Thoughts on trickster?

He seems pretty OP to me with the most recent changes.
I only have him at level 40 and the build I used so far is:
Starstruck, MYC, iron maiden, and noed
I thought it would be a fun build because it makes survivors feel like theyre almost constantly exposed. If i unlock dragons grip or haunted grounds ill probably swap either of those for noed.
I was only using brown and yellow addons.
I demolished teams. 4k with only 2 gens done both matches so far. Ive only played two as him so maybe the sbmm needs some data to start putting me against some better players as him since i almost never play as him. I just thought id give him a shot since he got buffed. My friends and i got pwnd hard by a red rank trickster the other day and he felt super oppressive to play against.
Whats other peoples thoughts? Are the changes too OP? Is he in just the right spot?
Im curious because so far he seems pretty broken OP to me.
Weird how he started out as a laughably weak killer and now hes like a bulldozer.
I played him on macmillan and coldwind so far so idk how he does on other maps either. I legit felt bad for the survivors i stomped today.
He still kinda is bad on console. The recoil is a huge hinderance.
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Poorly designed comes to mind more than anything
Either he destroys or gets destroyed, since if the map has tons of low loops, youre just dead, and if the opposite, he cant do much of anything.
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He isn't OP, he's frustrating
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The 60 to 44 blade count reduction is what makes him more balanced than he used to be. He's not OP, just boring as hell to go against.
He still gets bummed by high-wall loops, so against a competent team, be prepared to get destroyed.
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The best killer in the game, without a doubt very powerful.
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I was wondering about that. I dont think theres many good high wall loops on the macmillan map i was playing on or on the coldwind map i had.
On maps with long high wall loops id imagine youd have to break chase a lot or risk wasting time.
I remember playing him on springwood and the long fences became horrendous loops against him. Maybe ill play a springwood offering next time to test him out on it.
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hes objectively worse than at his release
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Not OP, don't get caught out in the open and break LoS often to win chase
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How so?
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Not the best but I still dont feel like he is the worst either. Middle ground maybe?
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He's by no means OP but he's horribly designed.
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He's in my "I don't mind them" section. (if it's a regular tier player) Not as oppresive as Nurse and not as frustrating as Twins, so rare in my region that he's almost forgettable. Playing as him is a lot of fun.
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Whats the worst thing about his design?
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Okay its hard for me to say as to whether its was just weak teams I played, the maps, both or if hes just that much better since his buffs.
Im almost scared to play him more because if i start getting annihilated by good teams ill definitely feel like "okay nevermind, back to playing my mains" lol
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I pretty much mentioned it already, his design causes his performance to be completely white or black.
He can be absurdly oppressive on the chase or utterly useless, and also he has no map pressure, could also point out how his camping potential is on par with Bubba if not better.
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His recent changes make him feel a lot better to play. He feels a bit more like the old Trickster with his throw rate increase. I think I already got used to the 10 second laceration decay so the change there didn't feel different at all. However I was going up against people who might've been lower ranks than I am thanks to the SBMM because they were running in straight lines against me and using loops as if I couldn't throw my knives over them. Not sure why because I'm a Rank 1 Killer and a prestige 3 Trickster with a high kill rate.
I'll keep testing out the changes and seeing more how it is. More importantly after the SBMM test is over. The buff definitely makes him a lot stronger especially if you already knew how to play him. I had one team today that absolutely destroyed me and knew what they were doing against a Trickster but the rest of my matches were a breeze.
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original trickster top throw speed was 33% increase throw rate, held 60 knives, took 20s for laceration to decay, 8 knives to damage.
The general consensus for best addons were fizz spin + melodious which gave you max throw rate immediately and made it 6 knives to down. With this he felt pretty darn good.
currently his max throw rate is 30% (recently increased but still slower than originally), hold 44 knives, and 15s for laceration decay(recently increased from 10 which was awful) 6 knives to injure by default. Also noteworthy his very strong double purple addon combo was nerfed.
with his green addon he already was downing at 6 knives but could carry 60 total and they took longer to fall off which meant missing knives was far less punishing. since melodious was reworked there really isn't an equivalent combo to the old combo since his movement speed addons increase by totally negligible amounts. So for the sake of trying to be at least as strong as originally we will pair bloody loa with fizz spin which adds 8 knives. comparatively he throws 3% slower, laceration decays 5s faster, can carry 8 fewer knives even with the addon for more knives, and downs in the same number of knives. This isn't counting main event which had its window increased but the time you would use it to really punish the survivors never changed.
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Yeah i felt like the same way about him before his buff like his power is fun but hes too weak. Now i feel like hes more like trapper, clown, and legion for me like hes fun to play even though you can definitely get played by good teams. I really liked his power before but everything else was too frustrating. He feels fun to play so far although i did stomp with him pretty effortlessly so idk although ive done the same with trapper, clown and legion.
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Is your username here the same as in game? I only ask because i feel like i know it from in game and im pretty sure i played against you with my friends this last weekend. You were the red rank trickster that demolished us lol
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He's incredibly uninteresting for both sides because his counterplay just sucks and he's a really good camper.
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Lemme know if that was too long winded i wanted to explain it instead of just saying he throws slower and knives fall off faster
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A build like that is filthy on Wraith, with BBQ instead of NOED, alongside All-Seeing and Windstorm (or any reappearance add-on).
I'm surprised to hear you're finding so much success with it on Trickster. Exposed is great and all, but at 110% speed survivors should be laughing at your attempt to m1 instead of use blades. It almost feels like you're doing them a favor by going for the m1.
There is only 2 areas where I could see this build giving you an edge:
- Survivors don't heal because they know they'll be Exposed soon anyway, thus leading to easy laceration kills.
- Survivors pre-drop pallets like crazy because of Exposed, and you injure them during unnecessary animation locks.
In my experience, Sloppy Butcher will give you both of the above results in 1 perk, leaving you with 3 others for aura-reading, gen regression, and any other aid you desire.
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Yeah my name is the same in game as it is on here 😂 I might remember your usernames too
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they keep buffing him the wrong way.
he doesnt need increased lethality, he needs an actual interesting power!
the more they buff his lethality the more he becomes like Deathslinger just without any skill requirement.
and the best part:
they could have achieved that by just making his Trick Blades Add On basekit. this has been suggested by the community and content creators alike hundrets of times now, yet they refuse to do so for reasons literally nobody knows.
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It works because im good at killer.
Ill pass on the advice, i dont need gen regression or aura reading as killer in most cases.
Wraith is a training wheels killer.
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He sucks. They need to remove his POINTLESS recoil. Seriously get rid of that #########.
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lol okay bud, no need to stroke your own ego.
You may be "good" at killer, but NOED is the only perk you mentioned that compliments his basekit ability (by buffing his movement speed), so I have a hard time believing you maximize the potential of each killer.
Great build. You just picked one of the worst killers to run it on.
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Still not amazing honestly but certainly more powerful then before but they went in the direction everyone thought was a bad idea and low and behold hes very unfun to go against and still isn't that strong so.
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I find super lame how much he got tweaked balance wise but not a single finger was moved to make him playable on console. Even release Blight was better to play than Trickster because you could at least use Blight's power for mobility.
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his visual design is just bad and i dont find his power interesting. my least favourite killer by a long shot.
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My feelings are the same as any other killers. I don't think I should have to rely on add-ons to make a power workable. It makes me feel cheated.
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I honestly really like him now. He seems oppressive, but not too oppressive.
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how often did you play him before the changes?
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They only emphasized his strength and weaknesses, not much of a change for all the issues the community called out. Still easy to deal with as a survivor.
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I played only him for the first two weeks after his release.
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Not fun to play against and simply plays poorly on console. All that needs to be said.
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what he was already good at got better, hes worse where he was weak and numerically overall
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What system do you play on?
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Oh okay. I'm on xbox. I just figured I'd ask because it feels a lot different.
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max throw rate is lower than release, knives decay faster, and he only has 44 and even with double bags can only get to 55. he originally had an addon that made it 6 knives to down anyway and catching survivors in the open or low loops it didnt matter how many knives it took to down because there was nowhere for them to hide anyway. a "buff" to him would be helping him wheres hes weak, the she sheer fact that knives decay faster and he has fewer of them means in areas he wasnt strong ie high walled loops he has an even increased chance to run out of knives and be totally out of the picture, or even to get one health state but the survivor gets away anyway because again, out of knives.
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I understand what the patches said. But I find he is somewhat easier to play and win with. Especially with the right build. The laceration decay wont matter if you keep chase enough.
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he's far from OP
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Trickster suffers from a couple things that results in him not being a whole lot of fun.
He has poor map pressure, (which often results in a very campy play style).
Not a whole lot you can do in chase, block LoS as much as possible and pray he runs out of knives, (as Sdurvivor).
Even in tall wall loops, if he has enough knives you will go down. Pallets and windows will just give him a couple free hits.
I like the concept of the power but, the way it translates into gameplay just often feels bad for both sides, somehow.
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I got my post deleted and a warning last time I shared my thoughts on him lmao So better not.