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If you are against sbmm and want to go back to normal, please help by commenting and liking on posts about it and create some of your own as well. We need to bring attention to this if we want to be heard.
I have a few discussions and a poll about the subject you can check out. I've also seen quite a few others out there as well.
We don't want it. We don't need it. I was happy with the normal ranking system and it seems like so were most people. Stop trying to change something that people are happy with. PLEASE
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Well, it's not really true. There is lot of people who likes SBMM and want it full time.
I like how you created new poll, because you probably didn't like results of the one already there.
From 46 votes 25 said it is good.
On your small poll, there is 6 for bad, 4 for good.
So it is safe to say around 50% players like SBMM.
We might not need this version, but we need change in match-making, so it is not RNG festival. There are valid arguments for SBMM and also valid arguments against it. It still needs some work, but I think it has good potencial.
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I made a poll because not everyone is gonna see that other one. Just more opportunity to see stats. So far it's 8 bad, 5 good. I would like to hear your reasoning on why sbmm is good. I'm sure you saw some of the reasons I don't like it but personally I don't think that it changes much in gameplay. Whether its pips or sbmm it works the same. If you do well, you go up in rank, if you do bad, you go down, and you verse players accordingly. Carrying isn't an issue because you have to put work in to get your own pips. High rank players can still easily derank or not play for a while, come back and destroy, that doesn't change either The only thing that has changed now is that ranks are hidden so there's no more sense of progression or "climbing the ladder'. Because I've been playing since release, working on my rank and competing with others has become a lot of my fun and motivation to play. Why take that away if it doesn't change anything for the better?
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How many of these threads are you going to make? This is what, the third?
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I will make as many as I need to. We only have so much time to give our feedback and with the forums flowing with conversations about other subjects, I want to make sure the feedback about the new system gets attention.
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There is a Feedback section, if you wish to give your feedback. Not saying you should stay silent, everyone is free to express one's opinion.
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I know. I have made multiple posts in the feedback section. I put this one in general because it wasn't a feedback post. I was trying to speak to the people about supporting the posts in the feedback section about the new sbmm system.
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Alright. But I don't think you need to spam the forum with the same threads over and over again then. One should be enough.
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I haven't spammed the forum. I have made 3 discussions and 1 poll in the span of 3 days. Sorry for trying to make sure my opinion gets out there and not just thrown to the bottom of the well. if you don't like it, ignore it. I don't know what else to tell you haha because I'm gonna do what I feel is right whether you have something to say about it or not.
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I'd be a bit more satisfied with mmr if the rank number was visible
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Thats all I'm saying. I feel like whether its pips or mmr its the same idea, I don't really care. I just want a visible rank to work towards and be proud of.
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I actually like the SBMM, as a survivor my teammates feel more competent, and the games aren't resulting in one side getting demolished. As a killer, I haven't noticed much difference in the survivors they match me against.
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It seems like there's a lot of people getting both results. I've seen a lot of people happy with the way matches are going and a lot of people saying matches have been very one sided and boring. I'm not too sure what to make of that.