Dead By Daylight: The Ghostface Returns Chapter.

UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

This would be a revisited chapter for Dead by Daylight, which comes with multiple bugfixes.

Patch Notes:

-Fixed a bug that omitted Carl the Cashier from the game entirely. Carl returns with his three unique perks, as he was clearly meant to upon original release.

Worker's Comp

As an employee, you are used to being mistreated by others, especially your coworkers.

When another survivor leads the Killer to you while you are injured, Worker's Comp activates for 10/13/15 seconds. If the Killer hits you with a basic attack, it will apply deep wounds instead of being fatal.

"Are you serious?!" - Carl

Night Shift

One man's sleep schedule is another man's endless torment.

Passive perk. The environment always appears 6/8/10% brighter when not in a chase.


This perk activates when the End Game Collapse begins and persists for the remainder of the trial. During the collapse, recieve 10/13/15% stackable bonus to all score events, a non-stackable 10/20/40% increase to Gate Opening bloodpoints.

Furthermore, you can take one more protection hit than normal once per EGC.

"Can we hurry this up? I want to go on break..." - Carl

-Fixed a bug that kept the Derpface cosmetic from appearing in the store.

Thank you for your time.
