why cant they understand this is a casual game?.- MMR doesnt work.
title, literally punishing people for doing a little bit better by making them play against people who seem to be earning money with the game on an already unbalanced, non comp, casual party game, can they understand that? MMR makes sense if the game was balanced and is not. change my mind, u most likely wont because im right.
is terrible for both sides but especially for survivors getting forced to play agaisnt same 3 to 5 killers who always play the same, only SWF will be viable. this cant be.
Just play casually and don't worry about whether you win it lose.
If anything the new matching making system will help the devs with making balance changes because factoring in unbalanced games will be less of an issue.
24 -
what is playing casual while playing survivor? being dumb? playing extremely poorly when i know im very decent at the game? makes no sense. i shouldnt get punished by getting paired with sweat lords just because im a bit more decent than average, especially when those only play as i said 3 to 5 killers and always with the same game style wich is extremely hard for solos to counter not even considering boring.
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You are the one saying dbd is a casual game. So play how you want and don't care about the results as you'll end up in a skill bracket that fits your skill eventually.
But It sounds like you don't actually play this game causally.
25 -
When I play dbd I just want the game to be as fair as possible. It really sucks when a new team is going against a god killer and vice versa. As a survivor I want my teammates to be as good as I am and as a killer I want to have a fair match against survivors. Saying "the game should be casual so it's ok if it's unfair" is not a good reason for the game to be unfair.
8 -
does that mean i should get paired with nurse, spirit and blight with teh same sweaty build like playing for money every game? makes no sense.
1 -
If you want to play casually, may i recomment the Kill your Friends mode? There you can play by your own rules and enjoy a relaxing match.
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The idea behind this change is that if you are a little better than average you'll be paired with players that are a little better than average too, not god-like players. Those will be facing each other, probably all streaming those matches too lol
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You kinda need people to play that
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you all seem to not catch my point or dont want to, im literally saying that im decent at he game and i play decently efficient wich means of course i can escape quite often or at least make good amount of points, and getting punished to play against same killers over and over again, variety is gone, is unfun and now with those killers over and over again in a never ending cycle of repetition is almost imposible to win in solo Q due the amount of uncordination solo Q provides plus those guys never play casual at all always using the same tactics and builds and sweat their asses hard with alrady op or almost op characters like nurse, spirit, blight wich for solos are impossible, again, making SWF the only viable option to beat them.
3 -
This game is very competitive. When there is so much salt or hate in end game chat its clearly competitive. While not everyone plays competitively you cant say the game isnt.
Every game has competitive and non competitive people.
But you cant say quitting to give their friend hatch isnt competitive lol.
5 -
how can be one of the most unbalanced games in existence competitive? where also RNG is a main thing, offerings changing the maps, LOL this game has everything to not get called competitive, i do understand what you say about people wanting to win and stuff but this game isnt balanced and is completely terrible for solo q players at that level.
sorry, did i hurt the niche comp dbd scene?.
2 -
Good solos can still beat a top killer, but it’s obviously harder than SWF. If you’re mad about the game, blame the devs. Killers have no choice but to use top tier because the devs refuse to balance the game.
4 -
Well mmr will make balancing easier, it's very hard to balance atm when you can have a rank 1 like me who knows all tiles, totems spawns, pallets, perks, can loop very well and is efficient on gens to another rank 1 who hides, cant look behind them, misses skill checks etc.
So that's the issue, you cant balance a game when players are so mixed up in the ranking.
Best thing is just play to have fun, ignore the ranking. There will be downsides to mmr but also positives
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Join the official DbD discord and find people in a matter of seconds.
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If you're not playing competitively (i.e.: to win), why are you so worried about MMR? It'll just match you with other people of similar skill (who, presumably, aren't playing competitively either).
6 -
Then you get matched according to your skill level. The matches shouldn´t be always a walk in the park. So the SBMMR is working as intended.
5 -
It's impossible for this game to be truly competitive. Impossible. MMR needs to go.
3 -
how often does that exception happen with solos? tehre is always weakling always, and even if the 4 were good at the game (wich almost never happens a exception is not an argument, you use average numbers wich are the ones you see the most, not exceptions), there isnt efficiency and they cant compete with usual killer strats because coordination doesnt exists, also is extremely unfun, boring UNHEALTHY going against the same 2 or 3 killers over and over again, MMR is wrong and should be erased.
0 -
so you are actually agreeing with me, this game is casual, is not competitive, most people arent trying to be " a pro dbd player" wich always makes me lol all the time when i hear that, this game is not competitive, is casual sometiems you go against those sweat lords but is rarer than your normal average games, when you force always the sweat fest on unbalanced games it wont work, they tried and it doesnt work, there is nothing wrong with basic matchmaking, is decent it provides fast queues and you have variety.
1 -
I can't access the server and I can't specify it here if you catch my drift
0 -
so then basically is a problem, what about killers? should always face Sweaty de pip squads all the tiem aswell because they do a little bit more decent than average? makes again no sense. no one will really want to see that or play at that level and thats why MMR didnt work before, people hate sweat fests... and at the highest level you will ahve those sweaty lords 4 man that never loses wich are the type of survivors they will face consistently, this game cant be balacned with MMR, you need to balance the game and they wont, and is fine, is casual dont try to bring Competitive aspects ON A PART CASUAL GAME.
1 -
….or they could balance the game.
1 -
Really? "A little bit more decent than average" is automatically "Sweaty de pip squads" (sic)?
You are, in all likelihood, not in the top 1% of DbD players, so stop worrying like you are. If you are, though, then you need to be put up against other such players and not be allowed to noob stomp.
4 -
You are acting like you have the highest MMR by casually playing soloQ and therefore you would only get matched against the highestMMR killers.
this is not true. If you have such a high MMR you have it because you sweat for it. And even then MMR couldn’t guarantee perfect MMR based matchmaking and you would still get weaker killers because of queue times and depending on how many people on which skill levels currently search for lobby’s as survivor and killer.
also.. if you get higher mmr killers you would also get higher mmr survivors.
5 -
I blame Call of Duty for giving people this idea that 'Casual play = stomping on noobs' or something. There's still nothing stopping you from just playing casually though, SBMM or not since it just mostly comes down to personal mindset. Will you still get potatoes and tryhards? Probably but that's just how all games are. At the end of the day though Dead by Daylight is by DESIGN a stressful game, from everything to the loud chase music, heartbeats, sitting on hooks, the crunch of having to do gens hooks before the gates open, the incosistant scoring system. The whole game is made to make your blood boil. It's neither a casual or tourny game, it's like a....rage inducing game. So go in with the mindset of it being casual fun and brush off your losses, take some breaks and the SBMM will seem like nothing. Although throwing my two cents in I do kinda like the hidden ranks at the end of the match now, I have a habit of comparing myself to others at the end of the match and the removal of ranks helps me let go of that. Once ranks are moved more towards a reward based system I think we'll be pretty good there.
7 -
You'll have to play a lot better than "a little above average" to find yourself in the hellzone so don't worry if you play casually you don't really have much to worry about.
6 -
mate, if u win a couple of matches in a row you will get paired rapidly with more than good squads, people who are efficient at breaking the game... im not talking about one of those stupid dbd competitive squads when i say de pip squads, a decent 4 man who know everything and decide to do gens separately and never make huge mistakes cause they are coordinated are a thing, they dont need to have 7k hours at the game each. this game is not balanced towards that level of coordination unless you play extremely sweaty with insane killers (wich always win agaisnt solos btw) teh game is not balanced for that level at all and you know that, and if u make it so those guys always face eachtoher most likely they will leave the game because of the cycle of boredom and repetition, teh game is unbalanced and MMR shouldnt exist. let peopel chill, have fun get destroyed rarely because of the insane squads or killers that exists (is rare, but with MMR wont be rare at all will be the main problem)
1 -
Oh you missunderstand how the SBMMR works. Once you only face sweaty enemies, you will reach a point where you won´t constantly win. At that point the MMR will start to match you with players of your skill level.
Unless you don´t want to be matched with players of your skill level and only want easy matches. Then sure, thats a problem.
9 -
thats exactly why MMR didnt work before why would work now?. 30 min, 1hr lobby again for certain people?.
0 -
Ohh... well i´m sure there are also unofficial DbD groups on Discord. So you might find someone there.
Asking on the forum for players to play with, might also help.
3 -
Can you please give source to those claims?
as far as I know BHVR never explained how the MMR system calculates the hidden rank but you seem to have a deep understanding of the execution in DbD
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Do you experience 30 to 60 minute lobbies right now?
3 -
they did was based on peformance and is easy imaginable how it worked at least for killers and why certain streamers got to wait 2 hs in order to get a game.
0 -
was implemented today already waiting 10 minutes to get a game when was 2 min max, i guess is starting to get shittier slowy but surely...
0 -
It's about the need of a better definition of how a skilled player should look like at this point. The skill tracker system part.
One weird example of this is when someone get's "tunneled or focused" but still manages to loop the killer for lots of time. The end match points are going to reflect that the survivor did not repaired gens, did not rescue or heal teammates... yet lasting that long implies good skills or atleast better than killer.
If the new system considers these situations better, i would gladly see it implemented.
2 -
Which streamers? Not naming and shaming but I just want to see one streamer that now had to wait hours for a match (not saying i don’t believe you but wanting to see for myself)
also with this argumentation… you really don’t know how you will get matched and what type of opponents you get. You are acting like just because you are slightly above average your opponents will be the top 0.1 %. But maybe you will just get matched against slightly above average opponents (and teammates)? Because that’s what the system tries to do… no need to already say it doesn’t work. You can’t determine that after just one day of testing without big data analysis from many players.
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Dowsey. he had to wait 2 hs to get a game, and he only got a game because he got sniped by a 4 man who were on the comp scene or something like that. anyway mmr is wrong. for survs and killers
0 -
This might have a different cause (time of the day, area, etc.).
Right now i have instant lobbies as survivor.
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During the last test. But what is about this test. Does he still have to wait so long?
2 -
Sweaty depip squads aren't a "bit more decent than average" and neither are the god Blights, Nurses and Spirits.
4 -
Anyway you are just making stuff up about MMR.
also, may you give me a link and timestamp for the 2 hour wait on stream? I looked at the VoD from yesterday and there he got pretty fast lobby’s.
4 -
Better teammates that are doing what you expect of yourself
Pits your team against a player that can handle that level of competency
Will bring attention to design issues that attribute to the division of balance between casuals & experienced players
Reduces the frequency of heavily imbalanced matchmaking; ie no more bully squads vs new killers and vice versa
Best players may experience longer ques, though I doubt the devs will adjust to the point of eliminating improper matchups
Killer variety is/will be limited until design balance is more thoroughly addressed in the higher ratings
Consecutive win should/will be harder to maintain for everyone despite skill/experience (mainly a streamer issue & petty players that prefer to DC)
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Dowsey's 2 hour wait was on the previous MMR test. Hopefully his now normal queue time means that they have improved the algorithm otherwise full-time streamers would have to play other games or go out and get normal jobs.
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Because SBMM is a scam that only purpose is to protect new players so they got higher player retention and...
Sell more skins.
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Putting aside the fact that it's not a scam do you not want higher player retention?
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As a player, I dont care. It's a good company move nonetheless.
Ranks being hidden and rules to climb the ladder not being transparent, I will keep my statement that this is a scam.
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Well.. then why does this person judge the system by a testphase that was confirmed by the devs to have been flawed and has been obviously worked on and now improved? This whole thread doesn’t make any sense.
if people would start complaining/giving constructive feedback on stuff that actually is flawed it would be easier for the devs to focus on fixing that. But people are out here trying to complain about literally everything making the actual relevant complaints seem like whining too..
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Just because YOU are casually, it doesnt mean everyone is.
Also if you are casual, why care that much about winning or losing?
4 -
The devs balance the game for casuals because the game is mostly being played by casuals that don't want to go above purple ranks. That's where the problem lies, so putting in an MMR system, in my opinion, is pointless and stupid. The ranks work just fine, they need to stop fixing things that don't need to be fixed and start fixing the things that do.
1 -
"The ranks work just fine"
We haven't reached this level of denial yet surely?