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What scares you?

In this game where scares are limited, what gets you every time?

For me, its rounding a corner and running into a killer that normally has a terror radius and were undetectable.

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  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I get scared when it's early on the month because I have to pay my house.

    But in dbd...... I guess it's not even realizing who the killer is then to be jumped out of no where.

    But also a few days ago, I was playing pig on haddonfence, there were only 2 survivors alive, I found one then when I was about to hit them, the other survivor I believe panicked and jumped off a window right in front of me, I almost had a heart attack right there.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Hag traps

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    This. Some maps, it's very hard to see them.

    And when I need to reload as Huntress but there is someone in the locker.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Spiders in the milk.

  • Member Posts: 243

    Being the last person and knowing you can't win...

  • Member Posts: 243

    In real life my fear is not having a purpose in life...

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    There are only 2 scary things in DbD for me:

    • A great Huntress. Not feeling safe even across the map is super scary.
    • Trapper. I start playing like rank 20 when knowing its the Trapper. Every window, every pallet, every loop, every grassholm is trapper. And he has Iri Stone... for sure.
  • Member Posts: 3,558

    Turning the camera at the beginning of the game and seeing Ghostface/Myers staring at me behind an object

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    4 identical Dwights moving slowly towards me not doing one gen and i cant for the life of me hide from them I know you know what im talking about.... killers have no defense against A hitman dwight raptor squad

  • Member Posts: 747
  • Member Posts: 3,302

    The thought of Candyman or springtrap as next killer and having to wait another 4 months until the next hope of a killer I like.

  • Member Posts: 73

    Beeing hooked and seeing the killer behind the guy who is intending to free me after they let me hanging till i struggle.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Working on a gen, spacing out, then noticing Michael staring at me in the distance. It's like, I just looked there and saw nothing and he just teleported out of nowhere.

    Seeing Spine Chill light up, Urban Evading away from the gen, only to walk right into Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 301

    When a trial starts and you don't see the killer and hear the terror radius for a while. I always start to panic and keep looking around me thinking it's a possible stealth killer such as Myers, Wraith, Pig, Deathslinger, Ghostface, etc.

    I breathe a sigh of relief once I hear a terror radius since most of the time it reveals who the killer is.

    Basically fear of the unknown.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    Same. Jump scares always get me lol Idk if I'd say it scares me so much that I let my guard down though.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Doing gens when ghostface is the killer makes me ultra-paranoid

    I'm constantly rotating the camera between entrances

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    When I get stunned out of nowhere.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    As survivor - gen grabs

    As killer - Jeff’s painted face when he screws up his juke and fills my entire screen instead

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Good huntresses have always been scary for me. Even with the humming her presence is tense, despite you knowing she is close. But other than that the game is not scary with spine chill. But a myer with unlimited tier 3 or Judith's tombstone can make for some tense games.

  • Member Posts: 683

    The thing that scares me the most, especially in this game is the terrible matchmaking system DBD had. Oh god...I've seen some true horrors in my life but this? This is just beyond terrifying.

  • Member Posts: 568

    When I get stunned as Wraith or whenever I have to face a Deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 882

    Doing a really stupid/bad play and the killer ends up being a popular, live twitch streamer. Something like Dumb Teching a killer with Enduring for example.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Experiencing all the selfish and sadistic behaviour some people show. It's not to be expected that they're behaving differently in real world. Then I feel surrounded by people with a lot of dark triad traits... kinda scary ngl.

  • Member Posts: 243

    The scariest thing is when your survivor and you hear oni scream from across the map...

  • Member Posts: 395

    When I run into nemisis zombies, they'll be around corners totally silent and get me 😩

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited August 2021

    Oni charging towards me with Demon Dash, his footsteps only getting louder as I try to make it to a safe pallet/window.

    Meming Myers that can see through walls and right when you round a corner, there he is! Or has no terror radius and round a corner, BAM! Right into his arms.

    Thats it though, lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    Survivors popping up when I don't hear a heartbeat :)

  • Posts: 537
    edited August 2021

    Thinking about how much grind I still have to do

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Loading in as killer and seeing 1 no mither, its never expected

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    When I open a locker as Huntress or Trickster to reload and there is a survivor in there that I didn't know about. I scream and have a heart attack every time.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    BHVR. Specifically when an update comes.

    Gameplay wise I would say rusty shackle hag and when spirit appears at my gen.

  • Member Posts: 137

    The only thing that scares me is how hopeless and miserable this game makes me feel, and yet despite significant damage to my mental state, I keep playing. Even when I don't care at all about the outcome. Load into a map, stare blankly at the wall while survivors pop gens and struggle to get up the will to even play.

  • Member Posts: 568

    Me. I end up using meme builds, next thing I know the killer was a popular twitch streamer

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Everytime I need one specific perk in bloodweb and I dont see it after 3mil BP, it scares me

  • Member Posts: 305

    Michael Myers is the only scary killer tbh. Scratched mirror = OOF

    Infinite Tier 3 isn't scary but it is severely OP and puts you at the edge of your seat.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Performance issues causing my game to freeze and not knowing if it will crash.

    My PS4 sounding like jet engine when I load into DBD - I'm scared it'll die trying to run this one game.

  • Member Posts: 483

    I had a similar occurrence one time on the old Thompson House: Playing Myers and peeking at some survivors working on the upstairs gen while I was on the ground. Accidentally popped T3 instead of just getting it to 99%, so I go into the house to try to stop the gen. Friggin Meg must've panicked when I popped T3 and drops through the hole right into my lap. I have a mini heart attack, she goes down mid-air, and we both had a good laugh after the match

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    Licensed: Alien, Insideous, Pin Head, Sleepy Hollow

    Unlikely Licensed: Imohtep, Creeper Indoraptor

    Unlicensed: Pirate, Gladiator, Vampire, Knight, Djinn

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    A RPD map offering from the killer and then i load in and see a jigsaw box. I dont want to kill my team again.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    The grind is definitely the scariest thing about this game

  • Member Posts: 227

    Running into Lisa's traps with headphones scared me all the time. Especially when you don't know which killer it is.

  • Member Posts: 278

    I legit jumped when I was playing as killer and I turned a corner and a survivor ran right into me. They were looking behind so I'm sure they got spooked too. Also, being pulled off a gen by a killer with no terror radius. It can be quite unexpected.

  • Member Posts: 747

    I once downed someone as Oni, went to pick them up and accidentally opened a locker and there was a survivor in there. Gave me a little jump.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Stealth killers get me every time. Exploring the map for chests and totems one second then the next getting whacked by wraith or grabbed by the pig/ ghostie is panic inducing

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