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Why do people hate tunneling?



  • Member Posts: 538

    What's the point of asking this and then tryna argue with the answer? You can tunnel all you want but no one's obligated to like it or respect it

  • Member Posts: 268

    Are we talking about tunnelling or camping? because you brought up chainsaw off hook which sounds camping hook. That's where BT comes into play. Without BT your teammates need to distract the killer, lure him away from hook and/Or take a protection hit. Those are the options and it's doable if your team are on the same page.

    In a regular chase, BT is useless, juke, make the killer wiff or strike an object/wall, have teammate take a protection hit, distract the killer and hopefully the killer chases them, vault a window... it's not rocket science.

    Like I said, once you get better at losing the killer, tunnelling is rarely an issue.

  • Member Posts: 303

    tunneling is camping the hook. it's more than just a single chase, and it's an issue.

  • Killer is not responsible for survivors' fun and earnings, they should complain on the bloodpoint system being too grindy instead of killers' decisions

  • Member Posts: 264

    I will never understand why people don't know why tunnelling is hated. It's very simple:

    1. If you're being tunnelled, you don't get the opportunity to play all the aspects of the game. It's boring.
    2. If you're not being tunnelled, you don't get the opportunity to play all the aspects of the game. It's boring.

    Tunnelling is BORING. Games are meant to be fun. End of story.

  • Member Posts: 264

    It's this attitude that I don't understand, personally. I win when I have a fun game - regardless if I escape as a survivor, or kill everyone as killer.

    If you escape as survivor, but you didn't have fun - did you really win? Is 'winning' the most important thing to you? If you kill all the survivors, but they just lined up and walked into you - did you win?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    For most people, winning is fun. They're not opposite goals.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    Complaining about tunneling and NoED is for trash survivors who lack confidence or proper knowledge of the game.

    It's always the people who will claim gen speeds are fine and Killers need to accept genrush, while whining about how unfair it is that Killers can rush a kill (aka; tunneling & camping).

  • Member Posts: 106

    You obviously don’t play both sides. You just see things killer sided. Plz play and see what it feels like to be tunneled or better yet. Loop a killer for five gens just to be camped with noed. You’re obviously oblivious to what real problems the game has..

  • Member Posts: 264

    No, agreed - but that's down to your definition of winning. If as a killer you enjoy tunnelling someone out of the game and then either losing the rest because they have focused gens, or having an easy win because it's 3 rather than 4 for the majority of the game - that's up to you. It isn't and will never be fun to me personally, and as a survivor it's just plain boring and makes me not want to play, maybe that's the ultimate answer - win by playing something else.

  • Member Posts: 185

    Actually, the objective as a killer is to defend the gens and get multiple hooks before killing a survivor, however, you play as you want to but know that it's not as enjoyable from a survivor's perspective, they also want to play the game too.

    When I play killer, I go for multiple hooks until the survivors reach 2 gens, then I don't play so nice anymore. My goal is to have at least 2 people on death hook before then but I don't force it, I just play and go for multiple chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,562


    I play Killer more, but I play Survivor with my friends. I've been camped and tunneled and even 'facecamped' by people trying to ruin my game. I just don't whine like a child when it happens; I laugh and continue on.

    Maybe you should play Killer and stop seeing things survivor-sided. Then, maybe, you would understand why removing Killer player agency for a bunch of entitled Survivors who want to invent stupid rules would be a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    Are you psychic now? No? Just trying so hard to push that Survivor main agenda.

    First it was inventing rules, like don't camp, tunnel, slug, or use certain Killers or perks.

    Then it was inventing new definitions, when a Survivor main told me camping is defined as cheating.

    Now it's inventing super powers to read my mind.


    If Survivors spent half as much time actually trying to improve as they do trying to force how the Killer plays; camping and tunneling would be non-issues.

  • Member Posts: 4,658

    Those games are exactly why I feel the way I do. If I agree that friends should be allowed to have fun at one players' expense (how dare BHVR let people have fun!!1!11!!) then why does it not work both ways?

    Eye for an eye makes the world go blind and no one's having a lick of fun along the way.

    Seriously, this game is held together by the goodwill of both survivors and killers. The only reason you get to play this game is because there's survivors that refuse to clicky-clicky, teabag and genrush, and there's killers that refuse to camp, tunnel and slug.

  • Member Posts: 918

    An eye for an eye makes the world blind, but a bully doesn’t stop when you say no. In the case of the entity’s realm, you take two just because you want, let alone “to be even.”

  • Member Posts: 4,658

    Then you need to understand that you are fostering the exact same mentality with the bully squads that'll frustrate the hell out of you later.

  • Member Posts: 918

    I already accept that's a thing. I even admitted it somewhere in the thread.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Pointless post

  • Member Posts: 3

    It's not fun for anyone IMO.

    As survivor it irritates me just as much as spawn-camping in an FPS does. You're not giving me the chance to run away and heal or clear the area - you're not giving me the chance to play the game. If you're struggling to get a kill and there's one gen left I can see why you'd do it and it's fair enough, but early game it's just flat out annoying. I get sacrificed in most matches but I want some bloodpoints from generators so I can level up some characters, I want to have some fun in chases, but when I get tunnelled I get denied all of that.

    As killer... I don't find it fun and it just hampers my gen pressure. I find there's more strategic value in getting everyone to their second hook state early on and spread the rest of the hookings out through the match so people have to leave their gens and go for the save... when I tunnel someone and hook them twice in the first 2 minutes of the match, the risk-reward ratio isn't worth the hook save for everyone else so they just go for the gens. The only time I do it is in particularly bad matches where I haven't gotten any kills all game or if a survivor is flashlighting/teabagging/BMing and I make it my mission to remove them the match.

  • Member Posts: 513

    Cause I don't get any points when you tunnel me and you just waste my time.

    That's why I hate you for it.

  • Member Posts: 201

    Play survivor for awhile.

    Once you get tunneled 3 or 4 matches in a row you will change your tune.

    Tunneling denies the target an opportunity to participate in a game. It can be highly frustrating.

    Plus it's never worked for me as killer. All my 4k's come from hunting people and patrolling generators. Just hit everyone in proximity.

  • Member Posts: 918
    edited August 2021

    I'm a rank 4 survivor. Rank 2 killer.

    Not that ranks matter now.

  • Member Posts: 9,029

    Personally I find it funny when the killer tunnels me because I made them salty and tilted

  • Member Posts: 918

    And in my experience, this is the best way to look at it. If you get off the hook you guarantee the Killer is tilted. lmao

  • Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2021

    The first three replies pretty much answer your question I don't know how it became 3 page discussion.

  • Member Posts: 918

    I replied to all 3. If only you read to post 5, let alone the other 3 pages.

    Tsk tsk tsk

  • Member Posts: 325

    Because people don't like going back in queue, losing ranks, and getting no blood points after wasting 2-4 minutes of not doing anything because they were simply unlucky enough to be the first one found. Not that it's the killers responsibility for their fun just doesn't make it any less sucky.

  • Member Posts: 279

    maybe we can asked instead, Do killer hate gen rush ?

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Why do killers hate genrushing?Isn't the survivors objective to finish gens and escape?

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Just like gen rush sucks for a killer waiting 5 minutes to just get blown out but I take the l and move on

  • Member Posts: 918

    Yes, we do. We also hate SWFs that actually play tournament style.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Not true ill walk away 3 step sometimes and boom unhook like disrespect me like that lol

  • Member Posts: 2,657
    edited August 2021

    As a killer last night I was playing GF because I had a few cakes burnt one and survivors gen rushed I got 2 hooks and no points should I be mad?

    They also where sabo hooks and body blocking on my first attempt hook

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Yup it does the same thing as tunneling. But it happens and is ok definitely not toxic. Sorry I hate the survivor killer double standard

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    I know it was unfortunate and one of the survivors got like 5k more than me lol. My point was that there was no reason to try and stop me from at least getting one hook so early just like there's no point in tunneling the first survivors you see.

    I was just putting out a similar situation yet its not considered toxic

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    I didn’t say they were, and I find farming boring and try not to partake (depending on the circumstances). But is it too much to ask for actual anti-camp and tunnel mechanics or perks? Because the ones we have really don’t work, except maybe end game (and also depending on the killer).

  • Member Posts: 5

    Your original question is "why do people hate tunneling" and they replied. Those 3 repliers didn't ask you how to prevent tunneling, so you giving "solutions" as to how is pointless. Why I quoted "solutions" is simply because, they are in fact not. This is simply because you can't change what you can't control. What do I mean by that? You replied to the spawn camping comment by saying "don't let them push to your spawn". Many shooters actually prevent people from spawn camping but for the ones that don't, you and your team still somewhat have the control because both teams are capable of denying one another with weapons and stuff. This doesn't apply to dbd because survivors have nothing to hurt the killer or prevent him from tunneling you the whole game. So while I really like that analogy, it was only meant to answer your original question. Your solution is not relevant in dbd. Also the "don't get seen" one. Like come on dude. Be entitled, biased and everything but stop acting like this is a legitimate solution. There are dozens of information perks for killers that all work in different scenarios and this game is not hide and seek. You'll eventually have to go work on a generator and if the killer isn't preparing a sandwich in the meantime, you are going to get seen.

    You also implied killers should not care about the survivor's fun and play the game however they want. I totally agree with this. If you want to tunnel/camp and guarantee a 2k every single game, you can totally do that. But expecting no backlash from the survivors is foolish. People put their time into this game to simply, play the game. When you don't let the survivor player that has been waiting in queue for the past 20 minutes and finally gets to play the game, that person is going to feel frustrated. Not to mention if all killers played like this, you wouldn't have any survivors to tunnel because they would probably stop playing the "get tunneled simulator" aka dbd. I just don't understand why you would be so insistent on doing such a thing instead of just trying to get better in chases and win what most people consider "normally".

    "Those games are exactly why I feel the way I do (referring to the sweat squads)." If you get bullied by one squad then proceed to bully the other... I mean that says a lot about your mentality. You sound like like the quiet kid in the school that gets bullied by the bigger ones. We all know those ones usually don't end up very well.

  • Member Posts: 556

    You're just coming across and really cringe tbh bro.

    You're clearly a tryhard if you even have to ask the question about tunneling and people's issues with it.

    I play both sides and yes there are circumstances tunneling is necessary but to overall claim it's fine pretty much because 'You're not on the survivors team' just shows how you play this game.

    Unfair and just not fun with no concern for others fun.

    It's cringe when survivors and or killer's have no acknowledgement for the other persons fun.

    (I play both sides equally)

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