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General Discussions

disconnection issue

for my past like 3 games ive gotten halfway through the game then i get randomly d/ced, this is the third illegitimate timer ive had to just eat. is this happening for anyone else? its not my internet, it never went down.


  • Member Posts: 2

    It's been happening to me since Saturday. As Killer and Survivor. Halfway through a match, I freeze, but can still hear game sounds for about a minute. Then I get kicked to the lobby. I racked up to a 24 hour ban trying to test various fixes. Took two days to let it get back down to what I was hoping was reasonable. Played about 7 or 8 matches today no issues, and then just DC'd again. Back to a 24 hour ban. I have uninstalled and reinstalled DBD and Steam. I have reset DNS settings. I have repaired and reinstalled EAC. I have tested multiple other online games, no issues at all. Internet has not dropped at all during these issues, etc. No clue what it is. And because the DC penalties, now I have to wait another 24 at least before I can test it again.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Hola!, espero puedas tomarse el tiempo de traducir lo que estoy escribiendo pero a mi me acaban de descoenctar de golpe en la partida y me sancionaron por haberme desconectado, tengo una buena conección de internet y me parece injusto ir de asesino y que te hagan desconectar a proposito y te sancionen sin haberlo echo a proposito

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