I'm out of a loop, why are a lot of people thinking Springtrap is coming all of a sudden?

Like I know fnaf chapter discussion happens every once and a while here, but I check on Twitter today and Springtrap is trending with most of the tweets being people hoping for Springtrap as the next killer and with multiple people saying the next killer is Springtrap in the replys of DBDs tweets.
I haven't been as up to date with dbd teasers and speculation, so whats causing all this?
Some teasers have been shown, mostly letters. However, that information is outdated, it's most likely Pinhead (Hellraiser).
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How out of the loop have you been
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I still believe its Candyman. Simply because the movie launched and it would be a great marketing opportunity
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They always assume it is FNAF every time teasers for the next chapter come out.
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Nah, I doubt it. It'd be nice, though.
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They would miss a huge opportunity if they don't "cash in" on the new movie.
With the omnipresent trailers and the hype for it.
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Literally every time a chapter is about to come out, people will stretch as far as they can to make themselves believe its FNaF.
deadass people thought it was gonna be FNaF when Trickster and Yun-Jin were being teased
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Yeah, it's incredible the knots people will twist themselves into. At least Candyman fans are more realistic.
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because they seem to ignore the devs position and values which make a FNAF chapter impossible
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Letter hints given by the DBD Twitter account. Newest hint points towards Hellraiser though.
Plus, Every single chapter people always say it'll be Springtrap or Candyman, it's tradition at this point.
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Honestly I just gave up on speculating. I'll wait till we actually see the reveal. Sometimes were right but other times people are really, I mean REALLY, grasping for straws.
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- The letters, up until E.
- The
leakrumor of it being a paragraph - Ace in a cage, representing the nightguard
It's most likely Pinhead, solely because of the letters.
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I think it's an original chapter and everyone is chasing their own tails. I wouldn't pay too much attention to it.
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I bet 5 RPD badges it's an original chapter
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I'll just copy + paste what I commented in another thread:
Personally, I don't care who the new killer is (although I hope it isn't Springtrap; we do not need that community meshing with this one is all I'm saying) but we can't count Springtrap out just yet. There was a letter E and people said the letter H is in the photo of Dead Dawg Saloon. No, these letters don't spell Springtrap but it can be the start of Springtrap's reveal phrase or what he's known for. The phrases, "I'm still here" or "My name is Springtrap" and his reveal was very similar to how dbd is doing their reveal when Scott made the Springtrap drop. Ace being trapped in a carnival is very a Springtrap aesthetic as he's just a murderous man trapped in an animatronic suit + Fnaf is supposed to be an attraction to children. So Springtrap isn't down for the count yet.
Then there is the obvious Hellraiser. I don't see many other clues pointing to him other than a nail and these letters. Doesn't mean it's not him, just little evidence. However, the Japan count of letters (English is 7 letters, Japan is 5) makes it a good contender.
I've also heard of the patch notes mentioning an an S then an egg emoji then A. Sega which has a hand in Alien Isolation. So... Alien maybe a possibility? I'd also like to mention the egg emoji and the letters. If it IS Fnaf, the egg emoji could be a reference to Chica. Chica is one of the animatronics which is a chicken, her name is also spelled with 5 letters. Now the letters I do not know but I can at least connect the egg emoji to two franchises. Maybe spelling out Five Nights At Freddy's. As far as I know, Hellraiser doesn't have two S's if the letters from the patch notes are connected to these letters we're getting daily.
Also, why would BHVR just give away the full name of a killer before the ptb? I don't think they would. I think these letters might be spelling out a phrase or the franchise name (if it isn't short that is) similar to how they thought they were being clever adding the sandwich reference in the photo of Auto Haven when Chapter 20 was being speculated. The sandwich thing just confirmed to anyone involved with RE that it was in fact RE and Jill was most likely gonna be the new survivor (including me but I also knew Leon 100% was gonna be a survivor. He's Capcom's golden boy so of course they would) which is why I think, to my dismay, it is Springtrap.
If it's Hellraiser though, that'll be cool. All I want BHVR is a killer that doesn't crash my goddamn games.
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I was right about Nemesis being the next killer.
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Honestly I'm having really mixed feelings on Pinhead... The pin in the board is so obvious they would never give it away like that. This happened with the bees on the discord. They might just be throwing us off the scent by giving a really obvious hint.
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Springtrap is one of those characters that always seems to get mentioned whenever the time for a new Killer release is approaching, like Candyman or Chuckie. I guess that it’s a pretty popular character!