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How Have Your Matches Been? (Kind of a Rage Post)

Member Posts: 21,177
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

I'm legitimately serious.

MMR has given me some of the most miserable unenjoyable matches I have ever had. Like, as bad as my first EVER match.

I've played twenty games and lost nineteen.

I've gone over footage from my stream to see if I could've done anything different or better but I legitimately can't see anything.

It's so ######### frustrating and it pisses me off so goddamned much. (am I tilted? absolutely)

It's literally been like this the ENTIRE night and it's so frustrating. I hate feeling powerless and it genuinely feels like I couldn't do anything. It also didn't help that they all sent me GG EZ and other taunts post-game.

Sorry for the rage/rant. You can see the games in question on my stream and feel free to laugh at my ugly voice.

Post edited by Pulsar on

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Played some survivors matches and most ended up being 4k’s. Teammates were pretty bad but that’s always been the case

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    They've been pretty all over the place, maybe even more erratic then normal matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    My games have been pretty good. There hasn't been destruction on either side yet. They've all ended in 1/2/3 kills but never 0 or 4.

  • Member Posts: 882
    edited August 2021

    I've only played two matches as survivor and lost both because my team mates aren't at my level. We'll see how the night goes, but so far they've been pretty terrible matches with a killer who is at my MMR level, but the survivors I get are not.

  • Member Posts: 9,038

    ######### teammates with a good killer and for killer it's just full sweat I'm probably quitting till the 16th because this ######### just isn't fun in the slightest

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    All my games ended in total victory or total defeat, I played only Blight and either I got 4k or entity displeased, no in between

  • Member Posts: 268
  • Member Posts: 14,889

    Is Blight usually getting lots of BP? Because you got 24K BP on That Screenshot which is not a result I expect to see after a miserable match. But there are killers that of course naturally get higher BP without doing much.. like Legion or Doctor I think..

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I had this on the first MMR test. The MMR decided I must be a god and I was matched against really good survivors and I had the same ratio - 19 defeats and 1 win. The second MMR test I also was initially over-rated but after a few games the MMR lightened up and I started to get kills. I hope the MMR is just slowly adjusting and you might get some fairer results. It does of course have months of data on your Blight and if they were all wins then it might explain your matchmaking.

    @Pulsar Are you still rank 1 after 19 defeats?

  • Member Posts: 21,177
    edited August 2021

    The issue is that I don't think anyone is good enough to deal with them.

    For context, I've lost 30 matches this year. 19 of those were today. I should hope that out of the thousands of matches I've played in 2021, that at least a few of those teams were good. And if they were, I hope that means I am also good.

    But this is just demoralizing. They are going to have huge queues and I'm going to keep getting hard capped at this level where I get routinely stomped and taunted.

    And no, Blight really isn't fun. I don't want to play Spirit, but I think I'm going to have to.

  • Member Posts: 21,177

    3E with 1 Kill.

    Blight is sort of like Legion in the sense that you get a ton of hits and a lot of emblem score.

    Also, I'm a Rank 3, not a Rank 1. That was from a match from about 7 PM, but it's the only screenshot that's uploaded because Xbox Live is being dumb.

  • Member Posts: 21,177

    Then it isn't working.

    You shouldn't be escaping and getting a pip every match.

    Two people should escape and you should safety, if it were truly balanced.

  • Member Posts: 21,177

    I just want to have a chance.

    If I felt like, "Okay, I played ######### and I see where I need to improve." That'd be one thing.

    But it isn't like that. I feel like I'm playing at the BEST of my ability and getting outclassed by the game itself.

    Also, as a sidenote, I played Billy for the first time ever and it was a step down from that. I'm pretty sure it uses your current Rank as a baseline.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That's if the game got their MMR right. They must be at a lower rank than they should be. The algorithm will adjust their MMR as required.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I watched two of your blight games with that same 4-man. It seems to be more of a balance issue than a matchmaking one. You said yourself you doubt anyone else could've done much in the same situation (you did get a bit screwed with maps, lubed up objects and general console performance and limitations tbf) but that team and others like them will still be in the matchmaking pool without MMR, just that whole bad experience will be outsourced to someone else, likely someone with even less of a chance of handling them.

    So maybe deathsquads are more the issue than matchmaking, we just share the burden more when MMR is off.

  • Member Posts: 9,038

    last game of dbd tonight

    Map was haddonfield teammates were meh I looped the trickster around the houses for 3 gens got downed did it again for the last 2 gens and then he disconnected

  • Member Posts: 454

    Trust me, most of the people asking for this new system are people who also want to have a chance. People that are green/yellow ranks and keep getting matched to red ranks constantly. I know this new system can't be perfect, but I hope it does better than what we had until now.

  • Member Posts: 185

    My teammates are bad and the killers are even worse. I am a rank 8 survivor, I hardly play survivor because it was already bad before but now it's just not enjoyable because I get killers that camp or tunnel, and they mostly console killers, and then I have teammates not doing the objective at all and just going straight for hook saves all the time.

    When I play killer it's ok, I don't get any mega try hard groups but most of the time I get the noobs that just throw themselves at me and don't bother with the objective at all so I end up getting easy 4k's or the survivors are new with only 1 yellow or green perk equipped, it's sad.

    Also, I would rather there be ranks at the end of a match than just an emblem saying who is survivor and killer or at the very least put in the picture of who is playing what character. Leaving things blank is getting old and boring to look at, just lazy work.

    I've been playing from 10 pm to 5 am now so about 7 - 8 hours and nothing changed, it didn't get harder but it didn't get better either. So far, not a fan.

  • Member Posts: 185
  • Member Posts: 16,644

    Yes, the current Rank is used for Baseline when trying out a new Killer. Otherwise, everyone would start at 0 when a new Killer is released, which would mean that experienced players would play against very new Survivors all the time, until their rating is set.

    In regards to Billy, I think I am experiencing around the same as you, but not as extreme. Before the SBMM, I won most of my games, but yesterday I only got a 1K because of Endgame-Camping and 7 Hooks in total (was 4 before they started trading). And I doubt this only happened because I switched infectious Fright for Shadowborn on him.

    I will probably have some bad Billy-games until I am at a Rating which is more suitable for me (I tested Billy because he was bugged during every SBMM-Test, pairing me (and others) with Survivors who played their first game... Despite winning like 30 games in a row).

    I doubt that SBMM will be the solution in the longrun. IMO they should just keep the Ranking System, put in Rewards for it, increase the Rank Reset (really, the Matchmaking became bad when they changed the Rank Reset... This allowed Potatoes to stay in high Ranks, because they barely got set back... Before near the end of a "season" you noticed that the overall quality of games went down, because the not-so-good players were reaching Red Ranks, since they take longer. Now this is basically the case all the time..) and tweak the Emblem-System. The Emblem-System itself is not bad, it just needs a few tweaks.

  • Member Posts: 88

    I'm not expecting too much at the moment, so it's kinda okay-ish. If the new MMR bases the actual (hidden) ranking on collected data from previous matches, I reckon it will take some time to collect just enough data. In particular for the many players who don't play several hours 7 days a week.

    For those I'd estimate it would require at least the collected data from a whole week, maybe even a month before it starts working properly. Assuming it is a play data based system. So nothing but instant gratification, but that is due to systemic requirements. And even then the odd man out who took two weeks completely off or something might somewhat fall through the roster.

    I'll just give it more time before passing judgment,. Seems way too early for it.

  • Member Posts: 21,177
    edited August 2021

    I'm afraid I got too pissed during those matches and I honestly can't remember what I said.

    I hope I didn't sound too stupid

  • Member Posts: 21,177

    I agree.

    The Ranks got worse when they adjusted Reset.

    I do not understand why they don't at least TRY to revert that change and see where it goes. Seems a lot simpler than designing a new system which may or may not work.

  • Member Posts: 5,270
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Because we had that before and it didn't work then either. Why would they try something we already know doesn't work?

  • Member Posts: 21,177

    I never remember Red Ranks being so bosted when I first got there.

  • Member Posts: 21,177

    Still tho.

    I try to learn from all my losses, but I just don't see what I was supposed to do to win. I identify win conditions fairly easily and I just don't know.

    It's incredibly demoralizing to think you've hit the ceiling and still aren't good enough

  • Member Posts: 21,675
  • Member Posts: 452

    I understand. I was playing killer yesterday and my games were mostly bad but at least i had fun

  • Member Posts: 687

    As killer? I'll just paste what I wrote in another thread:

    As killer, it's been horrible. I had better matches before this test started. The only time I've endured an insane amount of bully squads. Or survivors who just felt like red ranks when I'm not a red rank killer nor do I want to be. I got down in the purples once as killer and I hated it, don't wish to go back. But with this test on, I didn't have a single enjoyable match as any killer I tried. Even my mains, I just had a horrible time out of like 8 games. I'm surprised beyond belief when I see people say their killer games have been amazing because mine's been awful. It's actually deterred me away from killer right now.

    Legitmately. I had more fun than before this ######### MMR test was on.

  • Member Posts: 1,452
    edited August 2021

    Played 10 killer matches with 10 different killers. Lost one, another one was a draw and everything else was 4k/3k with hatch. The one I lost was with one of my mains (Wraith), who I almost never lose with.

    As survivor, funnily enough most of my matches ended in 2 kills/2 escapes. There wasn't a single 0k or 4k.

  • Member Posts: 21,177
    edited August 2021

    Winning that much is absolutely absurd.

    However, I'm always looking to improve and I find this to be a horrendous balance issue and now that my rage has subsided, I think that's what I was trying to get at.

    They shouldn't implement MMR until they do something about the balance at high levels.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Yeah,Blight gets a TON of BP,even if the match didn't end up well

    Like, it's pretty hard not to get a decent amount of points with him unless you pretty much never use his power

  • Member Posts: 21,177
  • Member Posts: 2,677

    I'm very inconsistent with my ability to play killer. Sometimes I stomp 10+ teams of good survivors in a row and sometimes I struggle to get more than 6 hooks per match. So I feel like my mmr is gonna be all over the place.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, you can't have problems with DBD if you are not playing DBD.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I could try to review one of your matches if you want to and see if there's anything you could have done better

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    I would say my MMR is accurate. My first game was with Hag (rarely use) got 1k. However I should have targeted that dwight soonen instead of allowing him (on death hook) to stick around and crank gens. I also lost my hexes 1 min into the match as usual.

    2nd game - Blight (trying to get better with) and was matched up against a 4-man cross play (think was PC) and got 2k.....BALANCED.

    3rd - Trickster - Wanted to try him with MMR and my series S for first time and just like on my xbox one it was miserable. His knives are so terrible to me they go where they want to go. This coming from a very good Huntress/Slinger player. Ended with 0k and 2 hooks. The best team I have ever seen I still managed 2 hooks so ######### Trickster.

    4th - Spirit - 3k + hatch escape. This game I consider a win but it was a very close game in which I had to quickly eliminate one at 2 gens, and slug to slow them down. I have used Spirit maybe 3 times this year so I would say MMR did a decent jobs with that one.

    2k is what is supposed to happen that's the balance they wanted. I am betting you got a kill in most of your matches @Pulsar so a couple more good plays instead of bad ones would have balanced them out. Any 2k games you got were balanced and exactly what is supposed to happen and I am figuring won't drop your MMR. If it goes off the emblem system though ######### knows what it's going to do then. You can have a terrible match and still not de-pip half the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Seems like either a stroll through the park, picking flowers at my leisure, or a full on sweat fest where every survivor is an athletic genius who has the map memorized.

  • Member Posts: 69

    For me, this SBMM has just removed all the fun in the game, when i play killer the match last around 6-7 minutes, and all escape unless i play nurse, but i don’t only wanna play nurse. If i play survivor it against Nurse,Spirit and Blight and that is just too boring … so i gotta say when this comes in it’s proberly gonna be goodbye, and say it was a fun 6000 hour ride …

  • Member Posts: 11

    I only meet people with 8k+ hours after SBMM, so yeah, they exist

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Yes, Blight gets a ######### ton of points whether you win or lose. Blight players are getting unusually high MMR because of that very reason.

  • Member Posts: 14,889

    Thanks for the info.

    the ‚unusually High MMR‘ part is just an assumption on your part though as we don’t know how it is calculated.

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