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Game disconnecting from server and network

I just played Jill on haddonfield, spawned in the basement of one of the houses right at gen, I carried a medkit, gauze and anti-hem injection, running spine chill, iron will, kindred and dark sense. Immediately started working the gen, however there was no progress despite the animation playing out. Skill check pings, no visual of the skill check. Game disconnects and says no network connection. This was untrue and my network was stable and did not disconnect. This has happened before. Lost my addons, de-pipped and ranked down. Rage! Can you please sort this?

9 votes

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  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 364

    I'm having the same issue its making me disconnect for no reason. giving me a dc timer.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286

    Same for me and my friends since yesterday

  • DevilliciousPeach
    DevilliciousPeach Member Posts: 30

    It does it to my sister and I too, the new patch has caused issues for us.

  • Cryohydra911
    Cryohydra911 Member Posts: 1

    My friends and I have been having this same issue - suddenly being disconnected from matches at random. Most recently it was right at the end of the match with gates open and just about to leave, but other times friends have been kicked near the beginning of matches or in the middle of them. The disconnect boots us back to the initial loading screen of DBD with an error message saying "unable to connect to the network" despite all other software still utilizing the Internet just fine, including Steam client. After a few seconds, I'm able to enter the game and get to the main menu normally, but after rejoining my friends after the match completes, I have a deserter penalty.

    This is making the game actually unplayable.