy seems to be a bi-product of terrible circumstances like Hag and Huntress. Trapper walks a very fine line that I almost put him with team Freddy, but i can still say it was the way he was raised.

    Wraith is more of a vigilante. To the point you wonder why he is working with the entity at all.
    Nurse literally went insane from grief.
    Spirit wanted revenge for what happend to her family.

    Legion followers I see in the same context as the Pig, both are misguided and were created by something much more sinister than they were. Wraith was a vigilante.

    The leader of the Legion however, like every other cult leader I consider the most dangerous, simply because their evil can spread like a virus, its not self contained. Its not content with destruction but it craves corruption (Just like freddy.)

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    Myers is easily the most evil.

    If you are discounting licensed killers then I’d say Clown and Legion are the most evil original killers. Clown kills because he wants to and he gets satisfaction out of it. The Legion I just think are teenage rebels. If the Entity didn’t grant them any powers then most of the survivors would easily overpower any of them, especially Susie.

    The only original killer that does not have visible torture to convince them to work for the Entity is Huntress. She looks like a normal human in a mask. She is however a child in the mind and easily manipulated so that would explain why.
  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    They're not Myers, so they're by definition not the most evil Killer(s). The whole point of all the Killers are that they used to be human, and Myers is the only exception to this. Myers was never human, he is just evil in a human Shape.

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    @The_Trapper said:
    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    The vibe I’ve gotten from Susie’s description and how the devs have spoken about he rand Legion in the Making of, I feel like they were saying Susie is evil and the Legion is all about any imaginable person having that potential. Susie is the nerdy crazy girl who seems sweet but in the end actually holds psychotic tendencies.

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2018

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:
    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    The vibe I’ve gotten from Susie’s description and how the devs have spoken about he rand Legion in the Making of, I feel like they were saying Susie is evil and the Legion is all about any imaginable person having that potential. Susie is the nerdy crazy girl who seems sweet but in the end actually holds psychotic tendencies.

    She struck me as the nerdy girl, but her story said she was the most reluctant to stab the janitor, Frank forced her knife to stab him. The Legion art also showed Susie had the fewest kills by far. Before I forget. Susie's animations show her to look like she herself is scared and reluctant.

    EDIT: Compare her animations to Frank or Joe's, Joe acts like it no longer really bothers him, Frank acts like he almost enjoys it a little.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    @The_Trapper said:

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:
    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    The vibe I’ve gotten from Susie’s description and how the devs have spoken about he rand Legion in the Making of, I feel like they were saying Susie is evil and the Legion is all about any imaginable person having that potential. Susie is the nerdy crazy girl who seems sweet but in the end actually holds psychotic tendencies.

    She struck me as the nerdy girl, but her story said she was the most reluctant to stab the janitor, Frank forced her knife to stab him. The Legion art also showed Susie had the fewest kills by far. Before I forget. Susie's animations show her to look like she herself is scared and reluctant.

    EDIT: Compare her animations to Frank or Joe's, Joe acts like it no longer really bothers him, Frank acts like he almost enjoys it a little.

    I totally got that nerdy vibe from her too. I believe they described her as the nerdy weird girl. So I imagine someone eccentric but intelligent. I think she definitely has this sweet image to her that makes the irony of her personable demeanor being a guide to her truly more corrupt core. I think we was a sweetheart/kinder character, and I don’t think all of them would kill if given the choice. But I also think the entity would only choose people who are capable of being driven to that point or having been.

    I remember how the entity was actually going for Rin’s Father as a killer, and when it sensed the drive for revenge it chose Rin instead to be a killer and dawn the mantle of the Spirit.

    I think it would be cool to get a survivor who was a killer. And I think Susie could be a potential contender for that. She’s the most popular of the Legion, and it would be an interesting parallel. She would be the first person pulled in with the intention of being a killer, and struggling as survivor. It would imply she succumbed as a survivor and eventually took on the role of killer. I think it was add some tragedy to her story, and a reminder that all survivors eventually succumb.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890
    edited December 2018

    Frank is a megalomaniac, a gang boss, one charismatic S.O.B., and up and coming monster. Give it time and he'll be just as cruel as Myers. He's not a sexual deviant like Freddy or the Clown and it'll take a long time to be just as sick as Michael but he's on the path. The order of evil from there goes Susie, Julie, then Joey, in my headcanon. Justification in my post on the Killers interactions with each other.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I think Myers still holds that title with his only competition being Freddy. Myers had no motivation to begin with and was a monster since he was a kid. He wants nothing but to kill. Freddy might be worse because of what he did before his death. It takes a special kind of evil to do that. The Clown is also a fair contender, too. He reveled in tormenting and killing people.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Its interesting, this discussion can become really personal. The response greatly varies depending on each person's definition of evil.

    For instance, in my case, I could consider evil someone who kills just to kill, because its all they know. This is kind of the reason Myers does it, which puts him into "evil" rank as Huntress. Yet, I will say it again, true evil is being fully aware of your actions and still choosing to kill because it gives you pleasure, which is why I still find Clown the most evil, followed by Frank. All other killers are just forced (whether its emotions or external force), so they will rank way lower.

  • Clown for the Original killers but Trapper has got to be up there, Didn't he bury a whole mining company alive? That's where I took the whole "Trapper" name from how he "Trapped" all of the miners with an explosion and let them die. Some Arguments could be made for the Doctor also for the kind of torture he used on his patients and the joy he gets from it (the giggles) Freddy stands well above them all though for his methods and his targets. Murdering, torturing and molesting children has got EVERYONE beat by miles.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Legion has got to be the least evil of killers. Their lore was clearly a rushed effort cause if you think of how the entity operates, it makes absolutely no sense for it to take them into the fog. They killed all of one person and it was because they a mistake, not cause they were looking for a kill. Joe and Susie didn't even really want to do it. Julie's intentions were more of a do it for Frank mentality than a bloodlust. Frank is the only one who I would even consider worthy of the entity's consideration, but it took them all for reasons that don't fit the entity's mentality.

  • Tawkua
    Tawkua Member Posts: 2
    This is a really good point. The idea of torturing into submission is obvious with the Trapper and Doctor, but I find it odd that not a lot of the others have visible wounds.

    If I’m remembering right, the wraith was tortured pretty severely. Michael doesn’t need the entity to tell him to kill, he just does. Same with Freddy, stated in his backstory. The clown already liked to kill too, so torture probably wasn’t needed. 

    The Spirit was convinced with the promise of revenge, and so her motivations are clear. 

    When it comes to the Hag, she’s so far gone she’s just like letting loose a rabid dog. I doubt she had to be tortured. 

    The Pig was given the opportunity to punish the unworthy, and although it’s not the same as the games from her world, she’s now the game master. Plus, getting saved from death can be a good motivator. 

    The ones that confuse me are Legion and Nurse. Did the nurse kill those patients? Did the Entity come for them and she stopped it from taking them? The bag over her face, is it from the torture or the patients? 

    With the legion, I find myself figuring it’s a more subtle approach than torture. Nurture the seed of evil in their minds, and eventually they’ll become what the Entity wants. It’s the chia-pets of Killers. 

    I’m sure I’ve forgotten something lore-important, but those are just my thoughts. 
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,214

    @Tawkua said:


    If I’m remembering right, the wraith was tortured pretty severely.

    Psychologically, maybe, since he was unknowingly executing people, but I wouldn't call that torture on him.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @VolantConch1719 said:

    @Tawkua said:


    If I’m remembering right, the wraith was tortured pretty severely.

    Psychologically, maybe, since he was unknowingly executing people, but I wouldn't call that torture on him.

    He was tortured by the entity as well. He was choked with mud and I think the white marks on his skin are burns.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219

    @Dehitay said:
    Legion has got to be the least evil of killers. Their lore was clearly a rushed effort cause if you think of how the entity operates, it makes absolutely no sense for it to take them into the fog. They killed all of one person and it was because they a mistake, not cause they were looking for a kill. Joe and Susie didn't even really want to do it. Julie's intentions were more of a do it for Frank mentality than a bloodlust. Frank is the only one who I would even consider worthy of the entity's consideration, but it took them all for reasons that don't fit the entity's mentality.

    I think the idea that anyone has that evil in them, that anyone can fall from grace and embrace their dark side is very compelling (and disturbing) lore. When I see things like the Trapper that are so obviously monstrous, it's ironically less scary because that's so obviously a monster it's like "yeah I get it you're bad" but when you understand how heedless and desperate people can get, the Legion is much scarier because it's reflective of our actual reality.

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:
    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    The vibe I’ve gotten from Susie’s description and how the devs have spoken about he rand Legion in the Making of, I feel like they were saying Susie is evil and the Legion is all about any imaginable person having that potential. Susie is the nerdy crazy girl who seems sweet but in the end actually holds psychotic tendencies.

    She struck me as the nerdy girl, but her story said she was the most reluctant to stab the janitor, Frank forced her knife to stab him. The Legion art also showed Susie had the fewest kills by far. Before I forget. Susie's animations show her to look like she herself is scared and reluctant.

    EDIT: Compare her animations to Frank or Joe's, Joe acts like it no longer really bothers him, Frank acts like he almost enjoys it a little.

    I totally got that nerdy vibe from her too. I believe they described her as the nerdy weird girl. So I imagine someone eccentric but intelligent. I think she definitely has this sweet image to her that makes the irony of her personable demeanor being a guide to her truly more corrupt core. I think we was a sweetheart/kinder character, and I don’t think all of them would kill if given the choice. But I also think the entity would only choose people who are capable of being driven to that point or having been.

    I remember how the entity was actually going for Rin’s Father as a killer, and when it sensed the drive for revenge it chose Rin instead to be a killer and dawn the mantle of the Spirit.

    I think it would be cool to get a survivor who was a killer. And I think Susie could be a potential contender for that. She’s the most popular of the Legion, and it would be an interesting parallel. She would be the first person pulled in with the intention of being a killer, and struggling as survivor. It would imply she succumbed as a survivor and eventually took on the role of killer. I think it was add some tragedy to her story, and a reminder that all survivors eventually succumb.

    I personally think Joey is the most popular of the four, purely based on his clothing. It is by far the coolest in my opinion, but we don't really know that much about Joey as a person.

    We know the reason why most killers kill, Leatherface does it out of fear, Billy does it because he loves it. Myers does it because he is pure evil.

    Why do Legion do it? Frank probably enjoys it, Julie doesn't really care, I don't know about Joey but Susie probably does it out of fear, perhaps fear that if the survivors get away they will tell the police about the murder of the janitor. The Entity could easily whisper that thought into their heads, there are multiple possibilities.

  • Jackard
    Jackard Member Posts: 47
    Some of you seem to be a bit confused as to the original topic. Most of the killers we're predisposed to murder in one way or another but that is different than killing for the entity. As far as I know the clown is the only non licensed killer that had no intervention of any kind to do the entity's bidding. (Other than the legion... Seemingly)
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    Lol I love how he just said Myers was an UNLICENSED killer
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Dehitay said:

    Legion has got to be the least evil of killers. Their lore was clearly a rushed effort cause if you think of how the entity operates, it makes absolutely no sense for it to take them into the fog. They killed all of one person and it was because they a mistake, not cause they were looking for a kill. Joe and Susie didn't even really want to do it. Julie's intentions were more of a do it for Frank mentality than a bloodlust. Frank is the only one who I would even consider worthy of the entity's consideration, but it took them all for reasons that don't fit the entity's mentality.

    Actually lore state that for the most part the entity like killers it could twist to killing meaning it events to where people you'd never expect to kill to do it. The entity chose those 4
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:
    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    The vibe I’ve gotten from Susie’s description and how the devs have spoken about he rand Legion in the Making of, I feel like they were saying Susie is evil and the Legion is all about any imaginable person having that potential. Susie is the nerdy crazy girl who seems sweet but in the end actually holds psychotic tendencies.

    She struck me as the nerdy girl, but her story said she was the most reluctant to stab the janitor, Frank forced her knife to stab him. The Legion art also showed Susie had the fewest kills by far. Before I forget. Susie's animations show her to look like she herself is scared and reluctant.

    EDIT: Compare her animations to Frank or Joe's, Joe acts like it no longer really bothers him, Frank acts like he almost enjoys it a little.

    I totally got that nerdy vibe from her too. I believe they described her as the nerdy weird girl. So I imagine someone eccentric but intelligent. I think she definitely has this sweet image to her that makes the irony of her personable demeanor being a guide to her truly more corrupt core. I think we was a sweetheart/kinder character, and I don’t think all of them would kill if given the choice. But I also think the entity would only choose people who are capable of being driven to that point or having been.

    I remember how the entity was actually going for Rin’s Father as a killer, and when it sensed the drive for revenge it chose Rin instead to be a killer and dawn the mantle of the Spirit.

    I think it would be cool to get a survivor who was a killer. And I think Susie could be a potential contender for that. She’s the most popular of the Legion, and it would be an interesting parallel. She would be the first person pulled in with the intention of being a killer, and struggling as survivor. It would imply she succumbed as a survivor and eventually took on the role of killer. I think it was add some tragedy to her story, and a reminder that all survivors eventually succumb.

    I personally think Joey is the most popular of the four, purely based on his clothing. It is by far the coolest in my opinion, but we don't really know that much about Joey as a person.

    We know the reason why most killers kill, Leatherface does it out of fear, Billy does it because he loves it. Myers does it because he is pure evil.

    Why do Legion do it? Frank probably enjoys it, Julie doesn't really care, I don't know about Joey but Susie probably does it out of fear, perhaps fear that if the survivors get away they will tell the police about the murder of the janitor. The Entity could easily whisper that thought into their heads, there are multiple possibilities.

    THANK YOU. Why the f#ck does every one call him f#ucking joe? Seriously it is JOEY he would prefer that name (coming from someone in a similar situation of wrong @ss names). But seriously as soon as i knew they named one of them joey I was like man I gotta get my hand on my game counter part, and then i saw the out fit and was like thank the god of develepers for bestowing upon ours this magnificent creation.
  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:

    @xmenfanatic said:

    @The_Trapper said:
    Michael Myers is literally described as just pure evil. Frankie is the most evil out of all of them, and Susie is the least evil, because of her I would say they are not the most. But I would bet my left one on saying Michael is. The most evil unlicensed killer though, would have to be either Billy or Hag.

    The vibe I’ve gotten from Susie’s description and how the devs have spoken about he rand Legion in the Making of, I feel like they were saying Susie is evil and the Legion is all about any imaginable person having that potential. Susie is the nerdy crazy girl who seems sweet but in the end actually holds psychotic tendencies.

    She struck me as the nerdy girl, but her story said she was the most reluctant to stab the janitor, Frank forced her knife to stab him. The Legion art also showed Susie had the fewest kills by far. Before I forget. Susie's animations show her to look like she herself is scared and reluctant.

    EDIT: Compare her animations to Frank or Joe's, Joe acts like it no longer really bothers him, Frank acts like he almost enjoys it a little.

    I totally got that nerdy vibe from her too. I believe they described her as the nerdy weird girl. So I imagine someone eccentric but intelligent. I think she definitely has this sweet image to her that makes the irony of her personable demeanor being a guide to her truly more corrupt core. I think we was a sweetheart/kinder character, and I don’t think all of them would kill if given the choice. But I also think the entity would only choose people who are capable of being driven to that point or having been.

    I remember how the entity was actually going for Rin’s Father as a killer, and when it sensed the drive for revenge it chose Rin instead to be a killer and dawn the mantle of the Spirit.

    I think it would be cool to get a survivor who was a killer. And I think Susie could be a potential contender for that. She’s the most popular of the Legion, and it would be an interesting parallel. She would be the first person pulled in with the intention of being a killer, and struggling as survivor. It would imply she succumbed as a survivor and eventually took on the role of killer. I think it was add some tragedy to her story, and a reminder that all survivors eventually succumb.

    I personally think Joey is the most popular of the four, purely based on his clothing. It is by far the coolest in my opinion, but we don't really know that much about Joey as a person.

    We know the reason why most killers kill, Leatherface does it out of fear, Billy does it because he loves it. Myers does it because he is pure evil.

    Why do Legion do it? Frank probably enjoys it, Julie doesn't really care, I don't know about Joey but Susie probably does it out of fear, perhaps fear that if the survivors get away they will tell the police about the murder of the janitor. The Entity could easily whisper that thought into their heads, there are multiple possibilities.

    THANK YOU. Why the f#ck does every one call him f#ucking joe? Seriously it is JOEY he would prefer that name (coming from someone in a similar situation of wrong @ss names). But seriously as soon as i knew they named one of them joey I was like man I gotta get my hand on my game counter part, and then i saw the out fit and was like thank the god of develepers for bestowing upon ours this magnificent creation.
    And yet we only have 1 Joey outfit. I hope we'll see more of him soon. Really loving his posture (and I have a feeling he's slightly hunky).
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Milord said:
    And yet we only have 1 Joey outfit. I hope we'll see more of him soon. Really loving his posture (and I have a feeling he's slightly hunky).
    Let me tell you all us Joeys are hunky just ask my fiancee, and yea probably a few spikes to go with cause you know joey strait up punk lol. A red skull mask would be awesome and a reverse color of his current mask.
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    There was a theory about Doctor - at the very end of his story it says that wounds on bodies which were found suggest that he searched panacea from mind control. So, he realised that he encountered something evil, which could control his mind. And he tried to struggle, tried to find medicine. And also, some of the addons says that he created alternative ways of treatment in fog - after he was transfered to Entity realm. So, what Iam trying to say, maybe he believed what he still able to bent his mind to his will, he still able to continue his research in Entity's realm. Unfortunatelly, Entity just corrupted him too much and he gone too crazy. Dat irony tho - Entity won in Doctor's own playground.
    So, evil - maybe not the most correct word here. i'd say corrupted (not only by Entity, but also by his mentor). And, probably, way too much liking his job.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317
    edited January 2019
    Okie dokie, hi, let's break this down. Evan does have torture, I actually think he also trapped himself in with his workers (i reread the backstory and it implied something along those lines). Max is majorly deformed, then was isolated, that could do wonders for a child's mental stability. Now, we have Philip, he killed by rage, he was distraught in finding he accidently-purposely killed people, he killed his boss out of rage. Sally, i think it was a mental hospital? Correct me if I'm wrong, please, but she probably couldn't handle it anymore. Her husband died and the working at the asylum for 2 (?) decades caused her to snap. Lisa really didn't have a choice, it was either eat or be eaten. She already had potential to be a killer, as she DIDN'T die from being EATEN and being malnourished and dehydrated. Her sleep probably wasn't good either. She should be dead is what I'm saying. Now, Herman I'm so-so about. He did kill a lot of people while working on his own for a few months (right?), however, he does have clear signs of torture, nowhere does it say he did that to himself, and besides Jeff the Killer, no one would do that to themselves, insane or not. Anna, she knows somewhat that killing is wrong. However, the only adult she's ever known was her mother, and her mother taught her to hunt. However, she does have a deep maternal instinct. Michael Myers, not a sadist in any way, he just kills to kill, and nothing will stop him. Freddy, I didn't watch the Nightmare on Elm Street, through I did read his backstory and my mother did confirm he was a child predator. Scary. Amanda, I didn't see the Saw movies, however I know she had a drug problem (I think, this is from memory), and John was like her... way out I guess. She started making traps that were unsolvable because she believed that no one can change. Jeffrey (Kenneth?) is a psychopath. He has the symptoms of one from a young boy, and he's a sadist to add on that. He's a sadist shown by the fact he keeps fingers on a keyring, trophies from his victims, that's 100% creepy kay, if I were murdered, at least let me keep my limbs. Bubba, he kills to protect his family, but I also didn't watch those movies so... Now, Rin, 100% vengeance. Okay, Legion, yay, Frank has feelings, he does. He's not a sexual sadist, he loves his friends a lot, him stabbing the cleaner was a flight or fight response. He didn't know if the cleaner was going to hurt Julie or not. Julie is clearly Frank's second-in-command or something similar, she'll do whatever Frank says. Joey is a follower, however he probably didn't like Frank yelling at Susie for defying him, probably throught that was a low move, even for him. Susie, she's been manipulated this far, however, she still's able to make her own decisions, at an extent, though. She said no to Frank, however Frank has a temper problem shown by earlier in the writing that he lashed out at foster families. He only stopped because he gained a crush on Julie. That's literally why. Anyways, everything will go Frank's way. That's why Susie won't be a survivor, Frank wouldn't let her. I love them honestly, however I don't mind telling them off. Susie may be innocent, but that Susie is long gone, she's only a shell of her humanity. With Frank and the Entity around, she won't be a survivor. She has the potential to, however, she'll also leave her best friend, Julie.

    Anyways, Legion aint even the top 10 of your problems. Michael wouldn't even be top 10, he strikes once a year lol. Anyways, correct me if im wrong ANYWHERE, please.
    Post edited by NoodleLegs on
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    The only part I disagree with is Joey giving 0 craps, if you mean he is an edgy teen or whatever. He does follow Frank willingly and loyally, probably because of his own insecurity. He is a follower type person, those typical characters from movies who follow the popular ones and back up anything they do.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    I really didn't know what to write for Joey since he's mentioned less, I guess, but I completely agree.

    I feel like I should say this, I'm 14, watched 12 1/2 seasons of Criminal Minds, has a sister studying psychology and I want to do a course of psychology in a few years.
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @PigNRun said:

    @Justicar said:
    The's Shape's ability is literally called Evil Within.

    Yet its not called "The Most Evil Within". Feels more like... Lesser Evil Within.

    Petition to rename Evil Within to The Most Evil Within.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Jackard said:
    Some of you seem to be a bit confused as to the original topic. Most of the killers we're predisposed to murder in one way or another but that is different than killing for the entity. As far as I know the clown is the only non licensed killer that had no intervention of any kind to do the entity's bidding. (Other than the legion... Seemingly)

    Yeah, it just kind of said that the Clown appeared, and he continued doing what he always did immediately.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    I partially agree with your post except for Evan. As stated from the Dvs:


    "Oh, no no no no, that's not how it works. Evan did not put the iron bars and hooks into his shoulder, and Sally did not choke herself with a pillowcase."

    "They are not responsible for the unpleasant things that are happening to them."

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    Thank you, I didn't realize that.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    No problem. -Feral Frenzies away-

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317
    it's hard keeping a straight face with a comment like that
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @NoodleLegs said:
    it's hard keeping a straight face with a comment like that


  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Evil is a subjective matter. One persons definition of evil is another mans definition of good. In my honest opinion Doctor Herman Carter is by far the most evil and wicked being in the DBD roster. Most of the killers in this game barring the licensed ones are a product of tragedy. Something truly horrific or tragic they experienced in their life is what made them snap and turn into monsters.
    Evan Macmillan worked himself to death and the stress of his position broke his mind. Max Thompson Jr. since birth grew up in a small, dark bricked off room and was fed through a hole turning him into a feral human with no understanding on how to socialize or behave. Sally snapped after decades of abuse at a deadend job, etc.
    The Doctor however driven in his quest to explore and understand the mind disregarded any and all ethical practices in his pursuit of knowledge. He is essentially a modern Josef Mengele with his diabolical experiments and torture.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    Myers would be the most evil killer. Most serial killers, including this game, have had a purpose or reason for their heinous acts. Be it for sport, entertainment, sexual gratification, self defense, or a dog told them to do it, there is generally some reason to them.

    Myers has no reason. He simply murders just to do so. This also discounts the curse garbage from the movies and rob zombies take on the character. 

    Most evil non licensed it the Trapper. He would do literally anything for his father, and slaughtering the miners was something he had no problem doing. He probably developed a taste for it along the way. 
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Amanda is a MUCH more extreme version of DC's Red Hood in that she doesn't feel like bad guys deserve a second chance and should all die, only after the last stint of hope is erased from them. In that sense she could TECHNICALLY be considered the most "good." I put extreme emphasis on the quotes in that statement.
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Who killed the most people to enter the realm?