MMR is totally fair guys dont worry

Today i played with survivor with some friends, i'm rank 1 and they are purple ranks. They don't play survivor often but we know enough about the game to give a fight. I guess that's why they have a low MMR, since the killers we are getting paired up with barely know what they are doing. Right now we got paired up with a huntress who literally just played the game for 21h, they didnt even have 4 perks. So yeah, is MMR making matches more fair? Yeah, totally. Some of these killers couldn't even get a hit in, its a miracle they dont dc.


  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Yeah that seems about right, this is why I want transparency regarding SBMM instead of some stupid invisible score which only bhvr knows anything about and we should just trust them to do a good job, because they have such a good track record with matchmaking.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yeah the hours played don´t really mean much. Since i´ve also seen a lot of smurfs these days. People that could loop perfectly and then they supposedly had like 30 hours in the game.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,958

    You guys are lucky, I get the other professional Billy after the last. IM SO TIRED OF THEM.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    Same here: I saw a lot of smurfs too and some troller which have bullied killers on green/yellow ranks before and for those player I really love the mmr^^

    And on the other side it seems that boosted tunnelkiller get now death squads and they realize now „oh, I‘m not as good how I thought“

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats why i believe in the SBMMR. Apparently it detects those things.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Sometimes people change platforms, I played against a really good nurse a few days ago, she had 20ish hours as well, she played like she had 2k, I asked her and she transfered from console also nurse main apparently.

    Also you are raising their mmr most likely.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well mmr doesnt put new players at the bottom if I'm correct, I could of sworn the devs said its place them middle of the pack for skill.

    But putting that aside you was a swf, this allows very good efficiency and just a harder game for killers compared to if you was all solo.

    People need to remember an average killer will lose against an average swf, it's why at the higher level people say survivors are the power role as when the skill is matched most killers struggle with pressure etc.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    And this is different than before how?

    When I started playing Huntress for a while (don't fancy her particularly), as soon as I got my third perk slot, I slotted three yellow perks (all I got). So I wanted to se how my new rank 17 killer would do. And this was quite a while ago, way before the MMR.

    Guess what happened - I got thrown into a match with 4 survivors all of purple ranks and with 4 purple perks slotted each. While I had just my three yellow ones due to lack of alternatives.

    So how is this scenario described with the new MMR in any way worse? It might not be better, but worse?

  • Anki
    Anki Member Posts: 58
    edited August 2021

    My games have been very inconsisten too! I have had teammates with thousands of hours, and teammates with literally under 2 hours. I really liked the idea of mmr, but it has also made me realize I would rather have my whole team getting stomped by the killer because they are a god, not because my other teammates have under 20 hours in the game.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    As killer its ok for me, but damn, often when I play survivor I face a rank 25 killer that cant do anything.

    Really sad.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,200

    Although I actually believe the MMR is far better than some make out, it's 99.9% likely that the data it is basing itself on over the last several months as been eskewed by the previously flawed ranking-based matchmaking. Therefore, the initial starting point this system goes on is going to be botched a bit. Once it irons out though, I reckon it'll be much better.

    However, you do make a very good point about really new players coming in and, because of their lack of data they are being flung into impossible matches. That bit definitely needs to be re-evaluated and perhaps have a grouping whereby people with x amount of hours in the early stages gets grouped only with others of similar time in game. Of course, there's the issue of smurfing or deliberate de-pipping, but maybe a). An IP address check is done to locate if someone has links to more than 1 qccount, and b). SBMM should eliminate the de-pipping issue entirely.

    Perhaps, rather than basing the SBMM on historical performance, it could have been grouped into the hours put in to by profile first, and therefore people of similar people verse eaxh other, and gradually expand it. Eitherway, I honestly feel SBMM will be better for game health long-term, but BHVR need to tweak it for newer players so they don't get thrown in at the deep end, as you pointed out, and they need to be a bit more daring and keep it on for longer since I'm not sure how connecting then disconnecting this is going to improve the data it's working on.

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268
    edited August 2021

    I've been doing pretty good as survivor since I started playing, getting mostly over 24k points, a lot of gold/iri medals, managed to stay in a high rank without spamming the game and escaped most of my matches and apparently sbmm thinks it's okay to match me with survivors who weren't smurfing with 150h against killers with 1500h. It's been bloodbath after bloodbath, trying to bet on hatch, having to run Iron Will BT -a l w a y s-, witnessing 3man slugs with people falling right over each other with way more frequency than that should be happening. As killer I would either get, on the same killer, 3 people with yellow ranks level of gameplay, 1 person with green to red level of gameplay, to suddenly into the next match with a lobby of 4 good, hard to catch, efficient survivors. This experience was cycling so after every ######### match I would have a decently hard game.

    This system could be really good if it was pulled right, but the team of devs is unable to realize that the playerbase isn't big enough to efficiently implement this without ruining almost every soloqueuer experience because queues would be otherwise excruciatingly long plus they seemengly collected the data without discerning between 4man stacks and soloQ players, ignoring all the spectrum between those two extremes. Probably just basing MMR calculations mostly on % of wins vs losses without taking into account the amount of games played and thats maybe why we're getting 150h people into games against or with people with 5 times their experience. Just keep the game as it was, or don't do a live test that lasts over 2 days long till both queues and matches are somewhat okayish to everyone. This was pulled off in such a scuffed way it's actually so ######### depressing to see this game fall deep into this weird shithole of performance issues, increasingly matchmaking issues which a lot of people are encouraging because they're suddenly getting easily winnable matches both as killer or with their swf. Matchmaking wasn't an issue, last gen console performance was, audio bugs that came into this patch related to Iron Will are, survivors not making any sound while on the ground had been an issue since beta.

    ISTG I'm regretting every penny I spent in this game.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    BHVR hid the ranks but they can't hide their hours and trophies.

    I have 5k hours and matching with people with 50-100-200 hours.

    Definitely high caliber mmr players when they don't even have the "Whiffing to success" trophy. (Cause the killer to miss an attack before taking a vault, 50 times.)

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    I got those matches before MMR. Maybe 1 or 2 out of 100.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237
    edited August 2021

    This is just how the MMR finds it's place.

    That player had no game history with which to base an MMR on, so it first pairs them with really low ranks. They do really well (because low ranks is killer sided) and so the MMR goes "okay, this player is somewhere above rank 20, but we don't know where, so lets try them out against rank 5s".

    So this newbie killer goes against higher ranks, and loses badly, MMR goes "okay, so this player is somewhere between rank 5 and 20, lets try them at rank 12.... etc.

    And so on until it settles them where they should be.

    It will only be that bad for a players first few games, then the MMR will have a far more accurate gauge of where they should be, and eventually only adjust it in tiny increments when they win/lose.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    If that person's not a Smurf then I would speculate that they maybe being thrown around a different range of MMR to determine their own, most games online give you 5-10 placement matches where it throws you around all over the place.

  • Skyost_AB
    Skyost_AB Member Posts: 42

    Trust me, none of the people i played with are smurfs, they are actually new to the game, they have to be, otherwise it makes no sense how they are so unaware of how to play.

  • Skyost_AB
    Skyost_AB Member Posts: 42

    I know that this happened before sometimes, but before we would mostly get red ranks and purple ranks killers. Of course, ranks dont really mean anything in terms of skill, but it still meant that the killer had enough hours in the game to know what he was doing. None of the killers we got did. Something that happened 1 out of 10 matches is now 8 out of 10 matches.

  • GGrim
    GGrim Member Posts: 19

    I hate sbmm so much please go back to normal :(