I hit purple ranks today and my mood to play is completely gone.

What the flip is happening? Why do I only get Matching clothes groups, ttvs and keys since I hit purple rank today?! Is that normal for the last ranks?
Depends on the time of the day, but yes. It is like that sometimes.
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wait till you hit red ranks, theres the fun begins
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Enjoy this ######### meme I made for you in Paint.
Grease up son, the fun has just begun.
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oh god....I never leave Green.
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I mean your purpose was to rank up I think from what you said and now that you are higher rank you expect it to get easier. It should only get harder and harder right? Not like it's a participation trophy. Want easy games? Let yourself fall back down and don't sweat it.
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No I just enjoyed playing killers the last days and played a bit more then usually...
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Kick back and meme it then till you drop a little if you felt the level before was more your style. I know as killer you can manage to pip even in games you feel like you get beat quite often. Wouldn't be surprised if that ended up moving people up a bracket when maybe they might not be ready for it.
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I wouldn't say its exactly normal in purple ranks but it becomes fairly common in red ranks. Personally, I like getting groups like that. They test my skill as a killer and help me improve. But, I understand many people play killer casually and don't necessarily enjoy this kind of pressure.
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That's how it should be on a ranked mode. The fact people avoid ranking up is why matchmaking is how it is...
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It's happened to me before in green ranks.
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I can agree. Green is where it's at
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The skill between green and purple is crazy imo in green ranks i had a pretty even experience i lost as many as I won then I hit purple 1k 0k 0k 0k 1k back to green 2k back to purple honestly purple is where you decide if your really a killer main
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I agree as both killer and survivor. Green is the funnest color rank. Purple and Red is just 😒
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red ranks are a sweat fest, u can have fun if u are good at the game only, and for killers what can i say...
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Shouldn't that be how the highest ranks are?
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Unfortunately this is normal punishment for playing too many killer games but hopefully SBMM is round the corner.
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if the games were more balanced? yes but is not the case.