Fastest killing character

Which killer can clear a lobby faster than any other killer?
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Hmm, I was thinking legion or oni
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Old legion used to make matches last 3 years
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Bubba, Billy, & Nurse right at the start with Oni, Blight, & Twins for fastest snowball.
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Bubba has the most potential for ending a game as quick as possible because if all survivors were together and let Bubba chainsaw all of them in one rev. That never happens though so realistically speaking, it’s definitely Nurse.
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Starstruck Nurse.
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Pig has the fastest Mori or shortest Mori animation.
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In my experience, usually Spirit or Nurse.
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That's not how I remember old legion. Everyone used to DC on the spot when they realized you were playing them.
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It used to be Billy before the nerf. Nowadays I'd say either Oni, Bubba, Nurse or Iri Tag Blight.
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If its for speedrunning purposes and the survivors purposefully kill themselves I would say Pyramidhead, since he can both hit all 4 at once with his power and saves a TON of time by just tormenting and caging them instead of carrying everyone to the hook.
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Nurse undeniably. A nurse with infectious+Starstruck+Lethal Persuer can pretty efficiently slaughter an entire lobby in about 3 minutes. You can go even faster than this too since most survivors will insta-dc the second they realize its a lethal pursuer nurse.
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He is talking about killspeed and not strenght.
Without a doubt Trickster with main event and Bubba for obvious reasons.