How Have Your Matches Been? (Kind of a Rage Post)
I only had time for 3 games last night, all on Slinger who is a killer I didn't touch almost at all until the anniversary event, when I prestiged him and got 50 cakes on him. Want to burn through the cakes to prestige him again, so been playing him a lot recently, but not much beyond that.
Game 1: RCPD.
Game 2: Hawkins against a fairly weak group, they got 3 gens done because Claudette actually did gens while everyone else just kind of died. 3k with key escape.
Game 3: Ormond, ran into a 3 man SWF DwightSquad who were very clearly there to meme, not to play. Claudette saw this and DCed. Wound up just letting them meme since I'm not inclined to ruin others' fun and they were giving me ample opportunity to ruin their experience in their memeing and frankly it was the hardest I've laughed in the game in a while. 0k with DC points.
The only real takeaway I got from that experience is my queues got longer. Used to a very fast queue lately and these took a while. Pulled out the old "watch Youtube while I wait for a lobby" situation. Going to need to try my mains out and see where they wind up, but my Slinger MMR, despite playing him way more than anyone else the last week or two, doesn't seem to be stupidly high at least. Which tracks, I'm not a great Slinger.
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Didn't say they didn't. Was just confirming that's what he was and meant.
Well looks like they have you gauged correctly based on your play time/experience. You being stomped just means you are not actually at the level of the survivors at that level and will drop you down accordingly. Like I have seen others say if other 6000 hr survivors shouldn't play you/other 6000hr killers then who should they play? 2000 hr killers? That's not fair or better except for the ego's of those survivors which is how current MM has worked so far. Main reason the MMR rating for high hr/ranked players got that high in the first place.
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Is the MMR system in place across all platforms and for how long? I haven't been able to play since Monday of this week.
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This has absolutly nothing to do with ego or anything like that, i am mediocre at best at this game, i only play this game for fun, and that is the main point for me, this mmr Does not make it fun any more, it’s not fun to play against the same 3 killers over and over …
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I’ve used the opportunity to learn nurse, and its been going pretty well.
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They've sucked. I played multiple games last night where I was the only one doing gens, my teammates couldn't loop for more than 10 seconds and spent most of their time hiding around the map, and the killers either camped and tunneled or couldn't get enough hooks for me to save survivors and pip up.
The sb mmr is supposed to be running off of months of data for each player, but they haven't told us what they're looking at to assign skill levels. If it's based on escapes and hooks, that's simply not enough. Even if they're taking into account everything used in the rank system and giving it a different number, that's not enough either. In-game play is so much more complex to dumb it down to a few key actions and success rates.
All this to say: it's been frustrating so far, and if it stays this way I'm going to lose interest quickly.
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This is exactly why i want sbmm. So many people have zero clue how badly this game is balanced because they just get bad survivors all the time.
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I was kind of excited as I've read positive feedback.
My games are so far: holding M1 until I got chased. Then, I die.
I can't do a single save because people rush hook/trade hook, I often have a lack of points into Altruism.
PS: why I always spawn five meters away from the Killer? Eight matches in a row I hear the terror radius a few seconds after starting the match.
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This sounds like bad luck and people going over board for a rift challenge.
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It's horrible. I dropped now from rank 4 to 6. Don't matter what for perks I use. I'm not worried about losing my rank but this i could find out.
My matches are like:
1. My mates are good in DC'ing or sacrifice on first Hook. Very short rounds.
2. My mates are good and chasing against the killer is also good. Very interesting match. In my 15 matches I had this only one time. Was very balanced.
3. The killer is a absolute pocket rocket and destroyed the surv group really quick.
For me it's most of the time very unbalanced and frustrating. I am now waiting for the MMR to be turned off again so I am able to play normal rounds again.
I forgot
4. My mates are super strong and the killer is like rank 20. Gens fly around.
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Mostly fine.
Solo queue teammates have been solid. Killers I'm going against seem quite underskilled relative to me and my teammates though. I ran a Legion for the entire last 3 gens in a 3v1, for example.
On killer, I started running meta builds and was 4k'ing at 3-4 gens left. I normally don't run meta at all, so it makes sense that my MMR is a bit undertuned relative to my skill level. Matches got a little more difficult as the night went on.
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pretty much like that.
the worst part?
ive not had a single enjoyable match - but i also never, technically speaking, lost one either (ignoring away the two times my internet crashed yesterday, which i have no idea how MMR is gonna treat that). i always somehow drawed, which means MMR is going to keep me in this eternal state of suffering.
and if what ive been getting are suppsoed to be "balanced matches", then i can not see myself playing this game in a year anymore.
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My games were balanced. I put on the most sweaty shhh on my killers and had good games. I also got sweaty opponents, so it worked like intented. Got 4ks, 4 man escapes and everything inbetween. Thats totally what I hoped for regarding my playtime, rank, playstyle.
Ofc if I want to have chill ez games all of a sudden, I cant expect to not get crushed at high mmr.
So for me its perfectly fine atm.
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For me on both sides it's very erratic. While playing killer I had both teams that seemed to be newer at the game and didn't comprehend that Trickster can throw knives over loops and teams that knew what they were doing.
With survivor it was the same. I got left on the hook a couple times in some of my matches and in others they knew how to body block, spread out, loop, etc.
So I'm not sure how the SBMM is working. Sometimes it seems to flip from me having high skill to baby skill.
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Have had solid teammates and I see a lot of killers struggling with our efficiency.
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I played for exactly 6 hours yesterday. From 4:00 to 7:30 PM, then 8:30 to 11:00 PM, US Central time for both. My killer rank was 4 when I started. I absolutely sandblasted every team I went against as killer. I even did two challenges on killers with no perks/addons, and still 3k'd giving then hatch, then 4king. At around 9:30 US Central time, I did a few survivor games with a friend. He plays a lot more survivor than I do, being rank 4 when we started, and me being rank 9. Every killer we went against felt like a complete baby. At one point, my friend literally stood behind a trapper in the exit gate for almost the entirety of the EGC. I'm not sure what to think of SBMM at the moment. I hope it is just sorting everything out. Before SBMM, I would play against mostly Rank 1-2 survivors, and most games were pretty challenging.
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I've played around eight-ish hours in total split rather equally between Killer and Survivor.
Killer has been rather strange, any high tier Killer I've touched made the games downright easy. But whenever I'd decide to mess about with Clown, or any other low-tier Killer, I'd get some incredibly good loopers that wouldn't waste a pallet, usually had at least one friend with them, would efficiently gen tap and all that. Though I'll say that this has made my Trapper games a ton of fun, as I've been consistently winning due to the fact that skilled Survivors tend to get overly cocky and fall for the simplest tricks.
My Survivor games, I can't really say I've enjoyed. While I really focus as a Killer, I generally mess about as a Survivor, meaning I usually get myself to Rank 1 every month and then drop to 4ish or so when I decide it's time to have fun. Which maybe explains why my teammates have been utterly useless, besides few exceptions. Afraid of gens, focusing on all the wrong things, wasting resources, missing skill-checks and all that. On top of that, utter majority of Killers heavily camped, to the point where I had to pull out my dusty decisive strike, which I haven't done in ages.
Naturally, this could all be mere bias, as I've not played enough games to properly test things, but so far I'm not too happy.
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I think i played around 12 games so far, 9 with pc Blight, the others where Demo, Legion and Clown, and so far it wasnt too bad.
in the Demo and Clown games i got a 4k with 1 gen left. in my Legion game half of the team just rage-quit even though they sent me to Ormond
in my Blight games i started with 4ks and 1 gen left but in my last few games i actually had 1-2 survivors escape.
my Blight build was BBQ, Shadowborn, No Way Out and either Coup de Grace or Corrupt (no addons)
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You can if you want.
I'll probably watch it back again to see what I was thinking.
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For me personally it hasn't been too bad. Now on huntress who I main and I'm rank one with, I have noticed that I am being matched with extremely good survivors whom are very optimal but I've been performing well myself so I haven't struggled really.
Even my survivor games were decent, even against sweaty killer's or very good ones.
I ain't holding my breath though, although I have been playing more dbd lately and gotten my muscle memory back for most stuff so I think I am playing well atm in general but I have seen mmr messing a lot of people up like.
I feel like I am being matched more with people on my skill level which is definitely higher on both sides for me so I am glad but some games are beyond sweaty sometimes which isn't the most fun lol.