twins isn't fun to play for me post nerf.

So they nerfed twins in the worst way possible, made them unfun to play.
instead of nerfing them in a way that made sense they are now punished for using their power correctly and it feels unfun.
it's like the opposite of quality of life features and switching between charlotte and victor is too janky.
I haven't touched twins since nerf
You just need a break from killer all together and just become part of the ever expanding Bush. As things are now, you will grow more and more tired of playing killer as you will find fault with each one that you play with. You will wallow in despair and fall deep into boredom. Fret not! The Bush calls to all! It welcomes all! You will find everlasting bliss once you accept its warm embrace and take part from its exquisite fruit.
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I second this! We must spread the word to the people that are lost!
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I agree.
All the nerf did was just make Twins more clunky. It didn't even impact their strength much. It literally just made them more unfun to play.
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I feel as though they BARELY got a change. Every time I play them I do fine.
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Twins was fun to play?
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It's an additional 2 seconds it didn't ruin the entire character. All that nerf did was make their snowball on injured survivors slightly worse.
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Twins just need a straight up power rework, honestly.
while i definitely agree that Victor is too good the way he works right now, the nerf the Devs made was certainly the wrong path to take.
IMO Victor shouldnt be the one downing Survivors, the finishing blow should always be delivered by Charlotte - Victor should however support her drastically when he is attached to someone.
make it an actual big downside to have the gremlin attached to you, as with him you are extremely vulnerable to Charlotte.
but just running after Survivors at 150% mms until you touch their toes, just to then down them with that truck sized hitbox of Victor is very boring for the Survivor and - at least in my opinion - also not very exciting for the Killer.
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you have no idea how ######### twins became with that 2 additional seconds.
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I think survivors should move randomly if victor is on them, instead they h ave full control of their movement.
I don't like that
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I am actually of the opinion that Victor being able to down tons of people isnt the issue. I think having essentially unlimited time to control Victor is. For example take the following scenario:
it's a 2 v 1 situation, everyone knows where the hatch is. All survivors are injured. Charlotte can be parked on top of the slugged survivor, and you can control Victor for the remaining 3,5 minutes to scour the map for the last survivor, park Victor next to the hatch, pick up the survivor after nearly 4 full minutes and hook them as close to the hatch as you possibly can.
Another one being with all 4 survivors being injured and then Charlotte releasing Victor after a BBQ read to start mass slugging.
I dont think Victor being the one to down everyone is the issue, I think there should be a 40 second time limit on Victor before he decays(time decaying half as fast if he's standing idle, meaning you could spend 20 seconds controlling Victor and then have 20 seconds of him idling near the downed survivor, and giving you 10 seconds to latch on/down anyone that gets too close) and starts regrowing into Charlotte again. That also means that a survivor gets rewarded if they are able to dodge Victor for long enough.
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Or maybe an effect similar to the Boil Over perk.
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Yeah the nerf was kinda pointless, it's like they needed an excuse to change Twins after two mid-chapters. (Well, IMO Twins did need a change, not sure how tho.)
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you guys have no idea for how unfun your ideas are for killer. these are such bad takes for killer.
Having tricky movement to dodge victor pounce is how your suppose counter victor.
please learn to actually use skill to defeat killers rather rely on automated timer mechanics to auto win the game for you. its remarkable for how much the game babies survivors.
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Hasn't twins been considered unfun to play since their ptb lol
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Oh no, one less twins player, oh the horror.
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For many yes, and unfun to play against.
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natually all killers are unfun to play against to some survivor out there so I tend to ignore this argument.
but if the killer is unfun to play as then something is wrong
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I feel like twins is one of the most hated killers to play against from everything I've seen online, up there with spirit and deathslinger, theyre just way less common and at least their games are usually shorter since they tend to 4 man slug anyways.
Edit-Also i find twins to be tied for my least favorite killer to play as well so overall I wish they'd both be deleted. I wouldn't even ask for the shards i spent on them back i just want them gone.
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Twins is the last killer I have to buy honestly not even worth 9k shards
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I wanted oppression thats it. Coup cam be kind of fun too. Also wanted to see if I'd hate them as much as I did on the ptb, and I did.
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Yeah, Twins nerf was uncalled for. It should have only been an increased cool down for missed attacks. Being punished for successful attacks is utter stupidity.
One thing they surprisingly didn’t nerf that they should have is Victor’s regrowth time after being crushed. Six seconds is oppressive for multiple injured survivors. Should be at least 15 seconds base.
Also, RIP PWYF Twins (and just PWYF in general).
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Which nerf?? Did i miss something?
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That cuts down the whole Twins playerbase by 33%!
The other 2 Twins mains will not be amused.
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Honestly,i stopped playing them because Victors hitbox feels incredibly inconsistent.
Also,random bs like this:
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Twins are still really strong, I played them alot during the anniversary event and have to say I really underestimated them. I thought they were C tier at best but they’re closer to A if you know how to play them. I can’t even imagine how they were before the nerf, they’re honestly at a good spot right now imo.
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Yes, they were and still are for me. Imagine that...
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Victor went from a three second base pounce cool down to five, during which time he is vulnerable for crushing. Whether he is successful in downing a survivor or not.
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Seriously? Oof.
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And yet i hear others claim victor got a hitbox of a truck but i NEVER experienced something like that for him.
I agree thats the case for Huntress sometimes but not for Victor.
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To each their own but I'm personally glad twins aren't that playable. I dunno how people actually enjoy their playstyle if I'm honest, I had to play at least 20 or more games as them during the event to use cakes and it was boring and I felt like an ass the entire time.
Their playstyle is just boring and unfair. My personal opinion, but I do feel for people who enjoyed them and no longer do cause that must suck but that's about it.
No I'm not a surv main incase anyone says it. I play both sides equally and I hate twins either way.
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I think think they are fun, but that nerf definitely hit them hard. You shouldn't be penalized for successfully using your power. With the way Victor's collision is, it's already hard trying to latch on to someone.
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Let's not forget trying to pounce over vaults and pallets and then either dying immediately because you get stuck on top of them, or getting launched MUCH further than you should've gone.
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I mainly play killer, and it would be fine.
There is not enough tricky movement to compensate for dedicated servers. Giving Charlotte a timer in which she can use Victor, removes any boring camping mechanics, while still giving her enough time for momentum to down every survivor. 60 seconds is a long time. If you use Victor for more than 60 seconds to down every single survivor, you should be the one learning to actually get skilled at killer.
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It doesn't matter what timer is. just thought of implementing a mechanic that victor "times out" is stupid. tricky movement does work vs victor. Camping does not work at high-level. camping is what weaker killer players do because they cannot win the game and its mostly used for securing one kill through problems with hooking system.
Only tunneling and slugging are effective strategies vs good players. Twins are unfun currently because their nerf to victor ruined victor's ability to get momentum from slugging at high-level.
I love playing against victor in a chase. Twins is pretty uncommon killer to face though. too many exploit/issues.
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I love you have to specify that at the end.....What a lovely community.
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Don't really get your point? I hate them and that's a personal preference.
If that's what you're getting at I mean, if not then apologies.
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Their playstyle is only boring and unfair if you play them that way. I use Victor to pressure gens and injure, then finish off chases with Charlotte. I lose more often than not but it's fun to make survs earn their escapes without decimating them through the whole slugging/Victor hook camping playstyle
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Ah sorry I should have specified a bit. When you said "I'm not a surv main I play both sides equally" I found it funny you HAD to specify not being a survivor main just cause people would get on your case just because of the side you play.
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Yeah man but for the majority they play them extremely unfair and just overall like an #########.
Overall their playstyle is to promote slugging, tunneling and camping. I haven't faced one set of twin players who doesn't heavily do all this and it ain't fun at all to go against or play as in my opinion.
I respect you play them in an optimal manner but I just don't like them.
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Yeah man, the beauty of this community hahaha. Knew I would of got major backlash if I didn't specify that lol
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Yeah honestly after versing a bunch of other twins players I realised I could be the FUN twins to verse, when I first figured out how to play them I opted for the mass slugging and it felt so scummy like shooting fish in a barrel. There was nothing they could do against it :(
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Yeah man I would love to face an optimal twins player like yourself honestly,
At least you felt bad playing like that and try not to play like that, wish more twins players were like you :(
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Camping works when you can put Charlotte in stasis when slighlty walking up the stairs in the basement. Tricky movement doesnt work if the killer sees it as a hit and the server considers the total latency as small enough to be considered a hit, even if you fully dodged victor. And I still stand by the fact that if you need more than 60 seconds to down multiple survivors with Victor, you're simply not in a situation where you should be using Victor to down all survivors.
I do have to make you realize though, that this would mean that Victor's changes would essentially be reverted.