Time needed to complete gens.

For the love of Jesus Christ, increase the time needed to make them ... 80 sec isn't enough time to complete 1 hook, maybe a very good killer make 2 hooks before at least 1 pop up ... Make it 120 sec ...
All games I have to stand still and facecamp the first guy I get cus the gen rush is insane ... So at least I have the chance to get more bp hooking another one ... Im at rank 10 as killer ...
And as a survivor rank 5 half of matches I lost quickly ... my team mates are too busy crawling somewhere far away hahaha ...
The new system of MMR feels good, I got good matches last night but even so the gens are being done soooo fast that is insane, and I don't complain when I get facecamped cus I play killer too and feels terrible see the gens goind that fast ...
So, maybe 120 sec per gen ?
Rank 10 means you still have room to grow. You are not playing your best killer yet, you will improve.
Asking gen times to be 120 seconds is insane. Plenty of killers do just fine as is.
Most would agree that it is not gen times but map size that is the problem.
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Try looking for a 3 gen from jump street and defend it with your life.
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So, more time doing the most boring part of the game?
Like Clevite said, the problem is not gen times. Imo, it's the maps and lack of regression without running perks.
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Rank 10 you got a good bit of room to improve you'll figure out mindgames and loops the more you play, as well as giving the rest of the team a reason to not be on gens. The better you are at chases the more prone the other survivors are to healing instead of being on gens. First pointer I can give is to funnel them during your chases in a direction you know pallets are already broken/they have to run past you to get to the next safe place, and then when you down them either hook them far from where there team is working or deep into your 3 gen so they either need to waste a ton of time to go unhook and heal or lose all progress on gens and very much risk getting hooked themselves.
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Even max stacks of Thanatophobia only increases the time to 100 secs. Any high tier killer can easily down a whole team within 80 secs.
Post edited by gendoss on0 -
Well, I guess I will wear improve thyself perk on me xD
Thank you all for the feedback and tips !!
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I'd blame Map, Spawns and killers general lack of capacity to handle the game.
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Why not have it so the time of the gens is equivalent to the map size? Put maps in different groups like small, medium and large.
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So... a few things.
Firstly, something you just have to accept as Killer is that the first few gens are going to get done and going to get done pretty quickly. How could they not? The second you spawn in as the Killer, you are in just about the worst possible position you possibly could be. You know where none of the Survivors are, half the time Survivors spawn on a gen, none of them are injured, none of them are hooked, and to top it all off all the Pallets are there just waiting to be used. You have a worse early game than they do. That's fine... your end game should be much stronger than theirs. My rule of thumb is 1 for 1 on the first 2 gens. If I have 2 hooks with 2 gens done, I'm doing ok. If I have more, I'm in good shape. If I have less, I'm in trouble.
Secondly, if you don't want gens popping right away, there are things you can do to combat that. Perk wise, there's Corrupt Intervention and Lethal Pursuer. There's plenty of Killers who can use a play style that creates pressure first then goes for Hooks. Legion is probably the most well known for this kind of game play, but he's by far not the only one who can do it.
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Before gen speeds are changed in anyway I'd argue the perk Prove Thyself needs to be looked at first. I started running it recently and almost every time I double up on a generator with someone the time it takes for the killer to pick up, hook, then walk over to us is enough for about 40-50% of the progression. That's not including the chase itself. This has meant on many occasions I've clutched a gen with someone by stacking when it'd never normally happen without it. And this is only 1/16 perks the survivors can bring.