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Impermanence - dying state Rework Idea

Everyones been in the situation at least once where your bleeding out in the dying state for way too long, or your the last survivor downed without adrenaline or unbreakable and the killer cant find you, hatch is closed and you have zero odds of survival but are forced to sit through your fate.

Why not just make it base kit with a huge caveat. once you recover to 95% if there is 2 or less survivors remaining in the trial, you can fully recover at the cost of one of your remaining hooks, and you get up needing to mend.


If you are on your last hook, you get up without the need to mend, you are permanently broken, and face a new status effect, Impermanence. You have 80 seconds before you die, even if you go down again. While afflicted with Impermanence, a killer can chose to mori you without any offerings. Performing rushed actions causes you to scream in pain and also decreases your time by 2 seconds and movement speed by 1% up to a maximum of 20 seconds reduced and 10% movement lost. You also bleed more frequently.

In most events of 2 survivors remaining, killers can easily slug to get a 4k, this would add a built in countermeasure to that mindset, which would give the last survivor better odds of finding hatch if killer hangs the 3rd survivor instead of slugging now. Alternatively they still slug, with Impermanence, he now has to do so knowing the other survivor can get back up, and puts the killer at risk.

The purpose is to still give you hope where there can be a frustrating moments in game that currently are only preventable with specific perks. Now while being extremely fragile and nearing death, you have a real chance and hope too, loot a box for a key, or find hatch if you have a key, and finish or pressure last gen.

Let me know what you guys think, I have 2k hours and every acheivement, needless to say I play both sides and I think that even for killers this would be a breath of fresh air to add a level of challenge and dynamic to my easy 4k slug matches while realisticly still seeing niche success on the survivor end to the point that it would be well enjoyed on both sides.


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited August 2021

    Yay, another free second-chance for survivors. Why not, because killer adepts are not hard enough already. Let's make it harder for killer to get 4k, because survivors are bored on ground.

    Killers can't find survivor usually because he crawled somewhere and hide, if they don't want to bleed out, then they can stay and wait for killer, but they are petty and want to waste time instead.

    This would be pain to deal with and there is no valid reason for it.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Half of survivors gameplay is allready holding m1, they shouldnt be forced to bleed out for 4 mins if the killer should decide it to be so. Adepts arent even hard unless your trying in red ranks, this wouldnt even make it that much harder, if it happens before end game collapse, then you dont have to hook a survivor as much, you also potentially dont have wait around for 4 mins looking for the 4k either, this could easily swing in the killers favor and save a lot of time. Im looking for ways to balance this, if your not interested then share a way to balance something that might make it interesting to you,

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    I actually like the idea, but I think it is still kinda abusable and would need to be refined. For instance, if the killer slugs repeatedly for the 4k at 3+ gens left then the survivors can keep getting up but eventually they will enter impermanence and die anyway, so this does not really resolve most of these situations. It also does not fix the issue of waiting to bleed out cause it is unclear if this would really be that much quicker than just bleeding out if you had more then 1 health state left.

    I feel like what would happen is survivors would 99% their get up bar or just choose not to get up until their teammate was caught, thus forcing the killer to wait until someone gets up or let both bleed out since picking up and hooking one would give the other a chance at the hatch. If it was not a choice, but instead something that automatically happened after like 30 seconds then it would be less abusable by groups and could be fun.

    Also, what happens if the killer slugs someone in the impermanence mode? Do they die instantly? Do they resume bleeding out (which really would not serve as a time saver then)? Do they finish dying after 80 seconds?

    Idea for a knockout buff would be to add removing the get up by yourself option this creates as a secondary ability of it.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447


    If you're in dying state for too long and Killer can't find you, hatch is closed, gates are not open, you bleeding in corner of map hugging walls, your position (aura) is revealed to the Killer within a range of 128 metres.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I have done all adepts in red ranks, so I rate it based on it. Survivors on dead hook, could kill themself by this, which will result in fail adept in red ranks. If you have two survivors they have free unbreakable, as long they have hook stages left.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Hey, this is better. Survivors will not "suffer" as OP wanted.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Hey truegod im glad someone else agrees there needs to be something in place for dying state. I really like your idea about 30 seconds before garunteed impermanence, so lets set that as a norm, i agree its less abuseable.

    Now lets say that at 30 seconds, you get an on screen effect around the boarders of your screen, either like a pulsing bloody effect or like a hopeful golden aura like a second chance. While this effect is up, you have 5 seconds to activate it or you lose your resolve and have to wait another 30 seconds.

    To answer your question about what happens if you go downed while afflicted with impermanence, see my original post " You have 80 seconds before you die, even if you go down again" the timer keeps going with no remorse, this is the risk you take.

    Keep the idea coming guys theres no bad ideas lets get something balanced and fun here for both sides

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2021

    Hey thats one issue definately but the aim of this post is to prevent slugging for 4k, and to give survivors an unlikely mechanic for survival when theres zero hope. We dont want it to garuntee a survivors escape, but we want there to be a chance. Currently if you go down and theres no way a survivor can save you, your options are very limited.

    And to put dino's previous post to combat here, when theres 2 survivors left yes they will have free unbreakable at the cost of hooks, but it promotes healthier gameplay on both sides. They get up with the need to mend, giving you plenty of time to realise there up again, and more time to down the survivor your chasing or go back to where they were downed before they can heal or work a gen.

    Maybe we can even add another caveat to using a hook state to bring yourself up, like your aura shows to the killer for 10 seconds, or your broken for 1 minute. What would be your thoughts on that?

    This way the game isnt decided immideately if you down the 2nd last survivor, and notice the last survivor before hanging ,leaving the slug for a garunteed win. Winning should never be garunteed its not fun for either sides. Sure there are a few niche ways around this currently like keys and unbreakable, but even those dont garuntee wins which makes the game more fun.

    Lets keep this going guys all ideas welcome here, I think we can all agree SOMETHING needs to be done with late game slugging, that doesnt require everyone running meta perks

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    Sorry I missed that part in the original post.

    I like the change as well.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited August 2021

    I actually like both these ideas. I'd actually take it one step further and reduce the survivors movement speed by half. Again this whole concept should be just to add a little flavor to survivor gameplay when in these situation. Mechanics and times could be tweaked of course. But overall a good idea actually. I primarily play 50/50 of killer and survivor so it'd be fine with me either way. I'd actually enjoy seeing a survivor hobbling around desperately trying to survive. Get rid of the dying timer and just keep it with the normal end game collapse timer. And the killer can see your aura in some capacity.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Glad your on board! Id love to see special hobbling animations aswell for someone afflicted with impermanence, but theyd probably do that way later and take too long :(

    appreciate the feed back here too, and im intrigued at the 50% reduced movement speed, if your interested in seeing them slower faster, maybe it would be worth having the max speed reduction at 50%? There basically stuck to a croutch speed when walking , and a walking speed when "sprinting" or hobbling. Thats a fun idea that im sure the devs could play around with. I still think a fair balance is 10% movement speed over time or as I originally posted after 10 quick actions like vaults etc. Let me knkw what you guys think on twitchy mikes suggestions

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Im glad your on board here! And im interested in your 50% movement speed reduction idea.

    I think it would be fun to see a survivor hobbling aswell but unfortunately animation team can take forever :(

    So at 50% movement they are walking at crouching speed, sprinting at walking speed i think a more fair balance can be struck here but I fully support it , in the original post i had 10 rushed actions like vaulting etc add 1% speed reduction upt to a max of 10.

    maybe it wouldnt be unfair to raise that, and it would make it more risk/reward, youd still get to where you need to go in time out of chase but killer wouldnt have to worry about you holding w and waisting his time.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited August 2021

    What’ll add fresh air to this game is reworking the whole game. The whole generator thing is totally stupid. The reason it’s stupid is because you aren’t playing as “The Spirit”. You’re just some phase warping ***** that hears really well! I was in Tofus stream when I suggested this… It’s a huge wall, and a dream. But it’s a good dream.

    Overhaul the entire game so EACH killer has their own “Trial” in which the survivors have to “solve” or “survive” in order to escape!! That way when you play as the killer you FEEL like who you’re playing as, and survivors have more to do than gen rush!! Some killers would need certain things to escape like Pig, Plague, and Nemesis. While others simply hunt (Nurse, Spirit, and Hillbilly, etc) As the survivors progress through the trial one of 5 generators begins to progress at random, and will Ping! (1 Ping every 80 seconds without any perk/item variables). Meaning the match will last for about a little over 6 minutes (Without any variables) before the exit gates/hatch become available for all survivors.

    Example 1: You enter a trial with The Pig, a “Solve” based killer. You all start reversed bear trapped (As you would in the movie had Amanda captured you), and after a couple of seconds the trap starts. If you exit in any way with the trap on your head you will die instantly. So you have to get the trap off your head first, and then run through an exit when it’s finally available! The trap lasts for so many minutes (Pigs add ons would affect this via time reduction, boxes added, time to search, etc). When the trap starts the survivors have to go rummage for the right key to use in the right jigsaw box. A total of 4 boxes (Unless the Pig adds or reduced them). During this time The Pigs job is to ambush the survivors before they get the trap off, and put them on a hook. Meaning for every person hooked there’s one less person to distract The Pig so that the others can get their traps off. Whenever you’re downed, chased, or hooked the timer will stop. Once you get the trap off your head you can run around as you would, body block, and distract until the go for exit gate, or hatch becomes available . Meaning you can get the trap off yourself, hide, and leave your allies to die (Realism). Again, this is risky unless you have/find a key. Then survive for 6 whole minutes after getting the trap off. If you START with a key The Pig sees that, and she might tunnel you, or worse use Franklin’s Demise! Someone else takes the key an leaves you! Etc. This all becomes possible with a rework.

    Example 2: You enter a trial against The Doctor, a “Survival” based killer for 6 minutes. He begins to search for you by inducing insanity with his powers. If he drives you completely mad after being hooked twice he can now Mori or “Treat” you. Fry your brains. Some Docs would run Iron Maiden so players can’t hide in lockers, but the survivors can abuse that jumping in and out of lockers to produce constant notifications (Distractions). What this means is that Mori’s would be more useful on “Solve” based killers since they cannot Mori, but instead the survivor dies for not solving the trial before escaping.

    Example 3: The Plague (Hybrid). She hunts players down, and gets them sick. Meaning survivors have to survive while keeping themselves cleansed of her sickness until the exits become available. If you’re sick on an exit gate every time you cough and throw up the door progression will stop. So if you’re really sick and trying to get out it’ll take a while.

    Let me explain a bit via the killers perspective first… For every 80 seconds a random generator in the map starts to rev up and pops. The sound indicating how close it is the completing, obviously. It revs up on it’s own because generators represent their “Light” or “Hope” as they survive! As killer you must heed to this. Damage the generators, their hope, by hooking them. The killer can see the generators like usual. If the killer goes to kick a progressing generator it gets “damaged”. kick the generator upon hooking a survivor. Every kick reduces progression by 50%, adding 40 seconds. Pop Goes The Weasel would add an additional 25% (Another 20 seconds). So with Pop a killer can potentially add another minute every time they catch someone, and kick the gen. So it’s best not get caught if you realize they have Pop! Powers like Dead Man Switch would trigger whenever survivors stops any objective (I’ll explain this later).

    Now for the survivors perspective… Before the start of a trial you can’t switch items when there is 15 seconds remaining for you to select something. This gives the killer some balance as to see what you have, and adjust accordingly. You can only work 1 of the 5 given generators if you have a Toolbox with charges in them. Meaning Brand New Parts would add instant progression if the skill checks are successful (The progression % might have to be reworked). So yes if all 4 players brought new parts yes you may hear a random generator or two far away pop almost immediately. Making the killer lose 1-2 minutes. Remember 1 gens revs up one at a time at random. Remember that killers can still use perks like No Way Out, Blood Warden, Corrupt, Pop, etc. Street Wise and Built To Last can be countered with Franklin’s Demise and Overwhelming Presence (Items loses proficiency). Hex: Ruin would still regress any non self progressing generator a survivor had started to work on. Meaning if the killer scares you off, and even knocks the toolboxes out your hands… You wasted health states, items, and time. Your plan was ruined! This gives the killer the pressure that they need and the feeling of being a villain (It doesn’t make sense that survivors simply work on gens barehanded without a toolbox). Prove Thyself makes you progress faster like it would, but you need a toolbox still. So you’d likely bring that or Plunderers so you find one. Etc. Skill Checks can still happen while working on gens, making you lose progression. Skill Checks are now added to the Totems! They’re kindling (Hot). If you fail you “burn” your hands trying to cleanse your character will scream, altering the killer (Unless you have Calm Spirit). You also have to start cleansing all over (Huntress Lullaby would now work with Totems to protect them now. Thrill makes it take longer to cleanse, increasing the odds of skill checks).

    An overhaul like this would add spice to this game. As of now the simplicity of the game is simply stupid. That’s why survivors hold one direction and gen rush, and killers camp/hook. That’s all there really is to this game once you learn the ins and outs!! Survivor is left bored, and Killer feels underachieved.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    The idea is good, I've thought of ideas like that, but in a less complex way like: if the survivor stays in the "dying" state for more than 2 minutes he has the option to get up on his own, after all, if the killer didn't he was on the hook because he didn't want to, besides, if he wants to find a surv on the ground that uses the deer stalker, the perk exists for that, if they don't use it it's because they don't want to and they lose the right to complain.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Even if it was just a ridiculously long timer to get yourself up, I wouldnt be mad. If thats what the devs tried first by all means, Im just hoping to find a quicker and more interesting way in the process

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Im not gonna lie that was a lot to read but not short of some good ideas, a little of track here but Id say you habe enough to make a forum post, id support it