Leatherface Camping

Why leatherface camper not is = ban???
Because he is the specialist.
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Welcome to the forums 😊
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Because his facecamping is easily countered by cooperative actions of survivors. If you are getting camped to death - it's your team's fault.
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I wouldn't say it's easily countered with his one shot in mind, but it is obviously possible to outsmart him.
OP, even though it's frustrating, it's considered a valid gameplay strategy so there's nothing to be done about it. You can suicide on hook if you want to leave the match or stay on to buy time for your teammates to do gens. It's up to you. There's no wrong way to play.
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bubbas basement camps are the best camps
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on paper that's great but realistically it doesn't work that way unless its a SWF. 3 people with no info from each other or if the killer is camping means people go for the save. Even if all 3 are smart and see the bubba and turn around go back to their gens you're still wasting a butt ton of precious time to now try to gen rush the bubba. 60 seconds for 1 hook state 80 seconds for a gen(not including run time and not accounting killer gen based perks like ruin). If they want to add some kind of emote system for solos then sure It's 100% the survivors fault but with 3 other people who are deaf to each other it's not possible to coordinate.
I have no issue with camping itself just the fact that this tactic punishes solo's way harder than SWF.
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Well in SWF it's impossible too, the objective in SWF or random: all 4 players exit, insidious or leatherface not make to camp, yes it's a "strategy" but it's stupid and deserve ban!
Not funny, don't win bloodpoints, and lose or don't win a progress!
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why should camping be bannable?
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Yea, if it's an afk rank 20 leatherface it is easy to counter.
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But camping is not bannable so why should facecamping
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Even in this scenario, a camping Bubba should never get more than a 2k if the survivors are at all intelligent, and assuming the first person hooked did not go down in 5 seconds right at the start of the match. Bubba also cant take advantage of ruin/other gen regression and face camp unless you are doing a gen right next to the hook.
The only exception is if the people on hook kill themselves, which is usually what happens when I play solo unfortunately. Survivors do this rewarding the killer with more kills, and usually salt, so they keep doing it. Simple behavioral psych. If people want to get rid of 95% of camping Bubbas then the community needs to stop rewarding them for doing it. (Even attempting once at the end of stage 1 can save the killer a lot of time and help them out when they are face camping, due to how much of your bar it eats).
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why come to you when 4 come to me?
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Bubba has god given right to camp. Leave the big dummy alone T.T
In all seriousness if Bubba is face camping from the start then slam those gens! That goes for any face camping killer really, but Bubba is extra tricky.
Sacrifice the one, and don't feed him ^^
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you are stupid or you don't think, nothing in the game was created for camping, and it's not only rank 20 that you get Bubba campers, you get caught in any rank, why should you ban? It spoils the game and the objective of the game is 4 get out, you stupid people who think it's the survivors' fault who couldn't save you #########, start thinking!
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I've noticed a lot of Leatherface's do this too. Anyone figured out why yet?
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This is because a larger-than-it-should-be portion of survivors...simply don't do gens.
They'd rather rush a save and make a bad situation worse than to get 3 gens done in less than the amount of time it takes for the one survivor to bleed out on hook.
If three gens get done, then if he camps a second person, the other 2 can finish the last 2 gens, secure a gate and ensure someone makes it out.
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Well. I can confirm through my own basement / insidious Bubba experiments that it's effective 80% of the time. Smart survivors don't take the bait when they realize he's insidious face camping and gen rush his ass. Plus it's Bubba! It's tradition at this point to get face camped or witness it happen. It's an honor for me to get face camped especially giving him a hard time catching me and making him eat 20 pallets and play ring around the main building a few times. ^_^ I used to despise him but eh, I don't mind him so much anymore. Keep on campin' faces Mr. Sawyer!
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Try window try, you never play in good ranks
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Exactly you are noob and deserve ban
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Are you okay???
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Ok so you deserve to ban to if you buy a new game then?
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Yes, hear one think, leatherface not enter in game for camping, noobs campers deserve permantly ban!
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But camping is not bannable kid so
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Because he is too cute.
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Just to your argument, when did it come out of fashion to spam the escape button to make aerobic exercises on the hooks to signal a camping killer? This was standard back in the day and didn't need any perks from the survivor.
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So your first comment I fixated that YOU are not a noob and play in higher than green (?) ranks.
So how do this noobs even down you when you are sooooo much better? If what you indicate would be the case then a true noob shouldn't even get you down much less in close vicinity to the basement.
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Lucky it’s not Trail of Torment, Tinkerer, Iron Grasp, and Insidious Bubba. He always sneaks up on ya when you least expect, hearing that chainsaw rev. I laugh every time he does it. Whether I’m camped, my brother is camped, or someone else. Every time. I tell my brother to leave. I’ll skip to second phase. Because some fool always think they can rescue during a Bubba face camp only to hear *Reeev! Reeev!* “Oooue! Oooue! Oooue! Oooue!”. 😭 😭
It makes sense. In the movies he did hook people, and then made sure to stop anyone that would come help the hooked person escape. Some killers camp/tunnel more than others. Wraith, Bubba, Pig, and Trickster are some good examples. It’s when you get face camped by a Spirit you should complain. 😂
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Survivors are rarely intelligent, however. Blood Warden is the most underrated perk despite the way survivors play making it a guaranteed 3k, at least. The only way you miss someone is some rng nonsense like a 4% or hatch. Which is what face camping Bubba should be running over gen regression. Rofl.
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You are not wrong. I love blood warden, especially when it was bugged so you couldnt see it till you got close. So many tea-baggers that then ran straight into a wall.
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Does being hard tunneled by a Spirit for 5 gens count as justification to complain? 😂
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What bothers me the most about Leatherface basically guaranteeing a kill off of 1 down, is that Hillbilly can't do the same because his chainsaw stops after he downs someone and Leatherface's does not. Why the inconsistency in mechanics when they're literally both chainsaws?
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Even if it throws the match, I can't in good conscience let someone die on first hook without getting a chance to play the game and gain some points.
Unless they're bunny feng. 😥