Or as i like to call it. the Blight / Spirit / Nurse test =D
Sorry but. i have to say it, This already sucks to play SBMM..
I don't want to play with Ruin / Undying / pop / Noed Every game.
Boring as all hell..
Maybe if they actually balanced the game, these perks wouldn't be mandatory and they'd be used alot less.
17 -
Then play without them. Right now is the best moment to play weaker killers/builds.
22 -
yea but with sbmm that just makes them more mandatory as its hard to face survivors of the same level when they bring strong perks without bringing strong perks yourself, without sbmm they aren't all that mandatory
2 -
But what if you're a Variety Killer like myself?
And are actually good with all 24 killers?
Then what.
1 -
Then you can enjoy the SBMM in all its beauty.
14 -
you DONT have to run ANYTHING.
You get matched up with players of equal skill, take away your crutch perks and you apperently do poorly? WELL GUESS WHAT?
That means you will be matched up in the future with survivors who also do poorly aka you get your balanced (fun) matches without having to force yourself to run anything you dont want to.
honestly people, this forum sometimes is just embarrassing.
32 -
Ready for the threads of people parroting big youtubers that constantly whine about the SBMM.
9 -
You know that if you lose you get lower mmr and weaker opponents? You dont need to sweat bc you get sweaty teams, you get sweaty teams bc you are sweaty.
Im fine with getting strong teams bc i get normally 90% 4ks without MMR. I just want to see my rating, so i can see how good i really am.
2 -
no u but also yas
1 -
Cause we don't know how it works.
Bhvr don't tell us these lil things..
And plus. imagine the long wait times if you're tryna get a killer queue on yer main,
2 -
Vs any good squad they are.
1 -
Well if you feel its a good squad in the lobby then use them, if not then just play casual, not way too hard to sus out a 4 stack
0 -
Woo! 15th prove thyself dead hard gen rush game in a rooow! 15th game of no one dead and everyone tbagging at the gaaaate! Time to run end game only peerks!
5 -
That's false.
You don't need to sweat to be good.
Some players will sweat and never be half as good as someone like Otz or Umbra. Other players can play casually and be better than them.
It's a range.
2 -
Woo! Next game was the same thing but on haddonfield! I got 3 hooks! :D I love SBMM
4 -
This is an issue though because the game is so dependent on other factors like perks, maps, offerings, solo vs. swf etc...
If the system cannot account at least somewhat for a killer playing with fun perks vs. Meta or a survivor who sometimes plays solo and other times plays in a swf then it is going to be just as bad as the current matchmaking system if not worse.
Not everyone plays exactly the same way all the time, and the games matchmaking needs to account partially for this by looking at perks, teammates, etc...
3 -
Well I've had a very enjoyable evening of playing all different killers and getting games that more accurately reflect the time I've spent on each one. Most of my games were against 3/4 stacks but all the games were pretty chill against solid teams and no potato's.
It's hilarious that 90% of this forum think their MMR would be anywhere near high enough to only face the blight/nurse/spirit sweat zones ( it's not ).
2 -
It's hilarious that you think you know what 90% of the forum think. It's also hilarious that you think you know who others face. It's also hilarious that you think that your own MMR is high enough that you are sure that "Most of my games were against 3/4 stacks". Ohhh the irony... So, tell me, how much light is there in that place where you pull all that "knowledge" from?
1 -
It means I have to face SWF in every match if I play a killer well for a while?
No thanks.
I'm preparing to see gen rush and camping in every high rank game.
Good job BHVR. Seems like all of you encourage unfun playstyle and call it "A StRatAge".
Make me think about worst hug game play in Korea.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I know they were stacks because I went to their twitch streams to say gg after the games and it's a fact in the history of all competitive MMR based video games that 90% of the player base statistically exist in the lowest 2 brackets/divsions, believe it or not you actually have to be quite exceptional to rise above average in online games.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
It doesn't matter if they sweat or not, in fact if you aren't sweating and are still a top survivor/killer you deserve to be put with people of your skill level or at least close to it. Not the average player.
7 -
That's great but do those people matter?
Do those peopleat the top matter?
1 -
The more you play the faster the system will adjust to place you in your own skill level
2 -
They matter against people trying to have fun and meaningful games.
0 -
But they themselves don't deserve to have fun?
0 -
"SBMM is a new type of matchmaking that uses a hidden skill rating instead of ranks to create fairer matches. This rating increases when you do well and decreases when you do poorly."
BHVR, nobody trusts you to get this right. For all we know, you could just be hiding ranks, changing literally nothing, and then claiming everything is working as intended. It's really convenient that it is totally invisible, we have no measurement of what our rank is and how it is rising and falling, and we just have to take your word for it. You won't even tell us what factors into this system. Why even have it at all, if there is absolutely zero transparency? Why can't you guys be transparent about ANYTHING?
8 -
They shouldn't but they do because most of the ones at the top are content creators that keep the game afloat and selling. Who knows what they really get in return?
0 -
They shouldn't but they do. Most of them are content creators that keep the game afloat and pushed in the eyes of an audience. Who knows the true perks that get for it? With the lack of transparency by this development team, which is a trend in the gaming industry let's be fair, it wouldn't surprise me If the perks were good!
0 -
The survivor with friends mode is the reason the game is so imbalanced in the 1st place. Having separate solo q and SWF modes, each with their own separate MMR, would make a world of difference to balance. Not to mention the fact that SWF teams tend to have weaker players because of the very nature of people carrying other people, which screws up MMR statistics when they play solo q. Personally I would wait for longer q times if it meant a balanced game with fun matches!
0 -
But if he would reach this rating without sweating, he wouldnt need to sweat to not get demolished there. I mean it can take some time, bc every good killer got a high kill rate right now even without meta stuff bc red ranks is a joke. So you really just need to take some loses to get a lower MMR.
But in the end i think the main problem is that some still want 4ks in "fair" matches.
0 -
Lmao, facts do not conform to feelings.
I can't know based on "How I feel".
0 -
So check the profiles and see if they are on each others friends lists or get better instincts, you have an options for facts and an option for feelings, pick whichever you like but it works out for me on instinct alone
0 -
Ignoring the instincts statement, that could work. Although seems tedious.
0 -
So then develop instincts to cut down on the time you might spend checking profiles by developing them to tell you when to check, since you like to go down the path of logic you should know instincts are just a preferred response to stimuli, so set some type if bare minimum situation, where you might decide to check profiles, here are some of mine for example, key in lobby, 3+ toolboxes or flashlights, or multiple of the same survivor or shared cosmetic. Now its suddenly less tedious (although it only takes like 15 seconds to check all 4 profiles so its not really that bad)
0 -
Acting on intuition is not a path to truth.
Would you act on "instinct" that it would be fine to shoot someone a few times because your "instincts" are telling you it would be? If so you are insane, if not, then you clearly see why I think you are completely irrational.
0 -
I don;t want to play with dead hard, iron will, decisive strike and unbreakable either x4.
boring as hell
0 -
...So running Bbq Shadowborn Nurse's and Pop is a Sweat build for blight?
Yer logic don't make sense. even for my standard. I'm saying i DON'T want to run these meta perks every game..
0 -
I'm not here to discuss your conundrums of philosophy of what is or isn't a way to the path of truth. This is a forum for a video game, acting on intuition was enough for our ancestors which are the reason we are alive today, thats good enough for me to trust it to save me 15 seconds in a video game.
0 -
It is simple.
If we flip a coin, its not a path because you are as likely to get a affirmative that you are to not. Its also not based on anything more then chance.
Intuition is a feeling, if it leads you to do something, and you are correct sometimes, or not sometimes, then it is no better then flipping a coin.
My point is you are being irrational, and red herring is not very productive. Very much so when it writes off my valid claim.
0 -
SBMM has so far actually been fun and challenging! Sure as killer I have been facing groups armed with multiple toolboxes with BNP and 4× torches, but the matches have actually been really fun and the results have been fair (mainly Ruthless killer, sometimes less, none above). To be honest, it's been a large confidence boost that I can hang with the squads (well, some. I have had a couple of devastating defeats, but oh well!).
Survivor has been more mixed, but I don't put that down to bad match-making - moreso just being beaten by a better player. There was only one occassion where a survivor unhooked me under the nose of a very hacked-off Hillbilly which I questioned, but even then that's not to say SBMM was at fault; even really great players make bad plays.
It's been tough, but for me it has definitely been fair overall.
0 -
Unfortunately I seem to have a one sided coin I guess, gl for you tho
0 -
Sure you do, then based off intuition, is my hair brown or black, are my eyes greenish blue, or blue.
If you can't give me the correct answers, then your intuition is no better then chance as we see in everyday life because clearly it may or may not be true, regardless of what you want to believe.
0 -
Thats not how intuition / instincts work since they are a "preferred" automatic response to stimuli
example see a key in a lobby, response check profiles to see if its a swf to know if I should bring strong stuff or really strong stuff
also going out on a limb and guessing you didn't even put correct options up there so it was a guaranteed wrong answer
0 -
Cool, they're people who use they're intuition in serious situations and sometimes it saves they're lifes, in others it kills them.
This is actually stupid, im too high for this, I just realized why am I even arguing something a 12 year old should be able to realize. XD
0 -
So BHVR saw all 20 people that actually take tournament DBD seriously and thought "what if we made every match feel like that?".
Survivor games have been miserable, 4 slowdown perks. Facecamp and tunnel one survivor. If I'm blessed with good teammates, they hold M1 and 2 of them escape. Game lasts 4-5 minutes. No one gets points. No memes. No mercy hatch. Nothing but sweat and boredom. The burnout is real.
0 -
The new matchmaking system is embarrassing. We have no idea how it works and I personally am getting worse games than before. I am not the only one. You have way too much faith in BHVR.
1 -
Not really, its pretty simple math, you lost a game badly? you get marked a bit lower for the next one, you won by a huge margin? you get marked a bit higher for the next one.
And all oddballs get smoothed out by the big average.
course we still have issues wiht SWF with a high skilled player playing with a friend who just got the game, those will be rather skewed all in all but for the rest it should be fine.
0 -
What if it's not based on that,
What if it's based on how well you did.
I.E How good are you at chases? How good are you at Ending said chases..
How well are you at stopping gens? How well are you pressuring survivors?
See how the logic of this SBMM is flawed..
0 -
Nobody forced you to play like that. What's the problem?
0 -
That'll be the main perks that will be played During High MMR. aswel with stretch Res.
that's just Boring Tbf. i just wanna chase. or Be chased to help looping and whatnot,