At least half of survivors are intrinsically toxic

vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

When I play a normal killer I see occasionally a survivor that tbags or click, i guess half of the times just to get your attention, not necessarily to be toxic so I don't really care.

But when I play a meme build like t1 Myers in a bad map at least half of survivors know that you are indefensible and will click and tbag nonstop through the whole match for no other reason than to be toxic, there's where you see the true colors of people.

I don't get any pleasure for being toxic for no reason, maybe against people that have been toxic before as some sort of "karma" but i really don't understand why so many people enjoy being bad for no reason to other people. They can't all be sadists or sociopaths, that would be a proportion that doesn't equate to the maybe 5% in the real world. So why? If anyone of you can explain why you do this, someone that doesn't do this as "revenge" if possible, please do.


  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    This shouldn't be bothering anyone nobody cares for butt dance and head shaking like killer is on concert of nirvana it's just things that doesn't add anything to game

  • Didiez
    Didiez Member Posts: 51

    If you play well, this shouldn't be a concern, since survivors will die to you anyway. And it's annoying, but if you're getting stressed from it, then it's working, isn't it?

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    Well its usually done to angry killer. Angry killer = lots of mistakes = izi match

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I guess I can say the same about killers...

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    playing well or even "godlike" will not guarantee you a win as a killer. if those survivors are smart and play well theres not much you can do alot of the times.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited August 2021

    That's just BS. It may be very slightly true against 4 man swf seal 6 squads, but these are less than 1% of the entire player base. Are we seriously going to ignore the 99.99% of games and just generalize based on one very specific edge case?

    Also, playing well as either side shouldn't guarantee a win. The skill of the other side matters too and just because you are "good" it doesn't mean you should win every single time by default. If you face an opponent of similar skill then it should be 50/50 not 100/0 in favor of your preferred side(killer in this case).

  • Didiez
    Didiez Member Posts: 51

    But then we get to that old discussion of "What's winning for the killer?". Is it the ranking system? because we know that it's pretty broken. We had a lot of streamers also saying that winning is doing this or that. But that's also my bad, I shouldn't have said play well, it's more of not getting stressed, and actually having fun.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    Did you really just equate repetitive button presses in a video game to sociopathy? If your skin is really that thin then you don't belong on the internet. They were probably bored. You chose to run a build that turns you into a newborn kitten in a slasher video game.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806
    edited August 2021

    "They can't all be... sociopaths."

    My reading comprehension is just fine. You're the one implying that any of them are sociopaths, which does not mean the same thing as "They are not sociopaths." Maybe while you're growing that thicker skin you can work on your English before the next time you call other peoples' English into question. Good luck.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
    edited August 2021

    5% in the comment vs 50% in the title, wich means the worst interpretation of my comment would be that 10% out of those survivors are sociopaths. You just interpret the message the way you want for your internet points, or just don't get it at all. My point was literally to counter that i do not buy the aregument that they are necessarily sociopaths as I've heard many times. But that's ok keep being like this online, who cares we are all anonnymous am I right?

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    I think the most important thing to note, is that it's easy to perceive anything and everything as toxic, if you're in a bad mood or simply are just expecting poor sportsmanship. 

    Though I will admit that this game does have a fascinating power to lure in BIG GAMERS that just couldn't cut it in CS:GO/Dota/Siege and thus they've made it their life. Never seen anything like it.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Low maturity level probably? Being a sore winner is usually a sure sign of that.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    What do you define as toxic? The definition seems to have been shifting over the past couple years to mean "Something I don't like."

    Imo toxic survivor behavior is when they're actively screwing with you, or themselves, like moonwalking during chases or repeatedly bodyblocking their teammates into unfavorable situations.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I would consider being toxic sandbagging teammates and BM stuff when killer has no way to counter it like tbagging at open hatch or exit gates when everyone is already safe. I understand the strategy behind clicking and tbagging while in chase to try to make the killer mad and make mistakes but the other ones I said is like, ok dude congrats.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    imo if it's a situation you can't do anything about, like lining up on the exit gates and flashing til they run out of batteries, or teabagging the hatch, that's not toxic. It's just celebratory. It would be toxic though if they ran into you and DH'd away, then ran back in after shooting themselves with a styptic agent to do it again, baiting whiffs both times for no in-game gains.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Leaving aside discussions of whether certain things are toxic and whether one side is more toxic than the other or vice versa, I honestly think it’s just people taunting when they feel confident that they’ll win, because they probably don’t win a lot.

    I know people don’t like to have this discussion (and I know it’s not a stat that is indicative of balance, so please nobody try to start that discussion because it’s irrelevant to my point) but the kill rate for most killers is like 70%. Which means that most survivors are dying far more often than they’re surviving. Obviously it will depend on personal ability, rank, region, solo vs SWF, perks, items, etc. etc. etc. But the average survivor player who is just playing the game as casual entertainment is not that great at the game and they probably die a lot.

    So when they see a mirror Myers on Rotten Fields who can’t catch anyone, they think “oh great, an easy win!” And they taunt and revel in their assumed victory. Probably even more so if they were camped in the last game or whatever and feel mad about it.

    Just an assumption on my part but I don’t think it’s anything more nefarious than that. And it’s why I do my best not to take BM personally, or assume it says anything about me (or the people doing it). They’re not emotionless psychopaths that are trying to kill your spirit and bully you to tears, they’re probably just showing off, bragging, or venting steam because it’s a video game and it’s not personal, they’re teabagging the big scary monster you’re playing and not you as a person. As long as they’re not being gross in end game chat then it’s really not a big deal, IMO.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I do a decent job at not letting behavior during the trial bother me. Sure there are some exceptions that have triggered me but I don't let it anymore. What does irritate/bother me is post-game behavior. The trial is over move on. Why the need to send a message to the killer crying like a #########. Look I have been tinkering with Blight lately and I am not very good with him imo. Sure I have had my good games but not enough to have confidence in a trial. Got Father's Chapel last night with Blight (I don't like this map with any killer) but really did not like it with Blight. I kept getting stuck or sliding off of everything. I got behind quick because of this but got a down in the shack with basement in there. As I was coming out of the shack I turned around and seen Felix starting to go down so I followed and was able to get a grab and now there 2 down there. I decided to not go far as there was a gen in shack and one right outside so used this to my advantage since I felt I was behind. Feng (not in basement yet) had a key so I had that in the back of my head as well. The two remaining never came and once these two died the game ended (key). Idk I thought it was the best play for me at the time but still got messages from the 2 xbox players who just happened to be the 2 in the basement. Blame me sure I put you down there, but I didn't leave you down there. You got hooked and left behind. Oh I get it forgot I am supposed to allow unhooks and heals under the hook. Sorry I was tired and not thinking straight I will try to do better next time...../s

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I think you are spot on. I guess most survivors (and killers also) that do that is due to past frustrations in their games or maybe bad having a bad day. I wanted to make an analogy with people that beat their wifes or hurt their pets but i didn't know how to make it without making people interpret that i think that toxic people in a videogame are woman beaters lol, you've explained it so much better.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Yeah over time in game toxicity stops bothering you (as much at least) and end up ignoring it, I just wanted to make an exercise to figure out why people do that. I agree that insulting in end game chat is much worse and indefensible.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    When I play Killer and Survivors do that, it doesn't bother me. I really think that, for players that it bothers, that it's actually good for you because it teaches you to have a thicker skin. I honestly think that BHVR should give Killers and Survivors taunts just to help players develop a thicker skin when playing games.

    Maybe I'm an old man, but even when I was young, this kind of stuff never bothered me and I'm seriously worried for the next generations because they are way-way over-sensitive about this stuff.

    Racism is bad. Bigotry is bad. Someone butt-dancing in front of you is absolutely nothing.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I like this. It's a good thing I couldn't play this game in my 20's because I was a hot-head for sure. I used to get pretty heated in madden especially if I lost a tournament because I fumbled 3 times. Now I still get irritated but not like back then. I have been able to get thick skin for BM in trials but I get so bewildered on the logic of messaging everyone you lose to....Seems juvenile to me. So many can't think past there own screen to see why the survivor/killer did what they did. Better to message them I guess than be intelligent.

  • Calamardo
    Calamardo Member Posts: 20

    I always wondered why people get so triggered with taunts such as the t bagging.

  • Alma_Llama
    Alma_Llama Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2021

    Okay, so having 1.5k hours on this game, I feel like 90% of those hours are from me playing survivor. Ever since I started this game, I NEVER wanted to touch killer at all. I would only grind my ranks in survivor, learn how to do butt dances and back rubs, and how to flashlight click the crap out of the killer. I used to be so toxic, but after awhile (didn't take a long time) I stopped. (Probably the cause for this is because of the types of YouTube videos I used to watch) I would watch videos trying to figure out how I could be better and to put my mindset into that of the killer's, which was the first step that made me realize I was being toxic.

    After awhile, I used to just wait at the gate, but it was because I wanted the small fraction of the distraction, chase, and escaping points from when the killer would see me leave. Then, it became a thing where I would only wait at the gate until all of my teammates could also safely leave.

    Recently, last year, I started to play killer and realize exactly what you're saying in this post. You start to realize how toxic survivors are and it really takes a toll on you when you play killer LOL. I know that when some people flashlight click me, they just want me to chase them to distract from someone else. Some survivors get an ego boost out of it. A lot of the time it still bothers me, but nowadays, I just think about how I could play to prevent those type of players from getting to me, how I could make better plays whenever all the survivors are hovering, and just justify my strategies (especially during EGC when survivors are like "wHy ArE u CaMpInG tHe HoOk?" when the hook is literally next to a gate.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited August 2021

    Most of the time it's as simple as someone wanting to make someone else mad, classic "fabricated" schadenfreude. Nothing more, nothing less.

    At least that's what it was like for me. I had stopped by the time I got into DBD, but back when I played Counter Strike Source/GO and Team Fortress 2 (still play TF2 but like, back in 2010-2013-ish) I thought being That Guy was cool. Not the slur-spouting kinda toxic, the "target/focus one player, taunt after every kill and spam my textbinds that said "you're bad lmao" in dozens of ways" kinda toxic. It was never some kinda personal vendetta, never "karma" for them using the wrong weapon/class or killing me, never payback for them being a jerk first. I found it fun to make people mad (or seemingly mad), so I tried to make people mad.

    By no means trying to justify it, I experience some pretty visceral self-cringe when I look back at how I used to be, but you did ask for answers from people with uh, experience in the field.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Maybe I am an easily triggered zoomer but i don't buy that the older generations had thicker skin in stuff like that. Me and my older brother used to play football (soccer) and both us used to get into both verbal and physical confrontations over matches over petty stuff, it was just normal in his and my generation. I remember every other football match that i watched my brother play ended up in a stupid fight.

    I understand that you used to tbag and get tbagged in unreal tournament or whatever shooter you used to play and found it funny, i did too when i played call of duty and honestly I don't think its something bad. It's just something about DBD makes it feel more personal and sometimes gets under my skin.

    I just wanted to know why people did this in this game but maybe I'm just overthinking it and should try to just embrace it.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    What is this thread? Such a disservice to people who actually have mental health conditions to throw around words like "sociopath" as a catch all for any behavior you subjectively find disrespectful. Also lol at all the fake numbers getting thrown around.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Meh the only thing I consider toxic in DBD are people who DC on purpose.

    While I don't teabag or clicky clicky etc as a survivor - it's not because I think that is toxic, but rather it is a waste of time. That 1 second you decided to teabag could easily be the 1 second that allows a killer to down you.

    As a killer; people teabagging me doesn't anger me or anything like that. Again I just look at it as a waste of time, but hey if you wanna stick around for 1 second to do that - cool thanks for the 1 second.

    Some people just love to throw around the word toxic and I mean that's your choice, but someone teabagging me as killer or spamming their flashlight doesn't affect me in a negative way when it comes to killer. Is it immature - meh kind of - toxic - only if your skin is paper thin. People standing at exit teabagging - uhm ok - I'll just go find something to break until you leave, look for the hatch to close it, or go grab a drink.

    Aside from purposeful DCs the only other toxic behavior I have experienced in DBD was when I used to have end game chat open - that was a cesspool of toxicity and SDE.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    You make it sound like an easy solution would simply be to stop breathing, right?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    From my experience most people i n online games are toxic especially in pvp. Same goes for this game. Both sides.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Any evidence?

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    You yourself wrote, and I quote:

    "Breaths = toxic"

    Which leads to the logical conclusion that fixing toxicity would just require stopping to breathe? 😋