General Discussions

General Discussions

What's Your Best and Most Important Advice for Each Side?

Title. For me, the advice for both sides would be to keep your cool and take your time.

It's too easy as a newbie Survivor to panic vault or not pause in the correct place in the loop, and get downed for it.

Alternatively, you get your first down and 2 or so gens have popped. When I start sweating because of this, I end up with a 4 man escape. When I keep my cool, I can usually pull through with a decent result.

What would be your best and most important advice to Killers and Survivors?


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  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Don't let a videogame nor its players control and/or direct your emotions.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Play the other side. If you have difficulty going up against a specific perk and/or killer, use that perk and/or killer, figure out how they work, come up with counters, then try those counters.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    dont take this game too serious.

    the more serious you treat this game, the more upsetting it is going to become for you.

    i know thats hard for some, including me btw, but once you have come to realize that this is nowhere near the competetive game many want it to be, simply due to one of the biggest core elements of DbDs design being straight up luck (also known as RNG), you can enjoy yourself with this game a lot more.

    sometimes you just get a map setup that is essentially unwinnable for you; sometimes you just get extremely lucky / unlucky with a Killers power (Pig / Trapper); sometimes the Killer will end up on a map their character is extremely strong / weak at; etc. this kind of stuff just happens, so dont get too upset about it. is it unfair? yeah, absolutely. could you have done anything about it? nope. and its not gonna change either.

  • Member Posts: 154

    This is a really good one. When you realize how much RNG plays a role, you know it's much more of a party game than competitive. Sometimes your skill doesn't matter, unfortunately.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Killer don’t stress I’ve lost track of the times I loose 3 gems early and still score a 4K.

    Survivor be aware this goes for loops and gems and knowledge of what the killer can do and their perks

  • Member Posts: 1,337

    Killer: Don't waste too much time on amazing survivors and instead go for the weak links and pressure them off gens.

    Survivor: Hold shift + w and do gens when not in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Best advice to a killer learn the map and know which part of each map you cant go because its close to impossible for a survivor to het down there.

    For survivor dont be scare to abuse the map design all close to all the map are in your favor learn them and you will be unkillable or vlose to that

  • Member Posts: 9

    For killers play who you click with. I've always stuck with Legion and now Trickster too. I've been told to play other killers, that these guys are broken, that I'm trash for playing them. Thing is I find them fun and that's why I play them. Never let the other team dictate or shame you for who you play.

  • Member Posts: 454

    You are NOT a SURVIVOR. You are NOT a KILLER.

    You are a PLAYER, playing a GAME, with four more PEOPLE.

    Find what you LIKE about the game and have some FUN.

    Also, don't be a jerk :)

  • Member Posts: 459

    Here is the advice for both sides:

    Cmon man, what else were you expecting? 😐️

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