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Solo Q Spoiled Survivors

Stop killing yourself on first hook because I won’t get off of my 80% completed gen while Ruin is still up.

It is the one of the most entitled annoying things about playing Solo Q with other survivors.

Since you went down 10 seconds into a chase, you want everyone else to stop what they’re doing to come and get you immediately. If you can’t run the killer for 1 single gen, be prepared to stay on the hook until 1 is completed.

The only exception is if you’re hooked and you see 3 muppets urban evading and being completely unproductive. Then it’s understandable ;)



  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    I agree survivors are entitled.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974
    edited August 2021

    cry more. its crap but they have the right just like the lowest common denominator killers tunneling the first person out so they don't hurt their smooth brains. I just came from wraith match where 2 people did that after the first was tunneled despite at least 3 proc hits GIVEN and I still feel this way. You need softer TP.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I completely agree. The other thing that annoys me is most of the other survivors instead of being on gens are already crouched by the killer so they can get the unhook 2 seconds after the killer hooks them so it is hard to get any altruism points unless you are rushing the hook too. Then they ######### talk you and call you worthless afterwards because you don’t have as many points because all you could max out was objective because no one else would do gens.

    So sometimes I decide to only do 2 gens max. Then I go look for totems and chests or chase after the killer and try to get them to chase me or be in the area to get a save before the others rush in. But then I get told in end game I’m useless because I didn’t sit on gens even though my lightbringer emblem is red and I have more points than most of them.

    It doesn’t really matter what the truth is, people only believe what they want.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I'll absolutely prioritize a gen if it's almost complete and I know there's time to finish it. But making sure another survivor doesn't die on hook outweighs that. If they're about to tier 2 or die, I'll leave the gen. Otherwise, there's enough time to wait.

    A lot of survivors suicide on hook way too quickly once they know who the killer is though. The game gets really annoying sometimes, so I can't fault them too hard, but it screws over the rest of the team so I'd rather they just stick it out to either see if the match improves or to farm what little struggle points they can.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521
    edited August 2021

    Wait a minute so just because killer was more skilled than them and they went down they deserve to go into second stage because they didn't run him for 2 gens? Wow I think I now understand why solo queue is complete bs in this game gens before team right? But you realize you'll have more chance of winning with 4 ppl in game than 3 right? So what's more worthy getting that one gen done or saving a teammate who could be part of reason why you escaped

    Unless your gen is nearly done I suggest you go save your team

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    If you feel the need to call yourself skilled, you probably aren't.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I agree, if you have time for finishing and saving before the victim goes into struggle phase, there is no reason not to prioritize the generator.

    But we can also go for the save, repair the generator with the injured Survivor, then heal.

    I've seen and done both situation, they both work well. It depends, of course, the state of the trial, the active Hex, etc.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    People are allowed to play how they want, regardless of you not liking it. Don't play a multiplayer game if you can't deal with having teammates.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    People suicide because they want to leave a hopeless game and find a new one sooner. You should not save them, because they will find a way to die again just after that and will probably also try to retaliate for the save they didn't want. If the game turned so bad and hopeless people start leaving - there is nothing you can do.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    I'm pretty shocked myself, but I guess we got a good demonstration of forum demographics.

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    Gens B4 friends

    Gates B4 mates

    Leave B4 Steve

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I have no problem prioritizing a genny.

    But, if someone goes down quickly, and you are allowing them to go to second stage to finish 1 genny, not value.

    A second hook stage is much more valuable than finishing an early gen. Now the last gen is a different story.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,208

    I'm with you.

    Hook timer is 60 seconds per stage. That's more than enough time to finish a gen from about halfway and still make the rescue.

    I can't count the number of times I've saved a game by finishing a gen first. Hell I was against a Tinkerer Freddy yesterday, and instead of rescuing the guy who was hooked nearby the 80% gen he was working on, I finished the gen first before it dropped to 70% and procced Tinkerer again, robbing Freddy of the easy teleport, powered the gates, and then rescued potato Dwight.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,208

    You have time for them to complete the first gen before you go to second stage. Unless you literally went down 10 seconds into the match, not even the chase.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    He also said "you want everyone else to stop what they’re doing to come and get you immediately" which implies they started killing themselves IMMEDIATELY after being hooked.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes, I understand the time of hook stages. Plus time to run and get them, hoping you don't get spotted by the killer on the way over, knowing the closer you get to second stage, the more likely the killer is to return to the hook expecting a rescue.

    A second or two may be all it takes to put you into second stage. To finish the first gen? Not worth it. Now if you are close, and you know you will finish the gen for a fact and still make it, I can understand that. But once again, that alerts the killer to your location and let's them know you will probably be going for the save. Sometimes, IMO, survivors prioritize a gen , especially an early one, over friends, and everyone dies with 3 gennys left because things snowballed. We can always return to the genny.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    If you were so skilled you would understand that having a survivor on death hook at 4gen is far more strategically dangerous than a gen regressing from 80%. If you're 3v1 at 3 gen it's gg for the killer 90% of the time.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    That is fair. Semantics seems to be what separates us here. I think we both agree that a fellow survivor should be saved before second stage in the early game. Right?

    I think we are debating whether OP meant that in this particular post. In either way, my belief is the same. Save someone before second stage. You can always return to a genny. And if your teammate is killing themselves, it's better to save them and keep the 4 v 1 then to let them die and have a 3 v 1 with 4 gennys left.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    Okay, he actually said that unironically. Guess that's why all of my solo queue games are automatically over as soon as I get hooked, since all 3 survivors immediatly stop any gen pressure and just hang around the hook until I die. Never understood what's going on in their minds, thanks for shedding some light.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    Sounds like you're in bad sbmm bracket, just keep practicing and you'll get there, in my MMR it's normally the guy with borrowed time who comes for the save while the others keep gen pressure, I'm assuming you're running kindred so your solo q team mates have the Intel to make the best decisions when you're on the hook ?.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Totally, one hook stage is as important if not more than a gen, so i'd rather save than let a survivor go to second stage. And depending on where it is, I dont think the gen will regress more than 30%, so it isnt a huge lost.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    Its pretty obvious what OP meant.

    "I won’t get off of my 80% completed gen" A hook stage is 60 seconds. So if the gen would be at 80% when you reach second stage, the gen would have been at 5% when the survivor got hooked. So OP would say always gens before unhooks and not write 80%.

    "get you immediately" Thats pretty clear, right?

    Just admit that you read it wrong. Sorry, if i sound rude, but this forum is full of people who only read the headline and take over the thread with a complete different discussion. And almost nobody admits it if they are in the wrong.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    Nice attempt bud, haven't played since a few weeks before that thing even went live. I have 3k hours, and my understanding of both killer and survivor gameplay probably beats yours by a mile. Also yes, I always have kindred equipped when solo queueing unless attempting a challenge that requires specific build. But the reason I use it is personal information gain, like which direction killer went after hooking, other survivors position, but most importantly killer's movement around the hook when proxying if i'm the one going for the save. It makes my teammates not flock to the hook when i'm on it maybe 15% of the time(red ranks btw) becouse apparently their peanut brain has the same mindset as those guys that immediatly jumped to bashing op in this topic, but I can understand that - good players usually play together, which leaves the worst of the worst to be dumped into my solo queue lobbies as "teammates".

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It's possible I read it wrong, but as I stated before, it doesn't change my opinion. A 4 v 1 is still better than a 3v1, and not worth the value of one gen completed in early game.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    That's the thing though - your so-called opinion is just some basic statement that's barely related to what's being argued in the topic. OP is saying: "Solo queue teammates, stop killing yourself immediatly after getting hooked becouse you don't see 3 people dropping everything they're doing to run for the save", you jump in stating "4v1 is easier for survivors to win than 3v1, so survivors should unhook other survivors that got hooked by a killer". Like, what the hell? And you keep arguing that as well, can you stop for a second and take a look from an observer perspective at the how ridiculous you're being right now?

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    Possible is an understatement. I agree with your opinion 100%, but its just not the point of this thread. Its ok to bring it up, but you started with: "Give me your name. I want to lobby dodge you." Wasnt that wrong?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No, because I would dodge a player that admittedly may risk me going to second stage. Same with Blendettes as teammates, I dodge them as well, because of the same reasoning.

    Understatement is a perception, not a fact.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    OP: Stop killing yourself on hook because I commit to my 80% gen instead of immediately running to save you.

    People on this forum: Wow what a bad teammate leaving someone to go struggle smh, stay out of my lobbies.

    I’m sitting here looking like the confused basketball player meme.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    Yh sadly that happens pretty often. The worst case is when suddenly they talk about tunneling vs genrushing in one of my threads, when i just talked about balancing a perk related to gens. I get so many comments which are useless and i think i cant turn of the notifications.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    My issue is he comes across as an arrogant sod. I don't question that finishing the gen is best. His entire attitude toward the person on hook is the issue. Add to that he doesn't know why the hook suicide is happening.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    First, it's not my so called opinion, it is my opinion. Clearly stated.

    Secondly, I didn't jump in with that argument, I made a cheeky comment about avoiding op in a lobby and you all quoted me. So, you all pulled me in.

    Lastly, my stance remains the same, I'd rather not play with someone who may gamble with my hook stages over an early gen.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I agree. I get that mentality sometimes when things get hopeless(for me). It really just depends on how the match is going. At the end of the day, you can't force anyone to be in a match if they want to cut out early.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Personally, I feel Solo Q is where you learn to harden up. You can play more selfishly and that can add something in a game. If I'm by myself, I'll help you if I can, but I'm looking out for myself first and foremost.

  • DreKShun
    DreKShun Member Posts: 15

    I’ve finally returned, and yes, a lot of you misunderstand and don’t know game mechanics. This is what I’m referring to.

    I and another guy spawn in on a gen, test it for ruin (it’s there), start on the gen. Killer isn’t on us, they’re checking the map out. 20 seconds go by. Guy gets hit. Immediately loses a mind game and wastes their free sprint burst on hit (running into a wall or whatever). Goes down. Gets hooked. Sees 2 guys still on a gen not leaving and sees the other guy on a gen not leaving.

    Does 3 jumping jacks, then immediately starts taking his chances.

    Most of you are acting like someone is starting a fresh gen as you get hooked which was never anything close to what I said. If you were unlucky enough to still be in the process of looking for a gen and immediately be spotted by the killer and get chased, you have to understand that other survivors are still trying to progress the game, someone could be looking for ruin others spawned on gens. If you get caught, just be like “damn, he got me” and chill tf out. Even if you hold W against an M1 killer you should be able to run for at least 40-50 seconds. If everyone else is on 3 separate gens and ruin happens to be up, you can sit there dude. Your hook state is 60 seconds. It takes 80 to do a gen solo. Running in a straight line buys your team more than 10 seconds (except against ranged killers). Because what happens if I get off? Ruin regresses it and I show up and I get smacked on the way. Now the killer has you hooked, my gen regressing, and someone else has to get off of THEIR gen and let theirs regress just to get you back in the game as fast as possible so you don’t suicide. Snowballs come from Altruism