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What pallet validation looks like on both sides

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

I managed to get a game with a super clear example of pallet validation and got a clip from both perspectives. Just thought I'd share it so players on both sides can see what it looks like.

Looks totally legit from both perspectives. On the Deathslinger side, it looks like it hit, while on my side it doesn't look like it hit at all. Very hard to balance honestly. I don't envy the Devs furiously coding to make this feature seem "fair" looking to both sides. It will be a very difficult task


  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    A lot of game have a better hit validation then that. I think this is the dev taking the easy route instand of improving the coding/server or whatever is causing that. That kind of thing happen in the early stage or league of legend in the first 2 or 3 season and they rework the entire code to make sure it does not happen anymore and they bought better server. We can say whatever we want about that game but the dev actually give a ######### aboht it and it show in the quality of the new champ and when something is broken they remove it and fix it asap and before to put it back on live they test it on the pbe because for them the pbe is not a marketing tool

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989
    edited August 2021

    The current validation is ideal. What we had previously was complete horsewash. Here's an example of validation before the recent ish update:

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    Am I the only one that doesn't think it was a hit from the killers perspective?

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Thats a valid superficial issue and it will be resolved. Lol pun.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    This is BHVR we're talking about. An issue like this might be fixed tomorrow. Or it might be fixed next week. Or it might be fixed in three years when it finally hits the point that it is causing the game immense issues and causing people to abandon the game on mass and it FINALLY forces them to actually figure out what the hell is wrong with their game.

    BHVRs word that they're fixing something is about as reliable as a Blendette swearing they're not just going to hide all game.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Saw the blood, heard the scream...Slinger got robbed of a hit.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    You're right and I'm already anticipating large exits from the community by end of next year. The current QoL and poor optimization, inconsistent and incomplete chapter releases with no substantial/dedicated play testing (with impact) coupled with their trending politics and incentives for corporate gain will be their demise. Wallet famine speaks volumes to companies like BHVR.

  • PsychoTron
    PsychoTron Member Posts: 348

    From the killers POV, it looks like the pallet drop and the lunge attack making the connection occurs more or less at the same time.

    From the survivors POV, it looks like she dropped the pallet before the attack.

    So I think it's fair, but I also have seen a video posted on this forum where a survivor does a reverse pallet drop and the killer gets stunned lulz.

    Overall though playing both survivor and killer, I've never got the feeling of being robbed of getting a stun or getting a hit.

    If I get hit after I drop a pallet, the killer was too close and I shouldn't have wasted the pallet.

    If I get stunned after I lunged attack towards a survivor, I was too far and just took a chance.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    But why even bother at this point? It was not meant to hit and you know that this was not meant to hit. So why bother when you get the information that it hit?

    It happened to me like 5 times since it went live, and most of the time I am like "eh, whatever": I am not upset, because I know that this should not have hit in the first place.

    But they should do something that it does not look like it hit on the Killers side, so no screams or Blood. But this is the only thing that needs changing, but I am actually wondering why players who know what this means still get upset and think they get "robbed".

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46

    I think the biggest issue is that the scream and blood may actually make killers think the get the hit or down, then change the pace especially to pick up survivors. And a few seconds later, they found nothing and the survivors already get away. That's really frustrating imo.

    The whole system design is in good purpose, but I think there should be more room for both pallet and the hit success at the same time.

    Also the pallet hit box is way too huge. Please fix that.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    This particular example shown by the OP I do agree it wasn't very close but I've had plenty of swings where I'd have bet my entire savings that I hit them only for the game to do the "JK LOL" motion, I'd have lost everything a couple of times now.

    Had the game not teased me into thinking I made the hit, I'd have still been irked but begrudgingly accepted that maybe I wasn't as close as I thought I was or something (though at this point now that I'm "used" to this crap, I just have started by default assuming I didn't actually hit anyone regardless of what I see on my screen until I see them lying on the floor and they stay down for at least a few seconds).

    Like most BHVRisms, I've kind of just accepted that this is going to be the way it is and I can only hope they're going to fix it eventually. But I admittedly let this game get to me a LOT more than I probably should and having the game itself tease me like that is not going to make that any better. My desire to play the game has already plummeted greatly in the last few months anyway, having the killer experience become that much worse than it already is isn't something I'm all that interested in just playing through anymore.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There probably won´t be a solution for that. Since the game was designed as a P2P game and never with dedicated servers in mind.

    This just looks horrible.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I agree when it's hits like in the video but they are not like that. I have mind ######### survivors and hit them before they drop and they took off running with no damage. Sure could be bad luck but it shouldn't happen and we have enough RNG don't need to have pallets add to it. Like you said just let me get stunned, but remove the mind ######### of a hit.